Have you heard the news?
We have extended the deadline to apply for all exhibitions at GAS Texas 2025 to January 31! If you have been sitting on that application, now’s your chance to finish it and submit!
This is your opportunity to showcase your artwork at the 2025 GAS Conference, happening May 14–17, 2025, at and online. These exhibitions are open to both GAS members and the general public.
Exhibitions include:
▪️ Connections: Glass from Every Angle – The GAS Member exhibition.
▪️ Evolution: A Showcase of Emerging, International Talent – Our student member exhibition, generously supported by .
▪️ Trace: An Exploration of Sustainable Glass Art – A special online exhibition highlighting green and sustainable glass practices.
These exhibitions highlight the creativity and innovation of our community while providing a platform for your work to be seen by a global audience.
New Deadline: January 31, 2025
Learn More and Apply: at the link in our bio: https://buff.ly/3ClIqT9
📷 Image Credits: Highlights from GAS Berlin 2024 by .guo and Marta Ramírez .ramirezsilva, “DAILY DOSE” (Second Place, Green Exhibition 2024)
Disainimuuseumi näitusel astuvad EKA magistrandid dialoogi vanema põlvkonnaga
Eesti Tarbekunsti- ja Disainimuuseumis (ETDM) on avatud näitus "Valitud sekkumised", mille käigus astusid kümme EKA magistranti dialoogi vanema põlve disainerite ja nende töödega muuseumi kogudest.
Täna on põhjust rõõmustada! Sest just täna esitleb meie suurepärane klaasikunstnik Eve Koha oma raamatut "𝗞𝗹𝗮𝗮𝘀𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗮𝗹- 𝘃𝗮𝗹𝗴𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗴𝗮 𝗺𝗮𝗮𝗹𝗶𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗲"
Esitlus toimub EKA 110 ürituste raames, kell 18.00-19.00 EKA klaasiosakonnas, B korpuse kuuendal korrusel
Kuna osa sündmusest toimub välitingimustes, siis soovitav on vastav riietus.
Raamatut saab osta kohapeal sularaha eest (20.00 eurot)
ja hiljem EKA raamatukogust.
Õhtu jätkub EKA sünnipäevapeoga.
Täpsem info:
Call for Entries: Submissions to New Glass Review 45 are open!
New Glass Review is Corning Museum's flagship publication and is a collection of works, chosen by individuals from across the worlds of glass, arranged to spark new ways to see and think about this incredible materials and the people who use it expressively.
Every year, the Museum launches a call for entries and anyone from a beginning student to an established artist can submit their work. These submissions are reviewed by a panel of curators, scholars, and artists, led by the Museum’s curator of postwar and contemporary glass or a guest curator. 100 images are ultimately selected for publication.
The deadline to apply is January 7, 2025. Start your submission at the link below!
https://corningmuseum.slideroom.com/ #/login/program/81058
Stanislav Libenský Award - Young Artists Need Support
Stanislav Libenský Award (established in 2009) is the world’s only international glass exhibition with graduates call for entry.
Okapi galeriis näeb klaasi eriala tudengite ühisnäitust "Hüva nõu"
Okapi Galeriis näeb 7. veebruarist Eesti Kunstiakadeemia klaasi eriala tudengite ühisväljapanekut "Hüva nõu".