A big team is coming to Gdynia to support the latest edition of the CPE-POWERENG conference after its previous edition held in Tallinn in June 2023. We are eager to meet our lifelong friends there and make new connections.
Meanwhile, all Estonia is prepering to celebrate Midsummer day!
Head Jaanipäeva!
Power Electronics Group of TalTech
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and state of the art components (SiC and GaAs diodes, planar magnetics, high-voltage IGBTs, etc.)
Research in the Power Electronics Group is focused on the development and experimental validation of new state of the art power electronic converters for such demanding applications as rolling stock, automotive, telecom and renewable energy systems. Key research directions include synthesis of new converter topologies, development of special control and protection algorithms, implementation of new
Operating as usual
Assembly of Current/OS Foundation brought us to Grenoble this time. Apart from the weather surprizingly colder than in Estonia, this event was a lot of fun in networking events and working in groups on certification, standardization, and marketing of DC technologies.
We are looking forward to the next assembly in Bergamo at the end of September.
Let's DC-fy the world together!
TalTech avas alalisvoolu innovatsioonikeskuse - Trialoog TalTech avas Põhjamaades ainulaadse Residential DC Innovation Hubi, mis hõlbustab üleminekut alalisvoolule ehitussektoris.
Our team is attending Chengdu to present a tutorial on DC buildings and associated power electronics technologies at the IPEMC ECCE Asia. Today we had a test run at Chengdu Panda Breeding Center ;)
We are excited to share with you that an Estonian-Ukrainian team of PEG researchers was awarded the Estonian National Research Award for research work in the field of technical sciences. It is an excellent example of how open Estonian society welcomed young researchers from Ukraine and provided them with opportunities to mature into recognized scientists. Our international team gains its core strength from our differences,
As power electronics interconnects the energy systems of countries, power electronics research brings together people passionate about the sustainable future, regardless of their origin.
We warmly congratulate the Head of TalTech Power Electronics Group, Academician Dmitri Vinnikov and Senior Researchers Andrei Blinov, Andrii Chub and Oleksandr Husev on this remarkable achievement and wish them to keep advancing Estonian cleantech technologies.
You can learn more about the event in Estonian here: https://www.err.ee/1609260060/galerii-teaduste-akadeemias-anti-katte-riiklikud-preemiad
Dear network,
We are pleased to share with you that Dmitri Vinnikov and Andrii Chub received a commendation for successfully organizing the IEEE CPE-POWERENG 2023 conference in June 2023 and the honorary titles of Tallinn Conference Ambassador from the City of Tallinn. This was a great event organized by Estonian Convention Bureau - special thanks to Kadri Karu.
We would like to extend our thanks to the conference attendees. Also, the conference would not have been such a success without the sponsors and supporters: Eesti Energia, OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Typhoon HIL, Inc., imperix, LSTE Distribution™, Priit Sasi, IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES), and TalTech - Tallinn University of Technology. This success was the result of common effort.
Also, we would like to thank logical organizing committee members: Andrei Blinov, Edivan Carvalho, Naser Hassanpour, Oleksandr Matiushkin, Neelesh Yadav, and many others who contributed to the conference's success.
Moreover, it is a good moment to share with you that the 7th IEEE International Conference on DC Microgrids (ICDCM 2025) sponsored by IEEE Power Electronics Society will be coming to Tallinn in June 2025. Stay tuned for announcements.
On our way to SMARTGYsum EU project meeting in the University of Salerno. We are excited to meet our friends and partners and report extraordinary results of the project at the Interim Reporting Meeting.
Starting a new year by participating in the 4th International Conference on Smart Grid and Renewable Energy SGRE'24 in Doha, Qatar
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
Power Electronics Group of TalTech wishes you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
On our way to the Southern Semisphere to attend SPEC/CoBEP 2023 Conference in Florianopolis, Brazil, meet old friends and reconnect with South American power electronics community.
On our way to establishing new collabotation with RWTH Aachen University in our effort of connecting exprts in DC systems all over the world.
This week, four members of Power Electronics Group of TalTech, Dmitri Vinnikov, Andrii Chub, Andrei Blinov, and Edivan L. Carvalho have been helping to strengthen collaboration between Estonia 🇪🇪 and Singapore 🇸🇬 in transfer of electrical engineering technologies.We had a pleasure of attending laboratories of Akshay Rathore, Professor at Singapore Institute of Technology and Josep Pou at Nanyang Technological University Singapore, and meeting Biplab Sikdar from National University of Singapore.We are grateful to Priit Turk, Ambassador of Estonia to Singapore, for a warm welcome in the Embassy of Estonia and an amazing dinner organized in his residence to strengthen cooperation between TalTech - Tallinn University of Technology, Singapore Institute of Technology, Nanyang Technological University Singapore, and National University of Singapore.
Discovering wonders of Singapore and fighting jetlag before the main activities of IECON'2023.
Tomorrow we will organize SYP events and meet-up party. Hope to see all of our friends there.
On our way to IECON'2023.
A lot of meetings with friends/collaborators, visits to labs, SYP events and special sessions organization ahead.
After a Summer break PEG is back on a track – the business trip schedule for fall’23 starts from the SMARTGYsum project meeting in Warsaw.
TalTech PEG proudly congratulates our head Vinnikov for receiving the Best Scientist of the Year Award from TalTech - Tallinn University of Technology !!!
On our way to Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) to coordinate our collaboration in SMARTGYsum EU project that unites some of the top power electronics research groups.
On our way to CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) to boost the research cooperation between TalTech - Tallinn University of Technology and The Electrical Power Converters (EPC) Group at the CERN in the field of effocient and reliable power electronic systems.
If you are at the CERN, consider attending our presentation in the room 40/R-B10 tomorrow at 9 a.m.
We are proud to announce that our head Dmitri Vinnikov has been elevated to the grade of IEEE Fellow (class of 2023) in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the design of impedance-source converters.
Dmitri Vinnikov is the first scientist in TalTech - Tallinn University of Technology, as well as in the whole of Estonia, who reached this important recognition. His Fellow nomination was presented by the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society recognizing many years of volunteering and leadership.
IEEE Fellow is a distinction reserved for select IEEE members whose extraordinary accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest are deemed fitting of this prestigious grade elevation. Each year, following a rigorous evaluation procedure, the IEEE Fellow Committee recommends a select group of recipients for elevation to IEEE Fellow. Less than 0.1% of voting members are selected annually for this member grade elevation. IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional association, comprised of over 409000 members in more than 160 countries.
On our way to TU Delft to visit labs Pavol Bauer and Peter Palensky as well as our industrial contacts at DC Opportunities.
Together we will be promoting DC future.
On our way to IECON'2022 to share our latest research, advance IES SYP activities, find new friends, and advertise IEEE CPE-POWERENG 2023
This year PEG co-organized two sessions at the Baltic Electronics Conference chaired by Andrii Chub, where PEG member Indrek Roasto presented our latest research on grid integration issues of residential DC buildings.
Last week PEG members attended the Estonian Academy of Sciences under the framework of collaboration project with Polish Academy of Sciences led by Mariusz Malinowski and Andrii Chub. The visit was hosted by Ülle Raud and Dmitri Vinnikov.
Prof. Mariusz Malinowski gave an interview about the importance of power electronics in energy transition to Estonian press.
On October 5 we celebrated the IEEE day with the guest lecture of prof. Mariusz Malinowski, the acting president of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society.
The lecture was dedicated to "New technologies in the energy sector as a response to the challenges of the European Green Deal."
This event was jointly organized by IEEE Estonia Section, Estonian IES/PELS/IAS/PES and Polish IEL/PELS Joint Chapters as well as by the Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology of TalTech.
From September 26 to 28, 2022 PEG members attended the IEEE PEMC 2022 conference at the Transilvania University of Brasov. Our Ph.D. student Vadim Sidorov and postdoc Omar Abdel-Rahim presented their latest findings. Also, the leader of our group Dmitri Vinnikov serves on the PEMC Executive Committee, representing Estonia.
It was an excellent opportunity to reconnect with old friends and make new ones.
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