TalTech Student Ambassadors

Welcome to TalTech Student Ambassadors page, where we share our great experience of being t

Operating as usual

Photos from TalTech Student Ambassadors's post 19/10/2022

Be sure to check out the Autumn Fair happening in the main hall! All sorts of snacks and handmade goods are available for purchase. The money goes towards a mental health organization of the university’s choosing!


Reminder to our aspiring travel-abroad students! If you have signed up for the information session, you should have received the link to the MS Teams meeting. It starts at 13:30 today and covers the information you’ll need to fulfill the study-abroad application requirements. Hope to see you there!

The Reality of Studying 13/09/2022

Hey, TalTech! It’s easy to lose sight of staying on top of your studies when you’re in the thick of it. Here’s a post to help you make your study routine as easy as possible!

The Reality of Studying Well, we’re already rounding the corner into week three of a sixteen week semester. Are our study habits up to par yet?


Hey friends! A reminder that today is the last day to make changes to your study plan in ÕIS! Make sure that you not only have added the courses to your timetable, but have registered for them as well😊

Submit Study Plan in ÕIS 04/09/2022

Hey, TalTech! We hope that the new school year is treating you well so far, but we all know that with change comes some new challenges💯

Sometimes… ÕIS can be one of them😵‍💫

If you need some guidance on submitting your study plan, look no further than our comprehensive guide here! The deadline to submit is tomorrow, so make sure you have registered to your classes!

Submit Study Plan in ÕIS It’s already been one busy week at TalTech, and the ride doesn’t end there! On top of homework assignments and group projects that have…


Happy Saturday, TalTech! Cheers to our last weekend before the semester starts🎉
What are your plans for this weekend? Tell us in the comments below!

Top Ten Semester Study Tips 26/08/2022

Friends, we are just a weekend away from a brand, new school year! If you're ambitious as ever to stay on top of your study game, here are ten tips to keep your brain sharp for the semester:

Top Ten Semester Study Tips It is that time of the year, friends! With barely a weekend left before the start of the semester, be emboldened to take it by the reigns…

International Student Ambassadors | Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) 25/08/2022

As a new school year starts up, more and more opportunities become available to our TalTech students. Start off the year on a great journey by joining the TalTech Student Ambassadors!
We are so excited to get to know new members. Help build our team to be a continual source of information, insight, and pride for TalTech!
Find the application form here:

International Student Ambassadors | Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) TalTech Student Ambassadors assist, support and guide everyone in matters related to the university, studying and living in Estonia.

Photos from TalTech Student Ambassadors's post 04/07/2022

Some of our amazing student ambassadors have graduated! Namely Anas Agag , Andrii Boryshkevych , Marta Solà Fabra , Elizabete Šterna!
We are so proud of their achievements and are excited to see what they will do next! We wish the best to all of the students graduating this semester and wish them all the best! 🥰

ICR2022 | TalTech 10/06/2022

💡TalTech Center for Digital Forensics and Cyber ​​Security are hosting the 7th Interdisciplinary Cyber ​​Research Conference!

🎓This time, together with Dr. Andrew J. Grotto, a researcher at Stanford University, we will bring young and established scholars undertaking research in various disciplines related to information and communication technologies, such as computer sciences, political and social sciences, and law.

📍Agenda and link to the conference: www.taltech.ee/ICR

ICR2022 | TalTech TIME: 13th of June 2022 at 9:00 - 15:30 Eastern European Summer Time (EEST) (UTC +3) Tallinn, Estonia. The conference will take place in an online format in Zoom. Agenda Join the Zoom conference here The aim of the event is to bring together young as well as established scholars undertaking research...

Admissions to Tallinn University of Technology | TalTech 13/05/2022

Taltech is part of the EuroTeQ Engineering University project.

👩‍🎓As a student in Taltech, you can also study as a visiting student in other best European technical universities, including the Technical University of Munich, Technical University of Denmark, etc.

Learn more about EuroTeQ: https://taltech.ee/en/from-taltech
Become a student in Taltech: https://taltech.ee/en/admissions

Admissions to Tallinn University of Technology | TalTech TalTech offers unique study programmes in engineering, IT, business, law and science. Admission information for international students at the most innovative university in Estonia!

Admissions to Tallinn University of Technology | TalTech 06/05/2022

👩‍🎓Application deadlines are approaching!

✒️Citizens from EU/EEA countries and Ukraine can still apply before 1st June (some might extend to 1st August)

❓How and which major to apply:

Admissions to Tallinn University of Technology | TalTech TalTech offers unique study programmes in engineering, IT, business, law and science. Admission information for international students at the most innovative university in Estonia!


TalTech Student Ambassadors wish a blessed Eid to everyone celebrating!

May your Eid be showered with blessings, peace and harmony.

Science in 3 minutes | TalTech 23/04/2022

How to understand a research in 3 minutes? 👀

In Taltech, the School of IT opened their research in a short video below and introduced findings from the study:

- Necessary of secure hardware or reliable software;
- how innovative sensor solutions work;
- how the software helped global commerce.



Science in 3 minutes | TalTech Researchers and collaborators from the School of IT open their research in short videos and make clear who benefits from the research and how. In the videos, you'll learn why you need secure hardware or reliable software, how smart sensor solutions help marine companies find containers in ports, or....

The longest possible sending the kids off to college trip 🚘 20/04/2022

A lot of our international students come from very far away countries. One of them made the journey of 10,000 kilometres! and not by plane! To come to Tallinn! 🚘

The longest possible sending the kids off to college trip 🚘 Sending the daughter to university sometimes is a good bye at the door or airport: mine decided to drive me to another continent.

TalTech Law School provides online-lectures to students in Ukraine | TalTech 08/04/2022

Our law school provides Ukrainian students in Ukraine and those who fled to another country with free law courses to help them get insights into EU technology law and hopefully overcome the difficult time.

Stay strong! 💪

TalTech Law School provides online-lectures to students in Ukraine | TalTech In cooperation with Kherson State University TalTech Law School offers a number of free online-lectures for students who are still in Ukraine or have fleed to another country in hopes to keep them busy at this difficult time.

Video: How to create sustainable economies through the commons? | TalTech 08/04/2022

Taltech is now more creative than ever before! 😎
💡Do you wonder how to create a sustainable economy through commons?
🎈See what our Department of Innovation and Governance says during the Cosmolocalism project:


Video: How to create sustainable economies through the commons? | TalTech The Cosmolocalism project of TalTech’s Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance furthers our understanding of how to create a sustainable economy through commons. Watch the video to find out what this means.

Photos from TalTech Student Ambassadors's post 06/04/2022

What is R/place: 🌇🌉
It is a social experiment hosted on the social networking site Reddit. Each user had the possibility to make a 1-pixel contribution every 5 minutes to create pixel art with their communities!

A lot has happened the flag wars started strong, and the void spread as well as the grate among us plague. (some of the strong got rickrolled )

But all in all, it was an amazing art experiment and we saw what people are capable of creating. If you want to see what generally has happened the following links will show you:

The end result😲:


The timelapse of everything ⌛🕐:


MarineHäkk is back! | TalTech 04/04/2022

Save the date! April 22-24 of 2022 is TalTech’s MarineHäkk: an event geared towards greener solutions in the maritime industry. It’s a free event that anyone is welcome to attend at the Mektory Innovation Centre. More information is available here:

MarineHäkk is back! | TalTech After the success of the last year’s edition, the MarineHäkk is coming back to contribute to ideas and solutions that help maritime become more sustainable! The focus in 2022 is on building green technology solutions for marine industry that contribute to moving towards a climate-neutral economy ...


Ramadan Mubarak from TalTech Student Ambassadors to everyone celebrating! We wish you a peaceful and prosperous month 🌙

Top Five Food Recommendations in Tallinn 29/03/2022

March promised some sunshine, but now that it feels like we’re right back in winter, let’s spice things up! The Student Ambassadors have recommended their top five eats around Tallinn. We hope this encourages you to try something new! Let us know if you’ve tried any of these spots, attached in the article below🔽


Top Five Food Recommendations in Tallinn Already approaching the beginning of April, it’s clear that Tallinn residents are ready for spring! Students crave the days when the sun is…


Happy Nowruz/Novruz/Nauryz/Newroz to everyone celebrating! TalTech Student Ambassadors wish you a blessed and beautiful Nowruz. May each and every day of this coming year be full of bright colors and smiles for you and your loved ones.

Nowruz, the Iranian New Year, marks the Spring equinox and has been celebrated by diverse communities of Western, Central and Southern Asia for over 3,000 years

TalTech Virtual Tour Gets a New Look | TalTech 18/03/2022

🎓Not in Estonia yet but wonder what the campus looks like?
💡Our virtual tour gets a new look: you can learn more about the labs, classrooms, study buildings, student houses, dormitories, sports centers, etc.
👀Have a look! ⬇️


TalTech Virtual Tour Gets a New Look | TalTech TalTech´s colourful virtual tour is without doubt one of the best ways to get to know TalTech campus and its schools. Here you will learn more about the labs, classrooms, study buildings, student house, dormitories, sports center and many more. We have now updated the tour with numerous buildings a...



🌊 MarineHäkk is back! Join us on 22-24th of April 2022 at MEKTORY !
MarineHäkk is a 48-hour hackathon to build innovative and practical maritime & cleantech solutions that contribute to a climate-neutral economy! 🌍
🏆 Best teams can win up to 4000€ prize money, fast-track to Prototron or Ajujaht, different startup festival tickets like sTARTUp Day & Latitude59, etc.
You can join with or without an idea, as an individual or a team!
⏰ Read more & SIGN UP: https://fb.me/e/2ZP3Fhpdt
✅ Use the opportunity to solve real-life challenges, learn about circular design sprint and network with top experts in the field!
☝️ With any questions contact [email protected]

Võti Tulevikku – Eesti suurim karjääriüritus, mis viib kokku tudengid ja ettevõtted. 11/03/2022

🙌The best opportunity to find internships and jobs in a year 👉CAREER FAIR VÕTI TULEVIKKU 2022
🚀About 100 companies will participate
👀Variety of opportunities that need English language
15th March - Career fair
16th -17th March Seminar

TalTech page: https://taltech.ee/en/events/career-fair-voti-tulevikku-2022
Official page: https://www.vt.ee/en/

Võti Tulevikku – Eesti suurim karjääriüritus, mis viib kokku tudengid ja ettevõtted. BIGGEST CAREER EVENT FOR STUDENTS IN ESTONIA 15 - 17 MARCH 2022 TALLINN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Participating companies 00D 00H 00MIN 00S OSALE MESSIL NÜÜD! CAREER FAIR15. märts Career fair offers the best opportunities for students and companies to communicate with each other. Tallinn Universit...


Ever wonder where Tallinn's best eats are? Fear not! The Student Ambassadors are gearing up for a top five list of best places to eat. Check back Tuesday to break up that winter boredom🙌

Want your school to be the top-listed School/college in Tallinn?

Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Our Story

Welcome to TalTech Student Ambassadors page, where we share our great experience of being the part of TalTech community!

Videos (show all)

For some of you, this will be the first time applying to university and for some of you, you are already seasoned profes...
Q&A TalTech Student Ambassadors
Does anyone know this place? The SOC building view from one of the TalTech dorms👀
Don't you just love summers in Estonia?
LIVE: Q&A for Incoming Students 2021
Student Ambassadors Q&A live
TalTech - Student Dormitory
LIVE: Q&A for Incoming Students 2021 Facebook live
Happy New Year from Student Ambassadors :)
🗓5 days till Christmas!🎄🎁 Hope you will get as good presents above the Christmas tree, as here on the video!🤗 P.S. It’s ...
TalTech Student Ambassadors Live



Ehitajate Tee 5
Other Colleges & Universities in Tallinn (show all)
TalTech Infotehnoloogia Kolledž TalTech Infotehnoloogia Kolledž
Raja 4C
Tallinn, 12616

TalTech IT Kolledž loodi 1.08.2017 Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli (TalTech) ja Eesti Infotehnoloogia Kol

TalTech - Tallinna Tehnikaülikool TalTech - Tallinna Tehnikaülikool
Ehitajate Tee 5
Tallinn, 19086

TalTech on teaduse, tehnoloogia ja innovatsiooni eestvedaja ning juhtiv inseneri- ja majandushariduse pakkuja Eestis ⚡️ Pildid: flickr.com/people/taltech/

EELK Usuteaduse Instituut EELK Usuteaduse Instituut
Pühavaimu 6
Tallinn, 10123

Haridus inimeselt inimesele!

Asserirai Fata Asserirai Fata
Filtri 21
Tallinn, 14785

Asserirai Fata

Eesti keel vestluskeelena ülikooli sisseastumiseks Eesti keel vestluskeelena ülikooli sisseastumiseks
Narva Mnt 29
Tallinn, 10120

Ootame Sind eesti keele vestluskursusele, kus saad praktiliste meetodite toel ja eesti keele õpetajate juhendamisel arendada eestikeelset vestlus- ja väljendusoskust ning omandada ülikooli sisseastumiseks ja ülikooli õpingutes vajalikku sõnavara.

Dilazioniamo Visonati Dilazioniamo Visonati
Ilmarise 36
Tallinn, 18053

Dilazioniamo Visonati

Auspici Nubiano Auspici Nubiano
Imanta 39
Tallinn, 14737

Auspici Nubiano

TLÜ Üliõpilaste nõustamiskeskus / TLU Student Support Centre TLÜ Üliõpilaste nõustamiskeskus / TLU Student Support Centre
Narva Mnt 29
Tallinn, S-142

Pakume tasuta psühholoogilist, karjääri- ning erivajaduse alast nõustamist TLÜ üliõpilastele.

Milaita Milliampere Milaita Milliampere
Abaja 49
Tallinn, 12911

Milaita Milliampere

Iienstitu Iienstitu
Tallinn, 10115

Attend classes from expert trainers. You'll be able to learn new things while others are too!

Vestisse Ritagliate Vestisse Ritagliate
Invaliidi 30
Tallinn, 11121

Vestisse Ritagliate

Preparava Dializzatore Preparava Dializzatore
Liblika 2
Tallinn, 13016

Preparava Dializzatore