Sisemine Areng OÜ

Psühholoogiline nõustamine ja konstellatsioonid. Enesearengu töötoad, loengusarjad, laagrid.

Operating as usual


A good read… BRUTAL words from actor ANTHONY HOPKINS 💙💙💙

Let go of the people who are not ready to love you.
It is the hardest thing you'll have to do in your life and it will be the most important thing.

Stop having difficult conversations with people who don't want to change.

Stop showing up for people who aren't interested in your presence.

I know your instinct is to do whatever it takes to gain the appreciation of the people around you, but it's an impulse that robs your time, energy, mental and physical health.

When you start fighting for a life of joy, interest and commitment, not everyone will be willing to follow you there.

It doesn't mean you have to change who you are, it means you have to let go of people who are not ready to be with you.

If you are excluded, offended, forgotten or ignored by the people you give your time to, you are not doing yourself a favor by continuing to offer them your energy and life.
Truth is, you ain't for everyone and not everyone is for you.

This is what makes it so special about meeting people you have friendship or love with.
You will know the value of it because you have experienced what it isn't.

There are billions of people on this planet and many of them will find them on your level of interest and commitment.

If you stop showing up, maybe they won't look for you.
When you stop trying, the relationship ends.
If you stop texting, your phone might stay dark for weeks.

It doesn't mean you ruined the relationship, it's just that the only thing that kept it going was the energy you only gave to keep it.

This is not love, this is connection.
It's giving a chance to those who didn't deserve it!
You deserve much more.
The most valuable thing you own in your life is your time and energy because both are limited.

The people and things you give your time and energy to will define your existence.
When you realize this, you start to understand why you are so anxious about spending time with people, activities, or spaces that don't suit you or shouldn't be around you.

You will start to realize that the most important thing you can do for yourself and everyone around you is to protect your energy more fiercely than anything else.

Make your life a safe haven where only people who are "compatible" with you are allowed.
You're not responsible for saving someone.
It’s not your responsibility to convince them to do better.

It’s not your job to exist for people and give them your life!

You deserve real friendships, real commitment and a full love with healthy wealthy people.
Choosing to distance yourself from toxic people will give you the love, appreciation, happiness and protection you deserve. Copied from the internet. 💙💙💙


"When a man chooses a woman who follows her calling, his only chance to maintain the connection is in following her… and above all in creating space for her to follow her own path. It may happen that he needs to abandon his own neediness, or that he finds a means of healing through their common path — but not in the gentlest manner.

When a man chooses a woman who heals the collective wounds of the women by following her calling, his Yes for her equals a Yes to a bigger purpose far beyond building a house or raising children. Their connection goes beyond fulfilling the classical gender role models. For this man accepts the job of having the back of this woman, of catching her when she cannot transform the pain of the world anymore. It means for him to welcome a different form of s*xuality, since healing on the level of s*xuality is one of the most profound issues of the woman who needs to become a healer. For him this, again, is about welcoming slowness, softness and healing — about holding back or redirecting his own drive… about being present for the whole.

Because when a man chooses a woman who aims for freedom, they can only achieve this together… and by him leaving his narcissistic aspects behind and recognizing the path of the woman as his own path towards freedom.

When a man chooses a woman who is bigger, he cannot dwell in the places of energies of oppression or of playing small. He — if he chooses to take on this mission with her — accepts a task serving the well-being of all men, even though it happens in the background. Within this background he creates space of security, of keeping her safe from an ambush bred by his own old wounds, driving her into submission.

When a man chooses a woman out of his fascination with her radiance and wisdom, it must be obvious to him that he cannot be stuck within his own deficits in a way that makes him want to diminish her radiance… purely out of fear of having to share her with others.

When a man chooses a woman who follows her calling, he cannot fear these words: respect, humility and surrender. He will rather walk the path of divinity — alongside his woman, the healer — with gratitude and an overflowing heart.

For such a woman will choose — if she ever needs to choose — in favour of the well-being of all women …and she will choose walking her path alone instead of leaving it for him. Nevertheless, she is aware of the power that lies in the presence of a man who is beating the drums… for her."

~ Moksha Devi
Gratitude to unknowown artist

Sacred Divine Masculine



The intention behind your actions and words determine their frequency

You can say “I love you” with an insincere tone and ”I love you” with a loving tone

They will both produce two different effects because the intention changes the energy

Likewise the intention you start a relationship from is the frequency the relationship will remain in indefinitely

It sets the foundation on which the relationship is built upon

If you enter into a relationship to get over your ex , then that’s the intention of your relationship

As long as you’re not over your ex , that relationship will work out , yet as soon as you get over your ex the relationship will fade

The relationship has completed its intention and has served its purpose

Trying to further hold onto that relationship will turn the relationship sour because you already have drained all the sweetness that it had to offer

Thus the intention and frequency in which you enter into relationships is more important than who you enter a relationship with

The deeper the intention and the higher the frequency, the stronger the connection will be

Entering relationships for low vibrational reason such as lack of self-love , lust, fear of being alone,traumas, ect will always turn toxic when you start to raise your frequency

As soon as you start to love yourself more, heal your traumas, overcome the fear of being alone and master your s*xual energy , you will no longer be in resonance with that relationship

You will start to ascend while they just do whatever in their power to keep your frequency lowered so you can remain in sync with their lower frequency

Thus it behooves you to know the intention you’re entering into a relationship first

Is it to fulfil a lack or is it because you feel so full of love that you’re ready to pour into another?

Entering to relationship to fill a lack and void will always turn toxic once you actually get that void filled

In fact, it has to create a new void for you to remain a vibrational match to it

Entering into a relationship solely based upon looks , attraction, money , or simply root chakra reasons are only sufficient while you’re in your lower self

Once your higher self begins to become activated , you’ll feel a spiritual void in your relationship and no longer be satisfied

Thus it behooves you to enter into a relationship only after you’ve started your spiritual evolution and journey

That way the intention for your future relationships will be to grow you spiritually and as long as they are growing you spiritually , they will remain healthy and balanced

If you want a Divine Relationship, you must start it from Divine Frequencies

Don’t fall for the illusion that you can turn something basic into something extraordinary with your intentions and actions alone

It takes two to tangle and if both people haven’t agreed upon and are actively working upon those new divine frequencies , your relationship will forever be the biggest block in your spiritual evolution and growth




~Davonte Sheard
Devian Art

Empower Wholeness Intimacy 28/03/2024 Oleme vabaabielu paar, kes said esmakordselt kokku 2006 aasta 13 oktoobril, olles vastavalt 33 ja 29 aastased. Meile mõlemale oli see teine pikem suhe.



The feminine is aroused by love not lust

Remember lust is fast, love is slow

Thus the slower you go, the more aroused the feminine becomes

The masculine’s arousal system is fast, external and visual thus he’s ready to go at the drop of a dime

Yet he must excercise patience in order to synchronize with the woman’s slower internal emotional arousal system

Thus a man that loves you will take his time with you, he prioritizes your pleasure which takes longer than his

He delays his orgasm/ejaculation for as long as possible to allow to you reach your peak multiple times first

He wants you completely satisfied, he’s not having s*x with you to dump his traumas and stresses into you ,he’s not trying to simply satisfy his ego and use your body for his own gratification

He wants to truly awaken the kundalini shakti energy within you which is aroused by love mixed with s*xual energy

His s*x is actually healing and awakening the Divine Feminine within you with every stoke and touch

He prepares you for him by engaging in extensive foreplay, he doesn’t give you until your whole body is literally begging for it

He massages you slowly , kisses your entire body , gives you loving affirmations , and makes divine love to your Yoni with his tongue

He makes sure you are in your most relaxed state , free from all the worries and stresses of life before he slowly inserts his programming rod into your creation portal

The slower you go the more you feel, so he takes his time giving Divine slow strokes of or****ic bliss so that you feel every inch of his love

He encourages you to breathe the s*xual energy up your spine so that the or****ic energy can travel to your crown chakra and connect you to The Most High

His only goal is to give you as much pleasure as possible so that you merge and become one with the cosmos itself

You can feel his selfless energy in every touch, kiss and stroke that he gives you

You can feel his complete presence penetrating you and the absense of any impatient intention

Your body will let go and surrender on all new levels which will take you to the void of pure Divine Love which fully charges your energetic chakra system completely

If a man doesn’t have time to make Divine Love to his woman , he doesn’t deserve to have her at that moment in his life

We take our time to really enjoy and appreciate the things we cherish

There’s nothing wrong with your yoni , it’s just full of traumas and stresses instead of love energy

Thus in order to heal your yoni you must give it the Divine Love it deserves and only engage in s*xual activity with a man who actual loves you with his actions instead of just his words




Artist: Pinterest

Empower Wholeness Intimacy


'A modern woman doesn’t need me for my money or my resources. What she needs is my full, embodied masculine presence. She needs to know I’m actually here, that I see and feel her deeply, and that I’m not going anywhere.'

Women don’t need men like they used to.

We’re living through a pivotal moment in history when women are achieving social and economic equality with men. They no longer need us for access to resources – security, money, sustenance, social influence, etc.

Which is great! For humanity to thrive, women must have equal influence and access throughout society.

Still, it’s a disorienting time for many of us, particularly in intimate relationships.

There remains an inordinate amount of social pressure on men to be capable of providing tangible resources in exchange for a woman’s company. The ability to make things happen in the world is easily measured by dollars and cars and houses and things, which in turn remains presumed evidence of a man’s masculine prowess and vitality.

But none of that is a measure of his heart.

Most any modern woman – even one who energizes a lot of masculine energy in her life – yearns to know her partner cherishes her and will always show up for her. She wants to know he won’t check out and leave, which many men do even when we stay in the room.

Can he remain present when the relationship is strained? When she acts irrational and difficult, unknowingly presenting herself as an apparent problem he cannot solve, can he love her fully, anyway? This is the true measure of a man’s heart.

A woman with a strong internal feminine essence aches to relax into her masculine partner’s strength and care. She wants to know she can trust him, that he genuinely cherishes her and will step up and do what must be done to ensure the safety of her world.

When a man is able to show up and be fully present with her – heart, mind and body – she knows she can relax and she will follow that man most anywhere, even if she has to ride the bus with him to get there. If he can’t show up for her (or doesn’t know how), even with all the money in the world she’ll ache for a man who can. She’ll either try to pull it out of the man she’s with, or she’ll switch off her heart (and body) – and she’ll look for that masculine presence elsewhere, in her kids, at work, in her own being.

Any man can offer his loving presence to his partner. His money might affect where he lives or vacations, but it can never define his worth as a Man. It also can’t buy him harmony in an intimate relationship.~

~Bryan Reeves



How to Open a Woman

It's not WHERE a man touches his woman as much as HOW he touches her that makes her feel safe.

It's not HOW he touches her as WHY he's touching her that causes her to open.

It's not WHY he's touching her as much as WHO he has chosen to be and how he has chosen to live in the moments, hours, days and weeks leading up to touching her.

It's not his TOUCH that matters as much as the energy of his INTENT.

And when all of these are aligned it's not a touch needed to make her shudder, but a word, a breath or even just his gaze.

This is not a dream, a myth or an impossibly romantic fantasy of a man - it is the potential inherent in every man. It requires that he dare to own and live the magnificence of his potential, to show up in the world with the courage to fulfill his responsibilities, keep his word, overcome challenges and abandon his excuses.

There is no METHOD that conquers the world, it's the CHOICE to fulfill one's potential. And there is no TECHNIQUE that opens a woman, it's the ENERGY of his intention.~

~Graham R White
Artist: unknown

Healing Intimacy


Mind küsitakse sageli: "Ma olen tegelnud vaimse arenguga, aga edusamme pole. Asi läheb ainult hullemaks. Mulle tundub, et minu aurasse tungivad ja ründavad astraalsed olendid. Inimesed tekitavad valu."
Kuid kui ma küsin, mida oled teinud selleks, et oled jõudnud sellesse seisundisse, selgub, et inimene pole isegi veel vaimse arenguga alustanud. Ta on olnud illusoorselt arvanud, et tegeleb vaimse arenguga ja sellest on saanud tema raske koorem. Tihti inimesed sattuvad vaimse arengu loksu, võivad jääda sinna aastateks aga ei teadvusta, et nad on lõksus.
Kollektiivsed meditatsioonid, kus suunaksite Valgust planeedile, inimkonnale ja Universumile... Väga sageli, kui inimene osaleb pikka aega sellistes kollektiivsetes meditatsioonides maailma ja planeedi abistamiseks, võib ta vibratsioonides allapoole laskuda, mitte tõusta. See juhtub siis, kui inimeses ärkab uhkus, et ta on nii imeline ja eriline, ta on lausa Valguse Rüütel, pühak, sest aitab Valgusega planeeti ja inimesi, see on vaimne kõrksus. Astraalsed olendid ühinevad selle energia ja tõesti tungivad tema kehadesse.
Lisaks kipub inimeses sageli tugevnevat illusiooni, et on olemas jaotus Valguse ja Pimeduse vahel, kus ühed on head inimesed ja teised halvad. Inimene elab hinnangutes. See viib võitlusele Valguse ja Pimeduse vahel, mis tähendab, et sind rünnatakse, sest sa kiirgad võitlust. Sa ise tõmbad selle illusiooniga selliseid õppetunde ligi. Mida kiirgad sama saad vastu. Mida rohkem kannatad võideldes, seda rohkem toidad oma energiaga olendeid. Kui hakkad võitlema, siis oled lõpmatus võitluses pimedate jõududega (ükskõik kui palju sa võidad, ilmuvad uued).
Tegelikult ei jagune maailm headeks ja halbadeks. On väärtus nii Valguses kui ka Pimeduses. See on ühine mäng iseenda tundmaõppimiseks. Jah, me kõik, täiesti kõik, oleme olemuselt Valgus. Pimedus aitab Valgusel tunda oma valgust, sest just pimeduses on ta eredalt nähtav. Pimedus aitab Valgust tunda vastandit, et mõista oma tõelist olemust. Pimedus on loodud iseenda jumaliku valguse tundmaõppimiseks. Pimedus toob kaasa teadvustamise, et kui inimene hakkab head nägema, siis vastu saab ta sama, kui näed ainult kannatust, siis saad vastu ainult kannatust. See aitab sinul tagasi tulla iseenda juurde, oma Valgusesse, sest see näitab sinu enda sisemist pimedust, illusiooni, piirangut, hirmu... Sa näed seda, vabaned sellest ja hakkad veelgi rohkem kiirgama, tundma oma jumalikku olemust.
Kui sa lihtsalt loed vaimset kirjandust, vaatad õpetavad videod, proovid vaimseid praktikaid kuid ei vii need lõpuni või kiiresti kaotad huvi, unustad, ei usalda iseennast ja sa ei muuda oma iseloomu ja elu, midagi konkreetset ei tee oma arengu teel, sa ei saa paremaks inimesteks, ega avardu maailmale, kui sa jätkad oma südame sulgemist, kardad armastada, ei vabane hirmudest... Kui sa ei tööta oma mõistusega, ei vastuta oma mõtete ja emotsioonide eest, siis see pole vaimne areng, vaid vaimne tarbimine. Sa lihtsalt täidad oma pea informatsiooniga, kuid ei rakenda seda elus, ei muutu paremaks. See on mõttetu tegevus.
Vaimne areng tähendab väljumist hirmudest ja piirangutest, egoismi vabastamist, inimeste ja enda kogemuste aktsepteerimist, südame avamist armastusele, mõistuse ja mõtete vaigistamist, et kuulata oma kõrgemat Mina, võimet olla tasakaalus, elada sisemises rahus, näha ilu lihtsates asjades, õppida rõõmustama elu üle, elama põnevalt ja huvitavalt, tundma ja usaldama iseennast, kuulama oma intuitsiooni, märkama vihjeid, millega on täidetud meie kogu elu ja rohkem tundma oma Hinge, Jumalat, Valgust, Kõikust...


The first time I met Love
My heart was broken
and I asked
“How could you have betrayed me?”
And Love replied
“It was your expectations. I am incapable of betrayal.”

The second time I met Love
My spirit felt crushed
and I asked
“How could you have hurt me?”
And Love replied
“It was your reaction to the situation.
I am incapable of causing pain.”

The third time I met Love
My energy was drained
and I asked
“How could you have depleted me?”
And Love replied
“It was your lack of self-love and failure to set appropriate boundaries.
I am incapable of depleting you.”

The fourth time I met Love
My entire being felt alone
and I asked
“How could you have abandoned me?”
And Love replied
“I am always with you and can never leave you
As I dwell within you.”

The fifth time I met Love
My soul felt vulnerable, naked and exposed
and I asked
“How could you have embarrassed me?"
And Love replied
“It was your ego that caused you to feel embarrassed.
I am incapable of experiencing or causing shame.”

The sixth time I met Love
Anger rippled through me
and I asked
“How could you have taken from me?”
And Love replied
“I cannot take from you.
I give while asking for nothing in return
As I am unconditional.”

The seventh time I met Love
A deep sense of sadness pervaded me
and I asked
“How could you have fooled me and then used me?”
And Love replied rather gently and compassionately
“Do not mistake someone’s inability to love you
For the truth of who I am.”

And the eighth and final time I met Love
I greeted it as an old friend
Free from expectations, heartbreak, pain, shame and conditions
And Love embraced me and said
“Now you truly know me.”

Words by Tahlia Hunter
Gratitude to unknown artist

Healing Intimacy


The truth about a Man.

Just because you get thousands of likes on your profile picture will not keep a man.

Being honest about things in your past will not keep a man.

Being faithful and loyal since day one doesn't keep a man.

Treating a man better than he's ever been treated before doesn't keep a man.

Making an effort every single day to make sure he knows you truly care will not keep a man.

Giving him all of your time that you can spare, doesn't keep a man.

You could have the best intentions in the world and could have the most sincere feelings, and you could be the most perfect woman in existence and you still wouldn't be able to keep a man.

The only way to keep a man is if that man wants to be kept by you.

With a man, you can tell he wants to be kept when the relationship gets very hard and he does everything to fight for you.

A man only fights for a woman he wants to belong to, so if he isn't fighting for you when things get hard, then that means he doesn't want to be kept by you anymore.

The truth im trying to make is, Don't hold on to a man who doesn't want to be kept by you.

You're not giving up on him. It's quite the opposite.

It's him who gave up on you, and it's you who shouldn't waste any more of your time than you already have.

Know when it's time to let go, know when it's time to walk away, and know when it's time for him to be unkept.

Cody Bret
Art: unknown

Sacred Divine Masculine


“You can be shattered and then you can put yourself back together piece by piece. But what can happen over time is this: You wake up one day and realize that you have put yourself back together completely differently. That you are whole, finally - but you are now a different shape, a different size. This sort of change - the change that occurs when you sit inside your own pain - it's revolutionary.

When you let yourself die, there is suddenly one day: New life. You are Different. New. And no matter how hard you try, you simply cannot fit into your old life anymore.”

— Glennon Doyle

[ Art • “Longing for Winter” by øjeRum ]


Never force a relationship.

Sometimes it's better to move on, than to hold on to a person who doesn't understand who you truly are. Unfortunately there will be times where your absence will teach you what your presence cannot.

You need to stop breaking your own heart in trying to make a relationship work that clearly isn't meant to work to begin with.

You can't force someone to genuinely care about you.

You can't force someone to be faithful to you.

You can't force someone to be the person you need
them to be.

The truth is, sometimes the person you want the most is the same person you would be best without.

You have got to understand some things are meant to come into your life, just not meant to stay.

Everything that you do to show love, you have to be
careful, not to lose yourself by trying to fix what should never been there in the first place. You can't get the relationship you need from someone who's not ready to reciprocate the love you give to them.

I know it's hard when you meet someone and your heart feels, that's the person you could spend an eternity with, and you start to accept that they are not that person you thought they needed to be.

And no matter how many times you cry yourself to sleep at night, you will eventually heal from your previous relationship and find the one you have always longed for. Your future will now bring an understanding of why things didn't work out in your previous relationships.

One thing I have learned throughout the years, is “It is better to be single than to be in a relationship settling for less.”

If they see you as an option, then they don't deserve to be a priority in your life.

Take my advice and never chase someone who's not chasing you.

~ Cody Bret


I believe in the sacred masculine.

I believe in sensitive and kind men.

I believe in men who heal themselves and help others heal.

I believe in mystical men who know themselves.

I believe in those sleeping and sick men who want to see the light and sometimes manage to see it.

I believe in men whose highest ambition is simple bliss.

I believe in men who seek with temperance peace inside.

I believe in men who rebel against the system, because they know it has never been healthy.

I believe in men poets, writers, writers, wise, teachers, musicians and artists.

I believe in conscious men who know that they have lost as much with the patriarchy, as women.

I believe in men who like to dance and sing and make life a party.

I believe in men who love their inner child hurt, who listen and listen to him.

I believe in men who refuse to be slaves of their own wound and who despite the pain clean it and heal her patiently, with love and courage.

I believe in men who come from the stars and remember the power of their wings, the power of their hands and the power of their heart.

I believe in men who know their intuition and use it as a compass.

I believe in free men who share their freedom because they don't know any other way to live.

I believe in men protective of female energy, who know how to read the look of their beloved and who do not want to change her but simply accompany her in her way.

I believe in complete men who don't need anything because they know they are everything.

I believe in men in the spirit of fire, who flow like water when they travel the women's land and caress like the wind, when they love without hurry.

I believe in men who, through other eyes, see themselves and that's why they love and respect any creature that exists on earth.

I believe in men perfectly imperfect, because it is in this imperfection that their beauty lies.

I believe in sensitive men who know how to receive and give love in balance, who listen and speak also, those who live and let live.

I believe in men who live s*xuality as a sacred act, because they know it's a wonderful gift from where they can create the purest and unimaginable alchemy.

I believe in men who have clear feelings, who are accessible and who are present in themselves and for others.

I believe in men who walk barefoot and with little luggage.

I believe in tender and wild men at the same time, who have not yet been domestic.

I believe in wise men who embellish everything in their passage, whose life is an art and who charment with their gifts.

I believe in the sacred masculine and all the divinity you have always carried.

I believe in you.... brother. I believe in me."


Sacred Divine Masculine


You are not here to find love, nor to be greeted by happiness at every turn, nor to be showered with kindness, nor to be celebrated by all, to forever remain a child.

No. You came here to create love out of war.

Your soul willingly left its blissful place beyond all troubles to descend into a stifling frame of bone, blood and flesh. Why? Because only here can inner strength be forged by pain, can wisdom be nurtured by failure, can love be the reward of those who choose to give love. Your soul came here to struggle with the bitter things of life and squeeze out of them a syrup of sweet, inner joy.

And as there is no sweetness as succulent as bittersweet, so there is no river of love that runs as deep as the love forged through a battle of the heart, no strength as powerful as that wrestled from the hands of an enemy through stubborn, defiant resolve, no wisdom as the wisdom gained by stumbling in darkness, standing up again, stumbling and walking again, and again.

All that is good, all that has meaning, all is up to you alone."

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman


Star children are the disruptors and heart healers amongst us. They are beautiful, loving yet strong-willed souls that come from all corners of the universe to help humanity shift out of the old paradigm of control, fear, greed, and manipulation, and instead shift into a new era of love, peace, integrity, cooperation, and abundance.

They possess extraordinary psychic and spiritual gifts, with no two star children having the exact same abilities.

Who are the Indigo Children?👩🏻‍🤝‍👨🏿
Most likely born between the 1950’s and 1980’s, indigo children are sensitive, strong-willed innovators here to help humanity realign with its core truth. It’s believed there were two points in history that led to a huge wave of indigo starseeds incarnating on Earth; after World War II and during the 1970’s to 1980’s.

Indigos challenge the old way of thinking, clearing the way for crystals and rainbows to carry out their mission.

Headstrong and strong willed with a sharp mind
Insightful, will find new ways to solve an old problem
Carry a rebellious streak and dislike authority
Likely carries negative karma into this life which needs to be healed
Drawn to creative expression
Strong connection with nature, animals and plants
Seems very emotional, may exhibit mood swings
Feel lost or misunderstood
They can across as anti-social or withdrawn at times
Suffer from anxiety, low self esteem or low self worth.

Who are the Crystal Children?💎
Crystal children are the starseeds, spiritual teachers, and gifted healers of our generation, known for their incredible ability to embody their true light and divine purpose at all times.

As their name suggests they are crystal clear about their purpose here on Earth or at least have an idea or a vision as to what they came here to do.

They possess a deep-rooted love for animals and nature, but sometimes struggle to understand the animosity and hate humans show each other.

Common Crystal Children Traits.💎
Filled with creativity
Miracle creators
Embody Pleiades energy, though not necessarily a Pleiadian starseed
Natural healers, who value connection over materialism
Adore animals, nature, trees, plants and can sense their energy
Likely a skilled crystal healer with a collection to prove it
Often mistaken as autistic children as they don’t fit in with the other children
Come across as a sage, or old soul even at a young age
Don’t perform well under high-stress or chaotic situations
Strong sense of adventure; dream of pioneering or escaping to the unknown
Feel like they don’t fit in, but have a specific purpose to perform.✨️
By Charlotte Kirsten.
Image- Intergalactic Friendship/Pinterest.
Cosmic Spiritual Ju**ie. 💜

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Katusepapi 4
Tallinn, 11412

Студия маникюра и наращивания ногтей FLORENS BEAUTY. Дизайны ногтей. Обучение мастеров.

Meta-Profit OÜ Meta-Profit OÜ
Laki 19

Organisatsioonide psühholoogilise arendamise ekspert aastast 1996. Lisaks isiksuse arengu ja NLP ko

Sümpoosion Sümpoosion

TLÜ filosoofia tudengid esitlevad: SÜMPOOSION. Igal korral esineb mõni erialaspetsialist, kes annab vabas vormis ettekande, millele järgneb avatud arutelu.

Prodance Dance Center Prodance Dance Center
Kreutzwaldi 24/Tartu Mnt 39 (sisehoovis)

Prodance Dance Center is home for all who love to express themself throgh movement and dance. Studi

Логопед-дефектолог. Анастасия Куприян. Логопед-дефектолог. Анастасия Куприян.

Помощь детям с речевыми и интеллектуальными нарушениями. Консультация родителей. Информация о всестороннем и гармоничном развитии.

Enerhack Estonia Enerhack Estonia
Ehitajate Tee 5

💡Teadlikkuse tõstmine ja hariduse pakkumine energeetika valdkonnas noortele ning ka spetsialistidele

Stemy & Mentornaut Stemy & Mentornaut

Stemy ja Mentornaut aitavad sul pakkuda oma lapsele parimat õpituge.

Eesti inseneripedagoogika keskus Eesti inseneripedagoogika keskus
Ehitajate Tee 5
Tallinn, 19086

Rahvusvaheliselt akrediteeritud STEM valdkonna kompetentsikeskus tehnikaülikoolis.

Lastesõim Planeedi Mudila Lastesõim Planeedi Mudila
Planeedi 16

Lastesõim Planeedi Mudila on üks Tallinna ainulaadsest neljast lastesõimest. Asume kesklinnas kenas rohelises piirkonnas, aadressil Planeedi 16. Lastesõimes töötab neli eestikeelse töökeelega rühma: Päikene, Täheke, Pilveke ja Vikerkaar.