Andrey Klemm Teacher at Opera National de Paris with Russian background.
Unique video tutorials for different levels are available
World Ballet Class
World Ballet Class - a specialized ballet online video service with lessons of World ballet Stars and Famous Ballet Masters
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Don't miss the chance to BE IN SHAPE! “Floor Barre” is a unique technique that has been successfully used by ballet professionals, students, and beginners all over the world since the beginning of the 20th century.
THIS LESSON was recorded for professional dancers in Germany during isolation. Now you also have a unique opportunity to practice using the same methodology by which the best dancers in Germany prepare themselves.
Boris Knyazev is the author of the FB method, revolutionary in the field of choreography, its essence is that all the training exercises that consisted of a classical dance lesson were carried out lying or sitting on the floor. Boris Knyazev’s parterre gymnastics was aimed at developing the elasticity of the ligaments, strengthening the muscles of the lower extremities, beautiful posture, stability, and good coordination of movements.
“Floor Barre” can be used as a light warm-up before the main ballet lesson, as well as a separate “lesson on the floor” for intensive training and strengthening the back muscles, building good posture, and stretching.
Mrs. Nadja Saidakova – Great ballet dancer and Ballet Master. Born in Russia. Studied at State Ballet Academy in Perm (Russia).
Principal dancer Staatsballett Berlin.
Since 2017 ballet Mistress Staatsballett Berlin.
Jury member of many international Ballet Competition and Festivals.
Mrs. Nadja Saidakova has been studying and using the Boris Kniaseff Floor Barre since 1994 and has been teaching it to professional ballet dancers and students in different countries.
Boris Kniaseff Floor Barre with Nadja Saidakova
Unique video tutorial for you! You can do it at home or in a studio!
This is a complex, helpful class for those who already know Boris Kniaseff Floor Barre and did Nadja Saidakova’s Boris Kniaseff Floor Barre classes.
The class begins with a warm-up, continues with many special and rare exercises for the abdomen, back and stretching.
And very special – unique and beneficial exercises associated with increasing body coordination, coordination of all parts of the body which give accuracy, mobility, and instills elasticity for ballet dancers.
The Class develops coordination and flexibility, contributes not only to keeping the dancer in shape, but also to the elaboration of the body and body capabilities.
This Class is recommended primarily for professional ballet dancers but can also be useful for pre-professional dancers and advanced students.
Mrs. Nadja Saidakova – Great ballet dancer and Ballet Master. Born in Russia. Studied at State Ballet Academy in Perm (Russia). After her training at State Ballet Academy in Perm she started her dancing career at the Moscow Classical Ballet.
In 1995 joined the Staatsoper Unter den Linden Berlin (now Staatsballett Berlin) as a principal.
Since 2017 ballet Mistress Staatsballett Berlin.
Mrs. Nadja Saidakova has been studying and using the Boris Kniaseff Floor Barre since 1994 and has been teaching it to professional ballet dancers and students in different countries.
“Floor Barre” is a unique technique that has been successfully used by ballet professionals, students, and beginners all over the world since the beginning of the 20th century.
THIS LESSON was recorded for professional dancers in Germany during isolation. Now you also have a unique opportunity to practice using the same methodology by which the best dancers in Germany prepare themselves.
Boris Knyazev is the author of the FB method, revolutionary in the field of choreography, its essence is that all the training exercises that consisted of a classical dance lesson were carried out lying or sitting on the floor. Boris Knyazev’s parterre gymnastics was aimed at developing the elasticity of the ligaments, strengthening the muscles of the lower extremities, beautiful posture, stability, and good coordination of movements.
“Floor Barre” can be used as a light warm-up before the main ballet lesson, as well as a separate “lesson on the floor” for intensive training and strengthening the back muscles, building good posture, and stretching.
Mrs. Nadja Saidakova – Great ballet dancer and Ballet Master. Born in Russia. Studied at State Ballet Academy in Perm (Russia).
Principal dancer Staatsballett Berlin.
Since 2017 ballet Mistress Staatsballett Berlin.
Jury member of many international Ballet Competition and Festivals.
Mrs. Nadja Saidakova has been studying and using the Boris Kniaseff Floor Barre since 1994 and has been teaching it to professional ballet dancers and students in different countries.
Boris Kniaseff Floor Barre with Nadja Saidakova
Link in Bio

“Floor Barre” is a unique technique that has been successfully used by ballet professionals, students, and beginners all over the world since the beginning of the 20th century.
THIS LESSON was recorded for professional dancers in Germany during isolation. Now you also have a unique opportunity to practice using the same methodology by which the best dancers in Germany prepare themselves.
Boris Knyazev is the author of the FB method, revolutionary in the field of choreography, its essence is that all the training exercises that consisted of a classical dance lesson were carried out lying or sitting on the floor. Boris Knyazev’s parterre gymnastics was aimed at developing the elasticity of the ligaments, strengthening the muscles of the lower extremities, beautiful posture, stability, and good coordination of movements.
“Floor Barre” can be used as a light warm-up before the main ballet lesson, as well as a separate “lesson on the floor” for intensive training and strengthening the back muscles, building good posture, and stretching.
More info
Mrs. Nadja Saidakova – Great ballet dancer and Ballet Master. Born in Russia. Studied at State Ballet Academy in Perm (Russia). After her training at State Ballet Academy in Perm she started her dancing career at the Moscow Classical Ballet.
Nadja Saidakova works as a guest teacher with „Internationals Ballet Masterclass“ in Prague, San Francisco Ballet School, „Wise Ballet Company“ in Seoul/Suwon, Ostrava Ballet Company, Brno Ballet School, Taiwan Ballet Company, Hessische Staatsballett.
Since 2017 ballet Mistress Staatsballett Berlin.
Jury member of many international Ballet Competition and Festivals.
Mrs. Nadja Saidakova has been studying and using the Boris Kniaseff Floor Barre since 1994 and has been teaching it to professional ballet dancers and students in different countries.
Boris Kniaseff Floor Barre with Nadja Saidakova

Enjoy a unique ballet tutorial of famous Adeline Pastor! „Balance“ is required in most classical ballet and repertoire. We are going to work doing a series of exercises on the barre and center to try to find and improve your center ! Your center is a bit different depending your position (in arabesque or passé for example)
This exercises will in the same time help you improve your feeling for Pirouettes.
Be the best that YOU can be!
Link to Adeline Pastor's lessons
Legendary ballerina ∙ Principal Dancer Aalto Ballett Theater Essen ∙ Certified Ballet Teacher ∙ Certified Dance Therapist
Winner of many most famous ballet competitions.
Adeline Pastor is internationally invited to dance in galas in Russia, Europe, Latin America, the United States, Norway, among others.
Link to Adeline Pastor's lessons

A video lesson focusing on pirouettes that can be done on soft shoes or pointes shoes.
The pirouettes is a feeling and each one have to find his/her own feeling.
Be the best that YOU can be!
Link to Adeline Pastor's video lessons
Legendary ballerina ∙ Principal Dancer Aalto Ballett Theater Essen ∙ Certified Ballet Teacher ∙ Certified Dance Therapist
Winner of many most famous ballet competitions.
Adeline Pastor is internationally invited to dance in galas in Russia, Europe, Latin America, the United States, Norway, among others.
Link to Adeline Pastor's video lessons

A unique video lesson for you focusing on dynamism on pointes shoes and cleanest in between steps or movements.
This lesson will help you understand and feel more the dynamic pointes shoes work, in the same time working on the cleanest of each steps.
Be the best that YOU can be!
Video Lesson available
Adeline Pastor.
Principal at Aalto Ballett Theater Essen, Germany . Winner of many international ballet competitions. She is internationally invited to dance in galas in Russia, Europe, Latin America, the United States, Norway, among others.
Certified ballet teacher and certified dance therapist.
You can read information about the unique ballerina and teacher on her personal page

Your favorite variation! Nuances and secrets! The Star discover Secrets! INCREDIBLE, rare lesson, it is impossible to stop watching!!!! Kitri’s variation from Adeline Pastor.
Details, tricks and many specialties!
Unique video lesson available
ADELINE PASTOR - Great Ballet dancer, Certified Ballet Teacher, Certified Dance Therapist.
Winner of many famous ballet competitions!
The technical side in this variation has to be well done but for Adeline is important is the way and what story you tell during these difficult technical variations. Adeline Pastor explaining character of Kitri and giving you different versions that you can choose which suit better for you.
Unique video lesson available
The Star discover Secrets! INCREDIBLE, rare video lesson, it is impossible to stop watching!!!! Kitri’s variation from Adeline Pastor.
Details, tricks and many specialties!
Unique video lesson available
ADELINE PASTOR - Great Ballet dancer, Certified Ballet Teacher, Certified Dance Therapist.
The technical side in this variation has to be well done but for Adeline is important is the way and what story you tell during these difficult technical variations. Adeline Pastor explaining character of Kitri and giving you different versions that you can choose which suit better for you.
Unique video lesson available

• We see clear evidence that students and dancers who’d watched video lessons many times had improved their attention to details and performance techniques.
• All our Ballet Masters pay special attention to nuanced details, and video recordings allow repeated viewing so that a student can concentrate on correctly practicing each move as many times as necessary.
• We allow ample time for you to study everything you need. We see the students and dancers watch each lesson multiple time, to achieve improvements,
• So even during the times of isolation, dancers and students improved since a variety of different lessons allowed them to work with the Masters on various aspects
We work to ensure that you can always be in the best shape!
Paris Opera DAY! Have you ever dreamed of participating in a Ballet Class at the Opera National de Paris? We believe everyone wishes this magic dream comes true!
Great NEWS! Right now, at this very moment, you have a unique opportunity to walk around Paris, to enter into the Opera ... and to find yourself in a rare and prestigious Ballet Class of famous Professeur Mr. Andrei Klemm, not only to observe but to learn from the great Master.
Unique video class available on World Ballet Class! Enjoy!

Paris Opera DAY! The theater, called Opera Garnier in French, was opened on January 5, 1875!
The Paris Opera is the primary opera and ballet company of France. It was founded in 1669 by Louis XIV as the Académie d'Opéra, and shortly thereafter was placed under the leadership of Jean-Baptiste Lully and officially renamed the Académie Royale de Musique, but continued to be known more simply as the Opéra. Classical ballet as it is known today arose within the Paris Opera as the Paris Opera Ballet and has remained an integral and important part of the company.
The theater, called Opera Garnier in French, was opened on January 5, 1875; it also houses a ballet school , which has existed since 1713 and is considered the oldest in Europe.
Each year, not to mention 2020, the Paris Opera presents about 380 performances of opera, ballet and other concerts, to a total audience of about 800,000 people.

Будьте в форме, будьте счастливы! Уникальный урок от Супер профессионала для начинающих! "Постановка тела в классическом танце, выворотность, балетный квадрат “плечи-бедра”. Автор: Знаменитая, невероятная балерина и балетный педагог ВЕРА АРБУЗОВА!
Смотреть видео уроки звезд полезно! Это дает море энтузиазма и энергии, океан новых знаний!
Вера Арбузова – знаменитая русская балерина. Прима-балерина балета Бориса Эйфмана 1992-2008. С 2008 – солистка Михайловского театра (Санкт-Петербург, Россия). С 2011 года — актриса и хореограф «Ленинград Центра» (Санкт-Петербург, Россия).
Сегодня Вера Арбузова не только балерина и хореограф, но также и педагог, который преподает классическую и современную хореографию для детей, взрослых начинающих, для студентов и для профессионалов.
Вера Арбузова – педагог студии Context PRO Diana Vishneva с момента основания студии. А также педагог и хореограф Ilze Liepa national school of ballet.
С Верой Арбузовой занимаются дети, занимаются взрослые - от начинающих до профессионалов, уроки очень полезны и красивы!
Танцуйте, учитесь и будьте счастливы! Знаментые педагоги и танцовщики записали свои видео уроки только для вас!
Ссылка на уроки
#балет #балерина #балетдлядетей #хореография #хореографиядлядетей #хореографиядети #балетдлявзрослых #балетдлявсех #урокибалетадлявзрослых #балетнаястудия #балетдети #вераарбузова #балетспб

By the way, more than 100 unique video lessons from the Best ballet Masters and Worldwide Stars, you can watch and study on
We remind you that WorldBalletClass is a video lesson of the world famous ballet Masters. A ocean of technical details to help you get better! And ocean of tricks and exercises! Every week new lessons are added.
But it’s better to try it once than to read about it 100 times 😊
• Professional
• Advanced
• Intermediate
• Beginner
• Amateur
• For children
• For teachers
• For all
Try it, be happy, study, and we will prepare new unique lessons for you!
Always with you WorldBalletClass team
Visit and find the best teachers for you!

Mrs. Nadja Saidakova – Famous ballet dancer and Ballet Master. Born in Russia. Studied at State Ballet Academy in Perm (Russia). After her training at State Ballet Academy in Perm she started her dancing career at the Moscow Classical Ballet.
• In 1995 joined the Staatsoper Unter den Linden Berlin (now Staatsballett Berlin) as a principal.
• Nadja Saidakova works as a guest teacher with „Internationals Ballet Masterclass“ in Prague, San Francisco Ballet School, „Wise Ballet Company“ in Seoul/Suwon, Ostrava Ballet Company, Brno Ballet School, Taiwan Ballet Company, Hessische Staatsballett.
• Since 2017 ballet Mistress Staatsballett Berlin.
• Jury member of many international Ballet Competition and Festivals.
More info
You have a rare opportunity to take lessons from a teacher who is a Star and at the same time teaches the Stars!
Enjoy Boris Kniaseff Floor Barre lessons with Nadja Saidakova

BE IN SHAPE DESPITE THE HOLIDAYS and PANDEMIC! “Floor Barre” is a unique technique that has been successfully used by ballet professionals, students, and beginners all over the world since the beginning of the 20th century.
THIS LESSON was recorded for professional dancers in Germany during isolation. Now you also have a unique opportunity to practice using the same methodology by which the best dancers in Germany prepare themselves.
Boris Knyazev is the author of the FB method, revolutionary in the field of choreography, its essence is that all the training exercises that consisted of a classical dance lesson were carried out lying or sitting on the floor. Boris Knyazev’s parterre gymnastics was aimed at developing the elasticity of the ligaments, strengthening the muscles of the lower extremities, beautiful posture, stability, and good coordination of movements.
“Floor Barre” can be used as a light warm-up before the main ballet lesson, as well as a separate “lesson on the floor” for intensive training and strengthening the back muscles, building good posture, and stretching.
More info
Mrs. Nadja Saidakova – Great ballet dancer and Ballet Master. Born in Russia. Studied at State Ballet Academy in Perm (Russia). After her training at State Ballet Academy in Perm she started her dancing career at the Moscow Classical Ballet.
Nadja Saidakova works as a guest teacher with „Internationals Ballet Masterclass“ in Prague, San Francisco Ballet School, „Wise Ballet Company“ in Seoul/Suwon, Ostrava Ballet Company, Brno Ballet School, Taiwan Ballet Company, Hessische Staatsballett.
Since 2017 ballet Mistress Staatsballett Berlin.
Jury member of many international Ballet Competition and Festivals.
Mrs. Nadja Saidakova has been studying and using the Boris Kniaseff Floor Barre since 1994 and has been teaching it to professional ballet dancers and students in different countries.
Boris Kniaseff Floor Barre with Nadja Saidakova

If you have a body, you have a ballet body 😍🩰❤️ January 1! Congratulations to all!! May the New Year brings new hopes, new promises and new reasons to celebrate your presence in your lives. Have a Joyous New Year!
Awesome illustration by Cloud & Victory 😍

May the New Year brings new hopes, new promises and new reasons to celebrate your presence in your lives. Have a Joyous New Year!

Wishing you a joyous holiday season and a year of happiness! May this Christmas be bright and cheerful and may the New Year begin on a prosperous note!
With love, WorldBalletClass team

DEVELOP YOUR SHAPE DESPITE THE PANDEMIC! Right now, at this very moment, you have a unique opportunity to find yourself in a rare and prestigious Ballet Class of famous Professeur Mr. Andrei Klemm, not only to observe but to learn from the great Master.
Andrey Klemm’s Class in Opera National de Paris with Première danseuse Hannah O’Neill.
Unique video class available on World Ballet Class
DEVELOP YOUR SHAPE DESPITE THE PANDEMIC! Right now, at this very moment, you have a unique opportunity to find yourself in a rare and prestigious Ballet Class of famous Professeur Mr. Andrei Klemm, not only to observe but to learn from the great Master.
Unique video class available on World Ballet Class
Video tutorial available
Unique video class available on World Ballet Class

DEVELOP YOUR SHAPE DESPITE THE PANDEMIC! THIS LESSON was recorded for professional dancers in Germany during isolation. Now you also have a unique opportunity to practice using the same methodology by which the best dancers in Germany prepare themselves.
FOR Professionals and Advanced students! “Floor Barre” is a unique technique that has been successfully used by ballet professionals, students, and beginners all over the world since the beginning of the 20th century.
Boris Knyazev is the author of the FB method, revolutionary in the field of choreography, its essence is that all the training exercises that consisted of a classical dance lesson were carried out lying or sitting on the floor. Boris Knyazev’s parterre gymnastics was aimed at developing the elasticity of the ligaments, strengthening the muscles of the lower extremities, beautiful posture, stability, and good coordination of movements.
“Floor Barre” can be used as a light warm-up before the main ballet lesson, as well as a separate “lesson on the floor” for intensive training and strengthening the back muscles, building good posture, and stretching.
More info
Mrs. Nadja Saidakova – Great ballet dancer and Ballet Master. Born in Russia. Studied at State Ballet Academy in Perm (Russia). After her training at State Ballet Academy in Perm she started her dancing career at the Moscow Classical Ballet.
Nadja Saidakova works as a guest teacher with „Internationals Ballet Masterclass“ in Prague, San Francisco Ballet School, „Wise Ballet Company“ in Seoul/Suwon, Ostrava Ballet Company, Brno Ballet School, Taiwan Ballet Company, Hessische Staatsballett.
Since 2017 ballet Mistress Staatsballett Berlin.
Jury member of many international Ballet Competition and Festivals.
Mrs. Nadja Saidakova has been studying and using the Boris Kniaseff Floor Barre since 1994 and has been teaching it to professional ballet dancers and students in different countries.
Boris Kniaseff Floor Barre with Nadja Saidakova

Stars Masters discover Secrets.
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You can study with different Masters any time, and learn their unique techniques.
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🔥 All Baller Masters pay special attention to nuanced details, and video recordings allow repeated viewing so that you can concentrate on correctly practicing each move as many times as necessary.
🔥 We allow ample time for our students to study everything they need. We see the students watch each lesson multiple time, to achieve improvements.
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Video lessons allow you a thrill of learning from legends!
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Incredible Video Lesson of the famous Ballet Master Andrey Klemm "Male variation of PAQUITA", Technical nuances.
Lesson by Professeur Mr. Andrei Klemm with dancer Antoine Kircher at the Opera National de Paris. Paquita male variation and work over technical elements.
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