🎈 Meet the finalists of the category and check out their ideas!
Join us today at the Grand Final!
👉 https://eitjumpstarter.eu/grand-final/
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Educational Research Center for Mining Engineering / Mäendushariduse, -teaduse, -uuringute, ja -tee a alguse saanud tehnikaülikooli struktuurireformi käigus.
Mäeosakond on TTÜ mäeinstituudi järglane, mis liitus geoloogia instituudiga 2016.
Operating as usual
2nd Day of has been started
5th Event on the United Nations Framework Classification for Resources and the United Nations Resource Management System: “Accelerating Implementation of UNFC in Europe”
First event of the started
14th EU-US-JP-AU-CA Conference on Critical Materials and Minerals Technical experts’ conference
Session 1: Approaches to reduce criticality and supply risks in a new geopolitical context,
Session 2: Circular economy technologies and models
Session 3: International standards for critical materials
Session 4: Approaches to maintain a sustainable flow of critical materials
Session 5: Critical Materials and Clean Energy Deployment
Thank you Tartu for hosting the sTARTUp Day
Thank you all the participants, colleagues and visitors, together we are moving into right direction!
Thank you for you that you visited EIT RawMaterials and EIT Raw Materials Hub Regional Center Baltic booth during the event.
One apple a day gives one idea!
We will meet next time in Riga. There we have the matchmaking event and conference.
The 5th International Conference “Innovative Materials, Structures and Technologies” (IMST 2022) to be held in Riga on 28th-30th September 2022. Conference is organized by Faculty of Civil Engineering, RTU in collaboration with EIT Raw Materials Hub Regional Center Baltic
Thease are the community members who are organizing the sTARTUp Day
TalTech – Tallinn University of Technology is one of the partners, who are helpint to succseed entrepreneurs not only via StARTUp Day, but via various activities, what we have build to have the future 's
Welcome to the last day of this years sTARTUp Day
In the joint booth of EIT RawMaterials and EIT Raw Materials Hub Regional Center Baltic we are connected also to EIT Digital
In our neighboring booth we have EIT Manufacturing , EIT Urban Mobility , EIT Health , EIT Food
Each EIT network supports field experts, students, researchers, startups, industry in their journey to sustainable model.
Visit us and let's share the good stories!
Making some adjustments for the 3rd day of sTARTUp Day than we are ready to host you in EIT RawMaterials booth together EIT Raw Materials Hub Regional Center Baltic
See you tomorrow!
There are several side events in sTARTUp Day
EIT RawMaterials together with EIT Raw Materials Hub Regional Center Baltic have a booth in the entrepreneurship conference, please stop by and we discuss the opportunities in the raw materials sector.
In the EIT RawMaterials and EIT Raw Materials Hub Regional Center Baltic booth in entrepreneurship conference sTARTUp Day you can discuss opportunities and possibilities in the raw materials sector.
EIT Raw Materials Hub Regional Center Baltic offering training for raw materials experts and internships for students together with the companies in the ecosystem. Check more RIS-Internship
The next event where we can meet is the conferences in Riga in end of September, where we have innovative Matchmaking event, organized by EIT Raw Materials Hub Regional Center Baltic and Rīgas Tehniskā universitāte (Riga Technical University)
We are ready to meet you in sTARTUp Day to discuss entrepreneurship cooperation in EIT Raw Materials Hub Regional Center Baltic together with TalTech – Tallinn University of Technology ; Rīgas Tehniskā universitāte (Riga Technical University) ; Kaunas University of Technology .
Together with EIT RawMaterials we are training future raw materials sector experts, researchers, founders. We support early stage that they can validate their business idea for raw materials sector. There are available several funds via EIT Jumpstarter , booster funding and accelerator programme :)
If you are not participating in sTARTUp Days event this time, than book your dates for next year and keep contacted with us via social media channels.
We have 35 participants at our training day about limestone mining!
Tänasel mäeinseneride koolitusel osaleb 35 mäeinseneri ja spetsialisti.
Vaata järgi, mis teemadel me koolitame: https://taltech.ee/geoloogia-instituut/taienduskoolitus
is full of Mining Engineers !
Tehnikaülikooli geoloogia instituut korraldab täna järjekordse mäeinseneride täiendkoolituse. Seekordseks teemaks on Lubjakivi ja selle kaevandamise isepärad.
Vaata koolitusi ja registreeru: https://taltech.ee/geoloogia-instituut/taienduskoolitus
TalTech – Tallinn University of Technology Department of Geology students have been already five days in Central Finland.
After the visit to Pyhäsalmi mine we have processed the Pyhäsalmi ore in Oulu Mining School Laboratory.
Tomorrow we are visiting the Radai Oy and getting knowledge about drone-based environmental and geophysical surveys.
See the previous post (https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6924373972641812481/)
At the Callio Lab what is in the Pyhäsalmi mine are built different underground facilities:
✅ for experiments,
✅ for research,
✅ for training and more
See more about what Callio can offer: https://undergroundlabs.network/laboratory/callio-lab/
TalTech Department of Geology students recently visited Pyhäsalmi mine and Callio Labs.
During this week (24-29 April 2022), the Department of Geology students from TalTech will take part in a study trip to Central Finland.
The study trip aims to supplement the existing knowledge and skills and create opportunities for acquiring new knowledge and skills and lead the way for a different career path.
✅ On a Monday, students visit the Pyhäsalmi mine. Pyhäsalmi mine is an underground copper, zinc and pyrite mine located in Central Finland.
Pyhäsalmi is one of the oldest and deepest underground mines in Europe.
During the mine visit, the Callio Lab underground laboratories were visited. Callio Lab is a new environment for underground research and other activities - https://undergroundlabs.network/laboratory/callio-lab/ .
✅ The Journey continues with remote sensing, the stability of tailing ponds, and enrichment of the Pyhäsalmi ores at Oulu Mining School Enrichment Laboratory.
Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli Loodusteaduste päev toimub 29. aprill algusega kell 10.00 ja on sisustatud põnevate töötubadega terve päev!
Vaadake, mis hakkab toimuma ning jagage sobivatele kontaktidele.
Loodusteadustepäeva info: https://taltech.ee/sundmused/loodusteaduste-paev-29-aprill-2022
Tule õppima maasüsteeme!
"Praegu räägitakse palju näiteks rohepöördega seotud toorainevajadusest, on inimkond juba aastatuhandeid maapõueressurssidest eksistentsiaalselt sõltunud. Koos tehnoloogia arenguga see sõltuvus süveneb. Mis on ka põhjus, miks on maailmal vaja maapõue uurimise (geoloogia) ja kasutamise (mäenduse) spetsialiste. " - Erki Niitlaan, TalTech - Tallinna Tehnikaülikool maavarade kaevandamise ja kasutamise eriala vilistlane.
Loe täisteksti: https://taltech.ee/uudised/erki-niitlaan-muutuste-ajal-vajab-maailm-kaks-korda-rohkem-maapoue-spetsialiste
Erki Niitlaan: muutuste ajal vajab maailm kaks korda rohkem maapõue spetsialiste | TalTech Põline nõmmekas Erki Niitlaan on õppinud Nõmme Gümnaasiumis ja pärast seda „nõmmekate koduülikoolis“ Tallinna Tehnikaülikoolis. Erki valis mäenduse eriala selle käegakatsutavuse ja loodusläheduse pärast. Erialasele tööle läks ta juba pärast II kursust ning 25-aastase professiona...
Don't miss out, start your start-up journey NOW! 🚀
Today is the deadline to upload your idea to EIT Jumpstarter 2022!
Apply today with your idea from the healthcare, agri-food, raw materials, energy, urban mobility or manufacturing industries! Compete for the first prize of up to 10.000 € in any of these categories!
✅ Apply here ➡ https://eitjumpstarter.eu/
There are few day to be apply EIT Jumpstarter patch of 2022!
Apply today with your idea from the healthcare, agri-food, raw materials, energy, urban mobility or manufacturing industries! Compete for the first prize of up to 10.000 € in any of these categories!
Don't miss out, start your start-up journey NOW! 🚀
Apply here ➡ https://eitjumpstarter.eu/
Maapõueressursside üliõpilased veetsid õppepäeva Mäetööde ja mäemasinate aine raames Kiviõli Keemiatööstuse põlevkivi karjääris.
✅ mõõtsid uue freeskombaini tootlikkust
✅ kronometreerisid katendi eemaldamist
✅ vaadeldi korrastatud alades istutatud metsa
Aitäh Kiviõli Keemiatööstus ja põlevkivi tootmisjuht Kaidi Sulp meid vastu võtmast ja küsimustele vastamast, Glück auf!
Important announcement for all idea holders 💡
EIT RawMaterials KAVA Call 10 (Call for Projects 2023) is now launched!
New topics:
✅ Circular Societies
✅ Sustainable Materials
✅ Responsible Sourcing.
🚀 This year, the call is also open to non-members.
📅 Important dates:
Proposal registration: 31 May 2022 at 13:00 CET
Draft proposal submission: 31 May 2022 at 13:00 CET
Final proposal submission: 14 September 2022 at 13:00 CET
Start writing ✍️
See additional info: https://eitrawmaterials.eu/call-for-projects/
💡Täna toimub mäetehnikutele suunatud täiendkoolitus, mille korraldab TalTech geoloogia instituut
✅ Rohkem kui 40+ osalejat
✅ Täiendkoolitus annab 8 TP
✅ Täiendkoolituse läbinu saab teadmised ja vajalikud punktid kutseomistamiseks või täiendavaks tõendamiseks
✅ Kutseomistamine👉 MTÜ Eesti Mäeselts - https://maeselts.ee/
Training of ⚒ mining engineers is one of TalTech's priorities in organizing lifelong learning and developing a system of 👉 T-Shaped professionals
STARTERtallinn Spring 2022 - Startup Speed Dating Night
Are you ready for the biggest mentoring event in Estonia? Come and chat with more than 50 local and international experts and ask their feedback. Need feedback about business models? We’ve got you covered. Need advice about product development? We have a mentor for that. Stuck with programming? We have a mentor just for that as well. We’ll pick the mentors based on your ideas and needs. It doesn’t get any better than this.
💡 24 märtsil 2022 korraldab TalTech geoloogia instituut järjekordse täiendkoolituse mäetehnikutele
✅ Täiendkoolitus toimub TalTechis vahetult
✅ Täiendkoolitus annab 8 TP
✅ Täiendkoolituse porgramm, maksumus ja registreerumine 👉 https://taltech.ee/kursus/31064
✅ Kutseomistamine👉 MTÜ Eesti Mäeselts - https://maeselts.ee/
💡 Kutsetunnistuse andmise oluliseks eelduseks on täiendusõpe ja ära unusta 👉 "If you can't grow it, you have to mine it!" ⚒
Teaduspreemia laureaat professor Siim Veski palub õpetajaid: «Märgake lapsi, kes korjavad kive!»
Geoloogia, mäenduse ja teiste maateadustega puutub noor kokku alles ülikoolis, sest üldhariduskoolides neid aineid ei õpetada. «Selle eest, et sisseastujad meie eriala valida oskavad, peame tänama koolide geograafiaõpetajaid,» leiab Tallinna tehnikaülikooli geoloogia instituudi professor Siim Veski.
Loe lisa: https://teadus.postimees.ee/7478827/teaduspreemia-laureaat-siim-veski-palub-opetajaid-margake-lapsi-kes-korjavad-kive
Mäeosakonna korraldatav lõhketööde täiendkoolitus jätkub täna.
Uued teadmised annavad osalejatele samuti täiendkoolituspunkte, mida läheb kindlasti tarvis mäeinsenerikutse taotlemisel Eesti Mäeseltsi kaudu.
Tänasel lõhketööde täiendkoolitusel räägiti samuti kriitilistest toormetest ning nende saadavusest Euroopas tehnoloogiate arendamiseks
Today at in-service training in blasting works we discussed about critical raw materials and their availability for technology development in Europe.
Täna algas lõhketööde täiendkoolitus.
Edu osalejatele ning teised registreeruge järgmistele geoloogia instituudi koolitustele
TalTech - Tallinn University of Technology
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.
Contact the school
Ehitajate Tee 5
Tallinn, 10917
MTÜ Eesti Mälumänguliit on Eesti üleriigilise mälumängunduse katusorganisatsioon.
Tallinn, 10120
We explore how internationally successful art work and museums from Eastern Europe articulate local histories of war, genocide and state terror, and the entangled histories of Na**sm and Soviet repression in relation to transnational memory culture.
Tina 5-10
Tallinn, 10126
👉Ты находишься в сообществе, которое закроет ВСЕ твои потребности: • Как масштабировать своё мышление?! • Как достичь СВОИХ целей?!
Erasmus+ project aimed at boosting young women entrepreneurial spirit and skills, to become the women innovators of the future
Tallinn, 10120
SHIINE is COST Action 18236 which will seek to develop a framework for developing Social Entrepreneurship learning for multi disciplinary teams
Pirita Tee 20a
Tallinn, 10127
Fibonacci Dental & Education Studio for Dental Technicians
As a Horizon 2020, Horizon Europa and EIT Raw Materials Cooperation Manager, I and my team are open
Pärnu Mnt 154
Tallinn, 11317
Textile Futures Estonia is a smart textile lab run by Spell disain -- an Estonian-based smart texti
CFSI OÜ, Harju Maakond, Kuusalu Vald, Pudisoo Küla, Männimäe/1
Tallinn, 74626
We Investigate: • Bazi Suanming • Qimen Dunjia • Water. • Manfred Kubny • Robin Littlefield
5 Uus Sadama
Tallinn, 10120
Keep updated with the latest news of Social Anthropology Programme at TLU and learn more about the approaches in anthropology that have inspired us.
Narva Mnt 5 (Foorum Centre)
Tallinn, 10117
EUROCYBER (OÜ) is a tallinn-based academy for the cyber. It supports international exchanges and ed