William Barrow Mentoring

William Barrow Mentoring


Helping my clients achieve balance and fulfilment through self-validation and the pursuit of a healt


Price Change

Starting from October 1st my prices will change. For existing clients, the new price will be €75 per one hour session. For new clients, my price will be €80 per session. On January 01, 2023, my prices for all clients will go to €80.


Mentoring and life coaching

Mentoring and life-coaching are methods of helping an individual live a fulfilling and successful life that highlights their inherent strengths and builds up areas in need of support. As a professional mentor and coach I offer my clients a viewpoint that utilizes a decades long background in entrepreneurship, as well as extensive education and experience in counselling and psychotherapy. My fundamental goal is to help my clients realize and utilize their full potential.

All of us have a unique history, a personalized set of strengths and weaknesses and a vast potential for growth and personal fulfilment. My job is to assist my clients in achieving their goals. These goals may include career advancement, a balanced family life, empowered mental health and excellent physical health and fitness. I try to guide my clients to a place where they can be the very best version of themselves. Together, as client and mentor, we seek understanding, balance and improvement. Through the effective management of these critical areas a person can experience an unparalleled sense of purpose and fulfilment.


My Methodology
Mentoring and life-coaching

My approach to mentoring and coaching is deeply founded in the principles of modern human psychology, as well as principles of Buddhism, Stoicism and Taoism that go back thousands of years. I teach modern, practical psychological methods for maximizing an individual's potential. I also employ many ideas from Buddhism, Taoism and Stoicism that have been used for millennia to help people be the best version of themselves. It is my job to help you articulate and design a master plan for your current life, and then teach you how to achieve these goals as quickly as possible and in a way that is sustainable. My specific background as an entrepreneur, as well as my education and practice in counselling and psychotherapy, give me a unique and valuable perspective on life experience, business, as well as physical and emotional well-being. My aim is to help a client realize and achieve their goals as efficiently as possible, and with a focus on long-term sustainability.


My Methodology

Our interaction will involve sessions of one hour’s length held in my office in Kadriorg. At the start, I will establish with each client their current situation, as well as their stated goals and existing obstacles. Once these are clear, we can make a plan as to the best way to move forward. Sessions may be weekly, fortnightly or monthly depending on the individual circumstances of each client. It is my desire to give my clients the tools they need to live a productive, fulfilling and successful life.


The Proocess is goal oriented

Mentoring and life-coaching can involve a single session or a long collaboration. People often approach me related to a specific issue in their lives such as handling stress, dealing with procrastination, relationship issues, imposter syndrome or just making some specific but difficult decision. Sometimes we can resolve an issue in a single session. At other times, it is necessary to collaborate for some time to achieve the desired results. My goal is to teach you self-observation and insight. Once you are able to effectively analyse your specific circumstances and obstacles, then I am able to give you the practical psychological tools you need to improve your life experience and achieve your goals. Many clients find regular and ongoing sessions a very useful element in their daily lives. Open-ended collaboration is quite common. In this scenario, my clients gain support and direction on a regular basis to keep them moving and growing in their lives and careers. But many clients also come to me for a short time to get through a problematic period, make a decision or create change in an area of their life that is not going as well as they would wish.

General Counselling 29/01/2022

Do I need Counselling or Mentoring?

Psychological counselling and mentoring/life-coaching are fundamentally different things. This is the simplest way to put it.

Counselling is for people experiencing serious psychological and/or emotional difficulties. These may include anxiety, depression, self-harm, self-loathing, relationship troubles, suicidal ideation, isolating, eating disorders, mood disorders, addiction, alcohol use disorder, and other psychological and emotional issues. In counselling it is my job to take someone from a troubled state, in relation to their particular problem, to an improved state where they can function more normally. In counselling, the goal is to resolve significant mental and emotional health issues.

Mentoring and life-coaching is designed to maximize a person's potential in one, or multiple areas, of their lives. In mentoring and life-coaching, I hope to take someone who is doing okay, to a place where they feel they are at their best. Mentoring is focused on learning. We will work together to devise strategies that bring out your strengths and minimize your weaknesses. During our mentoring sessions we will look closely at how you currently conduct your life, what your road-blocks are and how to overcome them. I hope to bring my mentoring clients to a place where they feel they are performing at their very best. Many of my counselling clients have moved over into mentoring after dealing with their initial issue that required counselling.

If you are not sure if you need mentoring or counselling just contact me and we will discuss your circumstances and goals and then decide which is the best route for you.

To view my counselling page www.counselling.ee

General Counselling Trained, experienced and accredited counsellor performing humanistic counselling in English for a full range of emotional and psychological issues. I also offer specialized treatment for alcohol abuse and Alcohol Use Disorder.


Getting over procrastination

Two of the most common roadblocks to personal growth are self-perceived laziness and procrastination. Everyone works to deadlines, but many people seem to be stuck in a pattern of letting deadlines creep up and then suddenly finding themselves overwhelmed. Mostly this comes down to poor planning and improper time management. Helping people better focus and manage their work and free time can be a huge boost for improved results. I have helped many people overcome their history of procrastinating and find a new, improved way of approaching projects that gets them done on time and with a minimum of stress.


Are you really just lazy?

A lot of people are convinced that being lazy is a personality trait and that it is something they cannot change. This is just flatly untrue. You may have a lot of evidence to support the claim, but I have shown many people a way out of the self-imposed issue of laziness, to a life where you work when you need to work, you play when it's time to play and you rest properly to support these outcomes.


Lack of focus and follow-through

Lack of focus and an inability to follow projects through to the end is a very common problem. Many people feel they are great while in the idea stage of a project, but when it comes to putting it all together, they lose focus and interest. This leads to a sense of failure. If this happens a number of times, you will begin to believe it is simply the person you are - the idea person not the focus or follow-through person. I would argue that anyone can be a focus and follow-through person. It is quite likely that you have created roadblocks to following through on ideas and projects years ago, and these ideas continue to hold sway in your life. Recognizing where the blockages are and using specific psychological tools to remove these blocks can be key to enjoying the sense of completion when a project is finished successfully. Working together, we will explore what is happening that causes you to lose focus and interest before a project is finished. Focus and follow-through are learned behaviours, not character traits. If you are having problems, let's explore them and devise personalized tools for your situation to get you to a place where you feel confident in your ability to finish what you started.


Imposter Syndrome

The world is changing so quickly that one can come straight out of college into the work place and immediately feel like they are behind the most recent developments. The business environment and associated technology is rapidly evolving. Many people work in jobs where they are constantly plagued with thoughts that they are not up to the task, or lack the proper background and training to complete their job. Sometimes this is true. But many times this is a result of Imposter Syndrome. Working together, we can sort out whether your feelings of inadequacy are just insecurities or actual problems of training and placement that need to be addressed. Having a second objective view to help you sort through the issues can be a huge help. Most likely, you are not an imposter at all. You just need the right support and tools to get your job done. I have helped many people in these circumstances. They went from feeling like an imposter to feeling strong, confident and ready to grow, both at work and in their personal lives.


Low self-esteem

Low self-esteem is one of the most common problems I help my clients overcome. Life is challenging and not always easy. Childhood problems and adolescent pressures can create a sense of low self-esteem that follows one into adulthood. Many times, low self-esteem arises out of unfair self-criticism. I help my clients look objectively at the facts of their lives and see their true value. Of course you have weaknesses. We all do . But you also have strengths. And your actual abilities are probably far beyond your current perceived boundaries of possibility. As a mentor and life-coach, I will help you to see your strengths and weaknesses in a balanced light. We can work to lessen the impact of your weaknesses and highlight your strengths. Low self-esteem is very common and not difficult to overcome with the right tools. Let me show you how to view yourself and life in a way that leaves you feeling purposeful, effective and valued - as a family member, friend, employee, leader and colleague. Your desire and commitment are the only thing we need to start.


Difficult Decisions

Decision making can be a heart-wrenching and nerve racking process. But it doesn't have to be. Our whole life is a series of big and small decisions. We are constantly making decisions but most of us don't even notice the process. You have made many excellent decisions throughout your life. And some poor ones as well. We all have. You probably haven't fairly evaluated your decision making abilities. With any decision, the first priority is awareness and information. You need both of these aspects to make a good decision. If either is missing, then it is much more difficult to choose the best course of action. As a mentor/life-coach I try to help my clients identify the key factors in any decision. This may involve generalized techniques for analysing decisions, to assistance with very specific decisions including changing jobs, moving to a new place, taking on more tasks at work, hiring, etc. Decisions are a constant aspect of our lives. Get confident in your decision making and all of your life will proceed more smoothly and effectively. I can help show you how to approach decisions in a way that lends itself to the best possible outcome.


Self-validation and improved mental health

Self-validation is a way through life in which a person accepts, trusts and loves themselves. If you have not yet found this path then I can help you get there. It is through self-validation that a person experiences confidence, continuity and balance in their lives. Each of these elements are fundamental to living a life of fulfilment. Happiness and sadness, success and failure - these states come and go for all of us. Balance and fulfilment, on the other hand, are sustainable in both good and bad times. I have many tools and techniques to set someone onto the path of self-validation. It is a life-long journey and one that brings incredible joy and satisfaction. The state of your mental health is a key factor in the way you feel about yourself, your family, your friends, your work - everything in your life is affected by the state of your mental health. Through mentoring we can assess the current state of your mental health and see what areas could use improving. Self-validation is possible for anyone. Let me show you how to get on this path to a more balanced and fulfilling life.


Physical fitness and a balanced life

The state of your physical fitness is also a reflection of your mental state. If you are in good physical condition it is likely your mental health is also robust and positive. Conversely, getting your mental state in order should involve getting into good physical shape. I am a strong believer in physical exercise as a means to improved mental health. Let's discuss your current state of fitness and the things that you would like to see improved. Many people say they lack the time or the motivation or the environment to achieve good physical health. It is my belief that any person who desires to improve their physical health can do so - whatever their life circumstances. Together we can look at your goals and the paths toward physical fitness that work for you and your life routine. There is no reason to let your physical fitness fall apart as you improve other areas of your life. Being physically fit can be a key factor in your sense of self-worth. Let me help you devise a plan to improve your physical and mental health at the same time. I can also recommend the services of a fitness expert to help you make a concrete plan for an improved state of physical fitness. You deserve to feel good, look good and think positively about yourself and life. I can help.



What you put into your body will determine what you are able to achieve. Our food is our fuel and what we burn will dramatically affect the way we experience life. Poor nutrition is a major contributor to depression, low self-esteem, lack of focus, low energy, poor sleep, memory problems, mood swings, reduced s*x drive, aggression - the list goes on and on.

Let's talk about your diet and how we might improve how and what you eat. Working with a professional nutrition expert, let's work out a healthy diet for you that both gives you the fuel you need but also satisfies your appetite. You don't have to give up all the things you love to eat a healthy diet. Moderation, good choices and variety are key to a healthy and satisfying diet. To be your best you need to eat smart. I can help you understand exactly what that means for your body.


Sleep Hygiene

Sleep hygiene, in the simplest terms, is the habits we follow to try and maintain a healthy sleep routine. Sleep is as essential as nutrition to good health and a fulfilling life. Our sleep hygiene includes pre-bedtime activities and our sleeping space (bed, pillow, lighting, ventilation). But many other factors can also affect our sleep including general stress levels, exercise, s*xual activity, self-esteem, anxiety, over-working, etc. Optimizing your sleep schedule, pre-bed routine, and daily routines will help to optimize your sleep. A good night’s sleep will mean a great start to the next day. There should be no underestimating the importance of sleep in performance in every area of a person's life. Let's look at your sleep hygiene, if it needs improving. It can make a huge difference in your experience of life.


Inner Dialogue

Whether you notice it or not, inside your head is a running dialogue. Life is a series of decisions you make and your inner dialogue is one of the key factors that determines your choices. Have you ever looked closely at your ongoing inner narrative. Very often we see ourselves in a negative light. We tell ourselves we are lazy, indecisive, ugly, a bore, a burden, uninteresting, disorganized, etc., etc. Most people never really look directly at this ongoing dialogue and how it affects their path in life.


We are what we think - literally

If you think you are full of problems, it is very likely your life will reflect this. I have worked with hundreds of people to help them see, understand and change their inner-dialogue for the better. Many of us just see life as something that happens to us. This is not the case. You can be the pilot of your life, but you have to take the wheel. If life is not going in the direction you would like, then it may be because you are setting yourself up for failure with a self-destructive inner-dialogue. I can help you recognize and change the loops of negative thinking that may be holding you back. Each individual should be his or her own strongest supporter. If you are not being supportive inside your own mind, then you are doing yourself a huge disservice. I can help you change that. And it can make all the difference. The state of your inner dialogue can mean the difference between a life of fulfilment or a life of disappointment.

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