Enerhacki missioon on harida inimesi energeetika valdkonnas ning anda neile teadmisi, mis aitavad optimeerida energiakasutust ja edendada puhta energia tootmist.
Meie eesmärk on inspireerida ja toetada nii spetsialiste kui ka noori, et luua jätkusuutlik ja innovaatiline tulevik.
Meie projektid spetsialistidele ja lastele ➡
Enerhack Estonia
💡Teadlikkuse tõstmine ja hariduse pakkumine energeetika valdkonnas noortele ning ka spetsialistidele
Operating as usual
Male on oluline osa Enerhacki projektidest ja meil on hea meel anda oma panus Pühajärve rahvusvahelisse kiirmaleturniiri ♟️
1.-13.juulil toimub Tallinna Tehnikaülikoolis Enerhack energeetika laager lastele! 😎
Avame registreerimist juba 3.juunil ‼️ kell 10:00 ‼️
Lisainfo ja registreerimine ⏩ https://estonia.enerhack.org/lapsed/laager/suvi2024
‼️ OLULINE INFO‼️ Meil on hea meel näha, et huvi meie projekti vastu kasvab ning oleme uhked, et üheskoos loome lastele sooja ja rõõmsa õhkkonna. Siiski, meie laagri populaarsuse kasvades oleme silmitsi seisnud olukorraga, kus suur hulk registreerunud osalejaid ei ilmu kohale jättes sellest teatamata, mis omakorda takistab teistel lastel laagris osalemist vabade kohtade puudumise tõttu. Registreerimisprotsessi optimeerimiseks ning igale osalevale lapsele koha tagamiseks kehtestame sümboolse lõunatasu. See tasu suunatakse osaleja lõunakulude katmiseks. 10 eurot vahetuse eest (1 vahetus = 2 päeva). ❤️
1 - 13 июля в Таллинском Техническом Университете пройдет городской лагерь по энергетике от Enerhack! 😎
Регистрация откроется уже 3 июня ‼️ в 10:00 ‼️
Дополнительная информация и регистрация ⏩ https://estonia.enerhack.org/lapsed/laager/suvi2024
‼️ ВАЖНАЯ ИНФОРМАЦИЯ ‼️ Мы рады видеть, что интерес к нашему проекту растет, и гордимся тем, что вместе мы создаем для детей теплую и радостную атмосферу. Однако, с ростом популярности нашего лагеря, мы столкнулись с ситуацией, когда большое количество зарегистрированных участников не приходят и не уведомляют об этом, что в свою очередь препятствует участию других желающих из-за отсутствия свободных мест. Поэтому для оптимизации процесса регистрации и обеспечения места для каждого ребенка мы вводим символическую плату за участие в лагере. 10 евро за смены (1 смена=2 дня). ❤️
☘️Enerhack's mission is to educate people starting from the youngest about the importance of energy and the most effective methods to optimize and produce clean energy.☘️
✅We provide energy education delivered by industry experts and top university scientists for the public, as well as practical training courses for engineers in Europe, Asia and the Middle East. We aim to help you shape a sustainable future, all from the comfort of your own home.
✅We provide free energy education for children through our non-profit division, Enerhack Kids, and are dedicated to motivating the next generation to make a positive impact towards creating a sustainable future.
Throughout this program, you will delve into the principles of stress analysis, understanding how thermal expansion, pressure fluctuations, and system components impact DH pipelines and infrastructure. Real-world case studies and practical exercises will empower you to perform stress calculations, evaluate system vulnerabilities, and design mitigation strategies to prevent failures.
Whether you are an engineer, DH specialist, or infrastructure planner, this course offers a profound understanding of DH stress calculations, equipping you to play a pivotal role in maintaining safe, resilient, and efficient district heating systems.
More info: https://www.enerhack.courses/course/district-heating-stress-calculations
♟ 10.mail möödus Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli majas maleturniiri, mis toetas Enerhack ♟
Turniir toob kokku umbes 100 maletajat 12 Euroopa riigist, sealhulgas 16 suurmeistrit. Nende hulgas on kunagine Maailma nr 2 maletaja Alexei Shirov (Hispaania) ning Daniel Fridman (Saksamaa) kes hiljuti suutis viigistada oma malepartii Maailma esimaletajaga (Magnus Carlsen). Lisaks osaleb ka Eesti paremik (suurmeistrid Kaido Külaots, Meelis Kanep ja Aleksandr Volodin) 🏆
See on juba teine TalTech Blitz maleturniir ja me rõõmsa meelega toetame selle turniiri! ♟
Last week was full of exciting events - we had guests from Moldova visiting us! 🇲🇩 Centrul Național pentru Energie Durabilă 🇲🇩
Our meeting was focused on exchanging experiences in renovating buildings and increasing their energy efficiency. This was part of our larger collaboration, which came together with the support of Estonian Centre for International Development 😎
Over three days, we managed to visit several key places:
✅ Utilitas Cogeneration Station, where we gained valuable insights into modern energy-saving methods;
✅ The Construction Faculty of - Tallinn University of Technology , where we exchanged experiences and best practices in construction and renovation;
✅ Estonian Centre for International Development, where we participated in interesting and productive discussions about collaboration prospects and development;
✅ EASi ja KredExi ühendasutus , where we learned about financial opportunities and support for energy efficiency projects.
Our guests also had the chance to meet with several important representatives:
✅ Eesti Korteriühistute Liit, where they discussed management and maintenance issues of residential complexes;
✅ Vadim Belobrovtsev, a member of parliament and former vice-mayor of Tallinn, who shared his experience and vision for the city's development;
✅ Maria Jufereva-Skuratovskii, a member of the Estonian parliament, and Ion Stavila, the Moldovan ambassador, with whom they discussed prospects for cooperation and possible future projects.
These meetings provided us with a lot of inspiration and new ideas. We are confident that our collaboration will continue to grow, bringing mutual benefits and new opportunities for both countries. We look forward to new meetings and joint projects! 🌍💡
♟ Enerhack toetab maleturniiri, kus osaleb 16 suurmeistrit ja kunagine Maailma nr 2 maletaja ♟
Enerhacki haridusprojekt toetab TalTech Blitzi välkturniiri, mis toob kokku umbes 100 maletajat 12 Euroopa riigist, sealhulgas 16 suurmeistrit. Nende hulgas on kunagine Maailma nr 2 maletaja Alexei Shirov (Hispaania) ning Daniel Fridman (Saksamaa) kes hiljuti suutis viigistada oma malepartii Maailma esimaletajaga (Magnus Carlsen). Lisaks osaleb ka Eesti paremik (suurmeistrid Kaido Külaots, Meelis Kanep ja Aleksandr Volodin) 🏆
🟢 Turniir toimub 10. mail Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli majas (Ehitajate tee 5). 1. vooru algus kell 17.00.
🌊💡 Dive into the amazing world of hydroelectric power with Niagara Falls! 💡🌊
🏞️ Niagara isn't just a stunning natural wonder—it's been a source of clean energy for over a century! Since the first hydroelectric power station was built in 1881, Niagara has served as a powerful source of electricity for millions of homes and businesses across North America.
💧 The process of hydroelectric power at Niagara is based on harnessing the energy of water to rotate turbines, which power generators, turning the flow of water into electricity. This method is not only environmentally friendly but also reliable and efficient!
🌍 Utilizing Niagara for electricity production showcases the importance of renewable energy sources and their role in protecting our planet.
✨ Let's be inspired by the greatness of nature and consciously strive to use energy that makes our world cleaner and brighter!
🌬️💡 Introducing GE Haliade-X - the tallest wind turbine generator in the world! 🌍✨
🚀 This giant stands at a height of 246 meters - twice as tall as conventional wind turbines! Its towering stature allows it to harness strong winds at greater heights, making it an efficient source of clean energy.
💪 Equipped with innovative technology, the GE Haliade-X boasts immense power - its 12-megawatt version is capable of powering over 16,000 households! This makes it one of the most powerful wind turbine generators worldwide.
🌿 Installing such behemoths contributes to increasing the share of renewable energy in our energy future, aiding in the fight against climate change and safeguarding our planet.
💨 It's no wonder that the GE Haliade-X represents a significant leap forward in wind energy development and garners attention from across the globe!
Собираетесь купить домик в Испании? Доктор наук — о неприятных сюрпризах, которые могут вас ожидать! 😎
Energy is our forte. We offer online learning experiences led by industry professionals and distinguished university researchers, enabling you to expand your knowledge and skills from the comfort of your computer. Together, we're forging a brighter tomorrow. ☀️
🔌💡 Elektrimasinate ajalugu: esimestest sammudest kuni tänapäevaste innovatsioonideni! 💡🔌
🌟 XIX sajandil avastasid teadlased elektromagnetilise pöörlemise põhimõtte, mis tõi kaasa esimeste elektrimootorite tekkimise. See oli üks tööstusrevolutsiooni võtmetähtsusega hetki!
👨🔬 Nikola Tesla tegi oma panuse, leiutades vahelduvvoolusüsteemi (VVS), mis parandas elektrimasinate tööd ja sai kaasaegse energiainfrastruktuuri aluseks.
🚗🔋 Esimesed elektriautod ilmusid XIX - XX sajandi vahetusel. Tänapäeval on need taas populaarsed tänu akutehnoloogiate arengule ja keskkonnasõbralikule sõidule!
🌐💚 Need ja teised sündmused elektrimasinate ajaloos aitasid kujundada meie tänapäevase maailma korraldust ja tehnoloogiaid.
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Ehitajate Tee 5