Bodhi Training

Bodhi Training


Experienced based education

Åben som sædvanlig


Today, the final retreat day of Bodhi Training, this sweet letter came from Steve in Aberdeen, Gomde Scotland:

Thank you, Precious Teacher. The group of us, who have now reached the end of the second year of Bodhi training, have been meeting throughout the past two years to follow your teachings and to discuss our experience together. It goes without saying we have unanimously benefitted from your instruction style which comes across as spontaneous and original while delivering the heart of the Dharma, passed through the ages on to us; for which we are profoundly fortunate. You are truly a shining bead on the golden rosary of our lineage...

Photo of Erik beside the naga lake at Rangjung Yeshe Gomde Denmark
by Brage Kvasbø

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