Iwanson International School of Contemporary Dance

Iwanson International School of Contemporary Dance

IWANSON International School of Contemporary Dance -
zeitgenössischer Tanz, Tanzausbildung

Wie gewohnt öffnen


Die Iwanson Pädagogik Grundausbildung kann sowohl von Studierenden von Iwanson International belegt werden, als auch von externen TanzpädagogInnen, ErzieherInnen und LehrerInnen.
Die Workshop-Module finden am Wochenende statt.
Inhalte der obligatorischen Grundkurse sind Trainingsanalyse, Tanzpädagogik, Didaktik, Anatomie und Verletzungsprävention. Anschließend kann zwischen Stil-Workshops in Zeitgenössischem Tanz, Jazztanz oder Kindertanz gewählt werden.
Nach bestandener Prüfung schließt das Programm mit dem Iwanson Pädagogik Grundzertifikat ab.

Alle weiteren Informationen finden Sie auf unserer Homepage: iwanson.de

The Iwanson Pedagogy Basic Training can be attended by students of Iwanson International and external dance teachers, educators, and school teachers, taking place on weekends.
The mandatory basic courses cover training analysis, dance pedagogy, didactics, anatomy, and injury prevention. Afterward, participants can choose between style workshops in contemporary dance, jazz dance or children’s dance.
Upon passing the final exam, the program concludes with the Iwanson Pedagogy Basic Certificate.
You can find all further information on our website: iwanson.de


Open Improvisation Class with Johannes Härtl

Komm und entdecke die Kunst des Tanzes.
Lass dich auf deine Tanzreise ein und erkunde die einzigartige Verbindung zwischen deinem Körper, deiner Kreativität und der Welt um dich herum. Verbessere deine Bewegungsfähigkeiten und -qualität unter der Leitung von Johannes Härtl.

Wann: Dienstags 18:20- 19:35
Preis: 15€ (Ex-Iwanson 10€)

Come and explore the art of dance with us.
Dive deep into your dance journey and explore the unique connection between your body, creativity, and the world around you.
Enhance your movement skills and quality under the guidance of Johannes Härtl.

When: Tuesdays 18:20-19:35
Regular Prize : 15 € ( Ex-Iwanson students 10€)


Nimm vom 1. bis 3. November an einem drei­tägigen, intensiven Tanzworkshop für Jugendliche von 14-18 Jahren in den Herbstferien teil.
Euch erwartet ein abwechslungsreicher Mix aus zeitgenössischem Tanz, klassischem Ballett, Jazztanz sowie Improvisation.
Am dritten Tag können die TeilnehmerInnen ihr erlerntes Unterrichtsmaterial in Form einer Abschlussvorstellung auf der Studiobühne vor Familie und Freunden präsentieren💚
Anmeldung unter :

Join a three-day intensive dance workshop for teenagers (14-18 years) from November 1st to 3rd during the fall break. You can look forward to a diverse mix of contemporary dance, classical ballet, jazz and improvisation.
On the third day, participants will have the opportunity to showcase what they’ve learned in a final performance on the studio stage in front of family and friends💚
Register at:


Die Sommerferien sind zu Ende und ein neues Schuljahr hat begonnen 🎉 Daher freuen auch wir uns sehr, euch alle wieder in unserer Tanzschule begrüßen zu dürfen! Pünktlich zum Start haben wir unser Angebot erweitert, um noch mehr Tanzbegeisterten die Möglichkeit zu bieten, ihre Leidenschaft zu entdecken und zu vertiefen.
Ob Kindertanz, Kurse für Jugendliche oder unsere professionelle Vorausbildung – bei uns findet jeder das passende Programm. Unsere qualifizierten TanzlehrerInnen sorgen dafür, dass alle TeilnehmerInnen individuell gefördert und begleitet werden.

Sie möchten uns und unser Kursangebot zunächst unverbindlich kennenlernen? Vereinbaren Sie gerne eine Probestunde, indem Sie uns telefonisch unter 0897606085 kontaktieren.

Wir freuen uns auf Euch!

Photos from Iwanson International School of Contemporary Dance's post 09/09/2024

Wednesday Open Class with Minka-Marie Heiss (5p.m.-6p.m.)

This open class combines contemporary dance with acrobatic and dynamic floorwork, targeting all professional performers to help refine their skills. The class aims to enhance core strength and flexibility for graceful movement, drawing inspiration from martial arts, breakdance, and animal flow. Furthermore the class is based on contemporary techniques (floor, jumps and combinations).
The session starts with a warm-up focused on cardio, coordination, and body awareness. The main part of the class explores the instructor’s unique movement vocabulary, emphasizing fluid transitions and dynamic movements like swinging, balancing, falling, melting, rolling as well as flips, wheels and handstands. The final segment encourages participants to develop their own safe, expressive movement sequences.
Don’t miss out !

Regular prize per class: 15€
Iwanson Graduates: 10€

Photos from Iwanson International School of Contemporary Dance's post 08/07/2024

Just back from an amazing weekend at the ! Huge shoutout to the team for having us! The kids crushed it, and our graduating class of 1-3, you all absolutely killed it!


The new Iwanson pedagogy basic training program is online!

After September 20th - 22nd with the basic anatomy & theory, you can choose between 3 different styles;

• Children's dance
• Contemporary dance
• Jazz dance

As well as a possibility to get a certificate after a passed exam.

For more indepth information, head to www.iwanson.de / pedagogy



Photos from Iwanson International School of Contemporary Dance's post 31/01/2024

On the 4th of March 2024, our online Jazz and Commercial workshop is coming back!

With our two dear colleagues & .shmoly, your jazz development will be in great and experienced hands 💚

There are three different courses that you can participate in;

🟢 Jazz Beginners 🟢
Teenies (age 12+) training jazz dance as a hobby will be introduced in an entertaining way to jazz dance and it’s special exercises, carefully chosen for fledgling young dancers.

🟢 Jazz Intermediate 🟢
The program is also suitable for adult hobby classes. It consists of a 60-minute class with a fully choreographed warm up, technical exercises, followed by two crossings and one combination where the new elements are integrated and consolidated. The class ends with a cool down and a stretch.

🟢 Commercial 🟢
is an umbrella term for different dance styles, as seen mainly in music videos. It emphasizes the show elements of the dance industry.


For more information regarding prices and to register, head to www.iwansons.de -> workshop



This year, Iwanson will also be offering a compact training format at Easter!
Ambitious dancers aged 16 and over, with good prior knowledge are welcome to attend four intensive dance days in various jazz and commercial styles.

Next to the regular technical exercises, you'll explore the various styles of Musical, Commercial, Funk, Lyrical jazz and Heels!

In the afternoon, the focus is on developing artistic charisma and stage presence so that at the end of the day, the participants are able to utilise the days work to the fullest.

You can find more information at www.iwanson.de




Giving a jump-start into the professional dance career, Iwanson International’s postgraduate program, ‘The Nimble Project’, is aimed at graduates or young professionals.

After an audition the selected participants prepare and rehearse three pieces by internationally renowned choreographers under professional working conditions. The results are shown in Munich and Bavaria and on an international tour Florence/Zagreb/Budapest.

The next Nimble Project will take place at the end of August 2024 until the end of April 2025, with choreographers Caroline Finn, Patrick Delcroix and tba. Furthermore and after participating in a workshop for concept development, the dancers themselves can contribute their own choreographed piece which they will present to the public in autumn!


WWW.IWANSON.DE | [email protected] | 0049 897 606 085



Munich: 16.03.2024
Stockholm: 23.03.2024
Paris: 27.04.2024
Amsterdam: 28.04.2024
Munich: 15.06.2024

Video Auditions:
Deadline 31.05.2024

The Iwanson curriculum includes daily technical training in contemporary dance forms and classical ballet. In addition, our students will train floor technique, partnering, contact, improvisation, performance training, Iwanson technique, jazz dance, theory, somatic training, and much more!

From their second year and onwards, students attend monthly classes taught by additional international instructors. Together, these classes provide a rigorous and well-rounded dance education for our students.

To apply, simply follow the link!




Giving a jump-start into the professional dance career, Iwanson International’s postgraduate progamme, ‘The Nimble Project’, is aimed at graduates or young professionals.

After an audition the selected participants prepare and rehearse three pieces by internationally renowned choreographers under professional working conditions.

The next Nimble Project will take place at the end of August 2024 until the end of April 2025, with choreographers Caroline Finn, Patrick Delcroix and tba.

Audition: 17. März 2024



Welcome to Iwanson International workshops.

Iwanson Inter­national regularly organises further education programmes for contemporary children’s dance, jazz dance for non-professionals and young people as well as con­temporary dance after Iwanson. Apart from the professional pre-education for children and young people from Munich, Iwanson also regularly organises workshops for young people from all over Europe.

Some workshops that Iwanson offers are;
• Iwanson Summer School
• Iwanson Winter School
• Youth Dance days

Additionally, we offer online workshops as well, such like;
• Children's dance
• Jazz / Commercial
• Contemporary

For more information, head to www.iwanson.de

Video | editing Ferdinand Dreyssig


Welcome to Iwanson Internationals educational program.

The Iwanson International School of Contemporary Dance in Munich is one of the most internationally recognised academies for contemporary dance in Europe and trains contemporary dancers and dance teachers with excellent technical quality and an individual profile.

We place great emphasis on the personal development and artistic expression of our students.

There is something for everyone at Iwanson with our four different educational programs;
• 3 year full-time training
• Basic year
• post-graduate program
• Basic pedagogy training

For more information, head to www.iwanson.de

Video | editing: Ferdinand Dreyssig



Welcome to the Iwanson International Children & Youth program.

In the dance world, the pro­fessional pre-education is essential.
We offer the possi­bi­lity to pupils to lay the foun­dation for a successful dance training while still continuing their normal schooling.

If you wish to pursue dance as a pro­fession and to prepare for a subsequent study in the field of dance, you need to train several times per week.
The Iwanson pre-education focuses on classical and contemporary dance forms.

Moving is also an essential need for children. Iwanson‘s experienced specialist for children’s dance Gabriele Würf gently steers this essential need into more orderly dance forms: according to their age and considering them as full entities, even the youngest get acquainted with the dance community, with body awareness, rhythm, movement in space and concentration.

For more information regarding our children and youth programs, simply head to www.iwanson.de

Video | editing: Ferdinand Dreyssig


Photos from Iwanson International School of Contemporary Dance's post 23/10/2023

Throwback to Festival Junger Tanz 2023

„Surrender to Love“ By Jorge Jauregui Allue () in cooperation with the dancers.

Dancers: Mariana da Silva Guilherme, Saige Danyluk, Roger De Freitas, Renee Kuleš, Maria Mastrou, Špela Remec, Ida Maria Schönamsgruber, Noemi

One of the dancers, , wrote this about the piece;
"Surrendering without one or the other would not be possible.
Closeness growing together and falling apart together.
To give something up in order to let something in.
Surrendering individuality to become part of a whole.
Opening yourself and your senses.
Plants surrender life in order to live again.
Seasons as a whole are part of a cycle of surrender.
Surrender to hand times, let what needs to happen happen and move on
Surrender to love“



Photos from Iwanson International School of Contemporary Dance's post 17/10/2023
Wollen Sie Ihr Schule/Universität zum Top-Schule/Universität in Munich machen?

Klicken Sie hier, um Ihren Gesponserten Eintrag zu erhalten.

Who are we?

Iwanson International is a meeting point for contemporary dancers and choreographers from all around the world. We send young dance-students on their way to becoming professional and individual artists.
Our studios are a place of continuous researching and rehearsing, overcoming and experiencing and a space of embracing community.
As an independent institution, we organise a great variety of events and activities next to our academy-program, such as youth-programs, pre-education performances as workshop and thereby supporting Munich’s cultural scene.
Check out our website for more info.

Instagram: iwanson_international




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