ReDI School NRW has started our Fall 2024 Semester!
We are excited to welcome 203 learners from 36 nationalities across 13 courses, supported by an incredible team of 82 volunteers! Together, we are empowering a new generation of digital innovators and bridging tech skills gaps in a truly diverse and inclusive environment. 🌍💻
💡 A few highlights:
👐 107 learners come from forced migration backgrounds—building their futures through education and technology. 👩💻
✨ 121 learners are female! Celebrating the rise of women in tech. 💃
💻 13 courses From beginner to advanced levels, we’re offering to boost digital skills across the board.
A huge thank you to our amazing partners, extremely dedicated volunteers, and the unstoppable ReDI team for making this possible! Your support is transforming lives. 🙏💪
Here’s to an exciting and impactful semester ahead! 🎉
ReDI School of Digital Integration
Tech School for Newcomers Newcomers are too often seen only as a problem within Europe. We do this by creating a tech school.
We want to prove that our new neighbors offer an opportunity for Europe to enrich its culture and empower its economy. We believe that every human being has the right to live up to their potential and to improve themselves. Our aim is to help Newcomers build and expand their qualification within the digital economy and provide them the opportunity to work with startups and tech companies.
Wie gewohnt öffnen
🌟 Join ReDI School NRW's Digital Women's Program as a Volunteer Teacher! 🌟
Are you passionate about making a lasting impact and empowering women through education? At ReDI School NRW, we are dedicated to helping women thrive in the digital world and beyond—and we need YOU to be part of that journey!
💻 Lead with Impact
As a volunteer teacher, you will guide, mentor, and inspire women from diverse backgrounds, equipping them with essential digital skills that open doors to new career opportunities. Your time and expertise will truly make a difference in their lives, setting them up for success in the digital economy.
📅 Upcoming Onboarding Dates: October
Our next onboarding sessions start in October, and the semester kicks off in November. Whether you have experience in social media, digital marketing, powerpoint or digital literacy, your contribution will shape the future for our students.
🙌 Why Volunteer with ReDI School?
Flexiblility: We provide the material and the freedom to teachers to add their own creativity.
Meaningful impact: Help bridge the digital skills gap and foster inclusivity in tech.
Supportive community: Collaborate with like-minded individuals passionate about education and empowerment.
🎯 Get Started Today
Join us in empowering women to unlock their potential! Sign up for our interest form to learn more!
✨ Make an impact in a highly diverse and amazing group of students eager to learn new digital skills!
🎓 ReDI School NRW is looking for volunteers for the Fall Semester 2024. Join our fun and talented community of volunteer teachers and teach in one of our 12 amazing courses: Introduction to Python, Data Analytics, Machine Learning , UX/UI Design Basics , UX/UI Intermediate, AI Fundamentals , Power BI Data Analyst, HTML and CSS, JavaScript, Salesforce Pathfinder (Associate + Admin) and React!
🚀 Are you ReDI? Learn by teaching, grow your skills and network, and make a difference!
Write Hayley @ [email protected] to set up a meet & greet to learn more!
➡️ Check out our website
➡️ Apply to volunteer directly
Summer Fun & Learning Don't Stop!
Hello ReDI friends!
School's out for summer, but we know some of you amazing learners are always up for a challenge! 🚀
That's why we're excited to share our partnership with IBM SkillsBuild! It's a FREE online platform with tons of awesome courses to help you keep learning all summer long.
Ready to explore? Sign up for IBM SkillsBuild today and keep growing!
Der diesjährige Demo Day unseres Kinder- und Jugendprogramms in Duisburg stand unter dem Motto: “Wie verändert KI die deutsche Bildung? - Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten”.
Rund 100 Teilnehmende, darunter Schülerinnen und Schüler aus den fünf Marxloher Bildungsfairbuntschulen präsentierte bei strahlendem Sonnenschein stolz ihre erarbeiteten Projekte. Unsere Schülerinnen und Schüler stellten souverän unter anderem KI, Robotik und selbst programmierte Spiele vor.
Im Rahmen eines Pressetermins haben wir mit unserem Hauptsponsor des Jugendprogramms in Duisburg-Marxloh & Co SE unsere dortige Bildungsarbeit und Erfolge vorgestellt. Mit dabei: Anne Kjær Bathel, CEO & Co-Founder ReDI School, Guido Kerkhoff, CEO Klöckner, Florian Braun, CDU -Landtagsfraktion Nordrhein-Westfalen, Edeltraud Klabuhn, Bürgermeisterin der Stadt Duisburg sowie die Schulleiterinnen und Schulleiter unserer Partnerschulen.
Gestartet im Februar 2020 haben wir inzwischen 702 Schülerinnen und Schüler im Programm und können durch unsere schulübergreifende Arbeit digitale Bildung vorantreiben.
Wir bedanken uns ganz herzlich bei unserem langjährigen Partner Klöckner & Co SE für die Unterstützung unserer Bildungsarbeit und das Vertrauen in unser Kinder- und Jugendprogramm sowie bei den Schulen und Lehrkräften. Lasst uns weiterhin erfolgreich und für Kinder und Jugendliche in Marxloh vorantreiben.
Fotos: Ariane Gehlert
ReDI School reinforces its commitment to reducing the digital gap in the market, and for that, we are looking for individuals who can contribute to our purpose. If you are seeking to make a difference, your opportunity may be now! 🤩🚀
BERLIN - Human Resources (junior) manager*in (Temporary, Part-time)
MUNICH - Volunteer Community Manager - (Temporary, Part-time)
NRW - Kursleitung Kinder- und Jugendprogramm in Duisburg Marxloh (Working Student, Part-time)
Programmassistenz Kinder- und Jugendprogramm in Duisburg Marxloh (Temporary, Part-time)
🌟 Unlock Your Potential with ReDI School of Digital Integration! 🚀
Hello changemakers! 🌈
Ready to make a real impact? Join the dynamic Berlin community at ReDI School of Digital Integration to transform the tech industry through diversity and inclusion. 👩💻👩🏫🧑💻🧑🏫
🔍 We're actively seeking passionate volunteers to teach a spectrum of subjects, from basic digital skills to cutting-edge tech courses. Elevate your impact by sharing career-related insights that empower learners on their journey to success.
➡️ Dive into the world of possibilities on our webpage: and explore the diverse volunteer roles awaiting you.
➡️ Ready to take the plunge? Apply online for your dream volunteering position:
➡️ Connect with our Volunteer Coordinator via a personalized Calendly call.
➡️ Let's Get ReDI to volunteer!
Together, let's empower individuals to reach their digital dreams. Spread the word to your friends and beyond! 👨🔧🧑🔧👩🔧👩🚒👨🎨👨✈️👩⚖️🧑🚀
It is the season of joy and cheer! 🎄
We're ReDI to dive into the holiday spirit and spread some warmth by inviting everyone to make a difference! Join us in creating magical and unforgettable moments through volunteering. It's not just about teaching; it's about building bonds with learners, fellow teachers, and the entire community, crafting memories that will last a lifetime! Let's come together and make this holiday season a time of giving, sharing, and creating lasting connections. 🤗🎁✨
Interest Form ❄️
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Our Story
ReDI School offers education to break down barriers and connect the leaders of tomorrow. We use technology to connect human potential with employment opportunities with dignity and humility. We value reliability, usefulness, care and playfulness.
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Mehringdamm 55