Floating University

A Natureculture Learning Site. Urban Practice on and in the rainwater retention pool at Berlin-Templ

Wie gewohnt öffnen

Photos from Floating University's post 01/06/2024

• „MarsOnEarth: Die Marsnahme“

DANKE an ein großes und fantastisches Team, an alle Mitwirkenden, die diesen Trip zu „MarsOnEarth“ vor und hinter der Bühne gestaltet, begleitet und möglich gemacht haben. It was a blast! To be continued … 🛸
THANKS A LOT to a large and fantastic team, to all the contributors who created, accompanied and made this trip to “MarsOnEarth” possible, both on and behind the stage. It was a blast! To be continued … 🛸

Mit: Olga Brunsmann, Sarah Günther, Vettka Kirillova, Heimo Lattner, Yumin Li, Nicola Nord, Mariana Senne dos Santos, Ulf Soltau, Wang Wang
Konzept & Regie: andcompany&Co.
Text: Alexander Karschnia, Nicola Nord &Co.
Musik: Sascha Sulimma &Co.
Ausstattung & Kostüme:
Chorleitung: Christine Groß
Inflatable Installation: (Lorenz Kuschnig Lefort, Maxie Schneider)
Raumkapsel: Raul Walch & Lena Newton mit Caroline Wächter
Mitarbeit Regie: Saskia Mommertz
Mitarbeit Ausstattung: Shira Karmi, Carlotta Huck
Mitarbeit Kostüme: Anna Mirkin, Laura Fernández Antolín
Mitarbeit Bühne: Jonas Haala
Technische Leitung: Marc Zeuske
Sound: Thorsten Hoppe
Licht: Arno Truschinski
Mitarbeit Technik: Eliza Chojnacka, Jöran Mandik, Andrew Wu
Koordination Floating University: Ute Lindenbeck
Spielstättenkoordination: Carmen Carolina Staiano, Jeanne Astrup-Chauvaux
Produktion & Kommunikation: Lisa Schmidt
Administration: Sujmo Akcali
Company Management: Caroline Farke

„MarsOnEarth: Die Marsnahme“ ist eine Produktion von andcompany&Co. in Koproduktion mit hauberlin und .

Die Produktion wird gefördert durch den Hauptstadtkulturfonds und die Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt.



anarchy garden
30 + 31.05 2024

> Übersetzung im Kommentar.

„celebration, rituals, gathering, inter-species, dinner, compost, frogs, cadavre-exquis, symbiosis, costumes, make-up, pluie, chaotic jam, seeing mushrooms, basin, arroser, telepathic walks, weird dance, solar punk...“

anarchy garden is a poem found at the bottom of a bramble garden. anarchy garden is a song whispered by the little ones on a rainy day. it teems and shelters, sneaks in, hides or denounces. it’s a source of magic. in collaboration with the floating university garden and its inhabitants, we invite you to bring your stories and creative processes into the collective to connect and celebrate. anarchy garden is meant to be chaotic and alive, so everyone is called upon and welcome to participate in making this event happen: to share knowledge, to initiate a jam session, to propose a performance, an installation, an atelier, a walk, a dance, to read a poem, to tell a story, to cook good food + infinite, or to be a silent observer.

30th, the core & the seeds from 11 am
for those who want to meet and create a core team, be part of the (des)organisation, start thinking about an installation, atelier or performance... either meditate within the space, bring ideas & prepare the space together for the big day. you’re invited to join us in the afternoon.

31st, anarchy garden meeting from 2pm until dusk.
the happening day is open to the public. you’re invited to join in, bring friends, creative tools, instruments, costumes + infinity.

Organisation and contact and

Photos from Floating University's post 09/04/2024


Die Floating Kidsuni sucht einen neuen Namen! 

Wenn du eine kreative Idee hast die zeigt, was wir machen, die Kinder und Jugendliche anspricht und sowohl auf Deutsch als auch auf Englisch super klingt, dann her damit! 

Sende uns deinen Vorschlag bis zum 21. April an [email protected]. 💌 

Zu gewinnen gibt’s einen Nachmittag mit selbstgemachten Drinks für dich und deine Freunde an unserer WasserkostBar.

Wir freuen uns auf eure ideen!
Das Kidsuni Team

The Floating Kidsuni is looking for a new name! If you have a creative idea that shows what we do, speaks to kids and teenagers and which can be used in both German and English, then please share it with us! Email your suggestion to [email protected] by the 21 april. 💌 The winner will be invited to an afternoon of homemade drinks for them and their friends at our WasserkostBar.

We look forward to your ideas!
The Kidsuni Team

Photos from Floating University's post 28/01/2024

‚Floating University Berlin‘

The rainwater basin receives the rainwater runoff from the former Tempelhof Airport and adjacent Columbia Damm Road since the 1930s. After nearly 100 years of being an epicentre of CO2 emissions and toxic runoff associated with air travel, Floating e.V. Association constructed an experimental cultural, pedagogical and social space inside the rainwater basin with low-impact materials and water filtration systems.

Program: Mixed use - Cultural & Social
Total area: 24.000m2 m2
Client: Floating e.V.
Client type: Mixed

More info → miesarch.com/work/5413



Photos from Floating University's post 28/10/2023

Floating ruft zu einem sofortigen Waffenstillstand auf!

Seit zwei Wochen versucht der Floating e.V., ein Verein mit mehr als 50 Mitgliedern, die richtigen Worte zu finden und uns auf ein gemeinsames ausführliches Statement zu einigen.

Aber wir können in dieser Krise einfach keinen Konsens für eine passende Formulierung unter uns finden.

Also tut der Verein, was er eben tut: Wir öffnen den Ort für Diskurs, Aktion und Beisammensein.

Morgen, am Sonntag, den 29. Oktober um 12 Uhr laden wir Sie ein, sich uns im Floating Becken anzuschließen, um Schilder und Transparente zu basteln und Geld für humanitäre Hilfe zu sammeln.


Floating calls for an immediate ceasefire!
For the last two weeks, Floating e.V - an association of more than 50 members - has been trying to find the right words and to agree on a detailed statement.

But we simply cannot find a consensus on this crisis amongst ourselves.

So the association does what it does: We are opening the site for discourse, action, and hospitality.

Tomorrow, Sunday Oct. 29, 12pm we invite you to join us at Floating for an action to make signs and banners and to raise funds for humanitarian aid.


Photos from Floating University's post 18/10/2023

• Who knows what to cook from bananas, yellow Paprikas and Potatoes? Team yellow figured it out! The people were as diverse as the foodsaved ingredients, but just like a great jazz improvisation everything came into place by the end of the day.Nothing burnt, everything was cooked, all tasted good! We created a buffet of many endless flavours, that combined surprisingly well. At the end of the day we had dinner with around 40 people, many had second and third rounds, followed by a piece of cake and a communal fullpower cleaning session. What a success!
Music included sounds of Miles Davis, Ornette Coleman, John Coltrane, Alice Coltrane, Bill Evans and Charlie Parker: thanks to them too for making this a special day !
Wer weiß, was man aus Bananen, gelben Paprikas und Kartoffeln kochen kann? Team Gelb hat es herausgefunden! Die Leute waren so unterschiedlich wie die Zutaten, aber wie bei einer großen Jazz-Improvisation war am Ende des Tages alles an seinem Platz: Nichts ist angebrannt, alles war gekocht, alles hat geschmeckt! Wir kreierten ein Buffet mit unendlich vielen Geschmacksrichtungen, die sich erstaunlich gut kombinieren ließen. Am Ende des Tages aßen wir mit etwa 40 Personen zu Abend, viele machten eine zweite und dritte Runde, gefolgt von einem Stück Kuchen und einer gemeinsamen Aufräumaktion. Was für ein Erfolg!
Die Musik umfasste Songs von Miles Davis, Ornette Coleman, John Coltrane, Alice Coltrane, Bill Evans und Charlie Parker: auch ihnen müssen wir danken, dass sie diesen Tag zu einem besonderen gemacht haben!

Photos from Floating University's post 18/10/2023

EUmies Awards 2024

EUmies Awards 2024 – Announcement Nominees
European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Awards 2024

A few days ago the European Commission and the Fundació Mies van der Rohe announced the 2024 European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture / Mies van der Rohe Awards (EUmies Awards) nominees. A total of 362 works realized all over 38 different European countries are nominated. The Floating University is happy to be among the selected projects!

Discover the nominated Projects here:

You can find the full press release here:

EUmies Awards 2024 – Bekanntgabe der Nominierten
Preis der Europäischen Union für zeitgenössische Architektur – Mies van der Rohe Awards 2024

Vor ein paar Tagen hat die die Europäische Kommission und die Fundació Mies van der Rohe die Nominierungen für den Preis der Europäischen Union für zeitgenössische Architektur / Mies van der Rohe Awards (EUmies Awards) 2024 bekannt gegeben. Insgesamt 362 Arbeiten, die in 38 verschiedenen europäischen Ländern umgesetzt wurden. Wir sind erfreut das die Floating eine Platz unter den Ausgewählten Projekten gefunden hat!

Hier könnt ihr die nominierten Projekte Finden:

Und hier gehts zur vollständigen Pressemitteilung:

The EUmies Awards are organised by the with the support of the .eu programme of the . They are organised in partnership with the European Association of Architectural Education (EAAE) and the Architects’ Council of Europe (ACE-CAE); as a founding partner; the European Cultural Centre as a partner in Venice; sponsored by .group, and ; and with the support of and .

Photos from Floating University's post 16/10/2023

Fotografischer Rückblick zur zweiten Ausgabe der Tage des offenen Bodens: Böden & Kompost. Eingefangen von Katharina Geist. Das Program fand vom 29. August bis zum 2. September statt.

Und hier der Link zu einem Artikel zum Program geschrieben von Titus Arno und publiziert von der Süddeutschen Zeitung:


Photographic review of the second edition of the Open Soil Days: Soils & Compost. Captured by Katharina Geist. The programme took place from 29 August to 2 September.

And here is the link to an article on the programme written by Titus Arno and published by the Süddeutsche Zeitung:


Alle Bilder/All images: Katharina Geist

Kuration/Curated by: Martina Kolarek
Assistenz: Fotini Takirdiki
Produktion/Production: Ute Lindenbeck
Künstler:innen/artists: Agnes Meyer-Brandis, Andreas Weber, Anja Fiedler, Alena Trapp, Camille Larroque, Heike Ebner, Luis Stängl, Martina Kolarek, Philippe Hansen, Richard Ley
Illustration: Jade Dreyfuss
Architektur/Architecture: Floating University: Felix Wierschbitzki, Florian Stirnemann, Jeanne Astrup-Chauvaux, Lorenz Kuschnig, Martina Kolarek
Photographie/Photography: Katharina Geist
Grafik / Graphic Design: Roman Karrer

Kollektiver Bau der Kompoststation/Collective construction of the composting station: Alissia Hoffmann, Anna Szczepaniak, Antonia Lembcke, Cecilia Buffa, Corinna Studier, Jade Dreyfuss, Jeanne Astrup-Chauvaux, Jona Möller, Jonathan Heck, Kean Koschany, Lena Löhnert, Leonard Strübin, Lilli Hanada, Martina Kolarek, Mathilde Dewavrin, Milan Van Belle, Sandra Revuelta




Photos from Floating University's post 11/10/2023

• Learnscapes Symposium 2023

Our second stop for the "Water Awareness" project brought us to Berlin, where we engaged in insightful discussions at the Learnscapes Symposium. The historical rainwater retention basin provided an ideal backdrop to present our our latest findings about water as a common good. Thanks to .laz for the organisation and to for the valuable support.

Photos from Floating University's post 10/10/2023

Day by Day (2014-2015, 58 minutes)
Nguyễn Thị Thanh Mai

Film Screening / Filmvorführung
Organised by

"Day by Day" erkundet die Probleme der Identitätslosigkeit und Entwurzelung, die von Menschen erlebt werden, die vietnamesischer Abstammung sind, aber gegenwärtig auf kambodschanischem Gebiet leben oder gelebt haben. Während mehrerer Forschungsreisen in die Grenzgebiete zwischen Vietnam und Kambodscha im Jahr 2014 hörte und notierte Nguyễn Thị Thanh Mai, wie Menschen intime Erinnerungen teilten und von ihren Leben sprachen - Leben, die flüchtig und unsicher sind. Ihre Geschichten sind persönlich und dennoch berühren sie universelle Fragen nach Staatsbürgerschaft und Migration.

"Day by Day” explores issues of identitylessness and rootlessness experienced by people who are Vietnamese by birth or ancestry, but presently live or have lived on Cambodian territory. During several research trips to the border areas between Việt Nam and Cambodia throughout 2014, Nguyễn Thị Thanh Mai listened and recorded people sharing their intimate memories and speaking of their lives – lives that are ephemeral and uncertain. Their stories are personal yet intersect with universal questions of citizenship and migration.

Photos from Floating University's post 05/10/2023

Climate Care 2023: CRITTERKRATIA’s gratitude! 🐌💦🪱🐛🌱✨

[ENG] Visual memories of the last days of Climate Care festival 2023 captured by

Thanks to all the artists, designers, theorists and hybrid creatures for having shared their researches and knowledge.
And thanks to all those who passed by, visited one of the events or returned several times – the atmosphere was vibrant and joyful thanks to you!
Big gratitude also to the production team, the hospitality team and the volunteers ❤️

Eindrücke von den letzten Tagen des Climate Care Festivals 2023, fotografiert von

Wir danken allen Künstler*innen, Designer*innen, Theoretiker*innen und Hybridwesen dafür, dass sie ihre Forschungen und ihr Wissen geteilt haben.
Und danke an alle, die vorbeigekommen sind, eine der Veranstaltungen besucht haben oder mehrmals wiedergekommen sind - die Atmosphäre war dank euch lebendig und fröhlich! ❤️

Curated by/ Kuratiert von with/mit
Graphic Design/ Grafik:
Programme Editor/Redakteur:

Funded by/Gefördert durch

Photos from Floating University's post 25/09/2023

Climate Care 2023: CRITTERKRATIA, Sept 21-30

Thanks to all those who passed by in these first four days of the festival! It was intense, joyful and fun 💙

Today we and the basin rested a bit: the program of readings, workshops, lectures and performances at the basin continues tomorrow, Tuesday 26.09!
The day will start with a reading of “The Pheonix Complex” (2023) guided by author of the book, the philosopher Michael Marder, at 17 and at 19.30 with “In due Time: A Ritual Against Reproduction”, an evening of talks, performances, and dialogues to follow the tracks of a mythical creature, who is both solar and chthonic, namely the phoenix.

Find the program of the next 5 days of festival on our website and see you at the basin!

Moments of the first four days of Climate Care 2023 Critterkratia captured by

Curated by with
Graphic Design
Funded by

Photos from Floating University's post 18/09/2023

Climate Care 2023: CRITTERKRATIA, Sept 21-30
Daily/Täglich 17-18

Every day at 17:00, the afternoon cycle of workshops of the festival is concluded with an hour of collective reading. Through multiple voices and languages we will explore hybrid creatures, revisit animism, get to know phoenixes and engage with wild tongues. We will encounter mats, bacteria, sun and love, reflect on sounds as political medium, get to know milpa gardens, listen to mycelium teachings and explore a tactical guide for artist-run initiatives!
Join artists, designers, researchers and theorists as they guide reading sessions of texts relevant to their own work.
The readings will be in English.

Täglich um 17.00 Uhr lassen wir das Workshop-Programm am Nachmittag mit einer Lesestunde und Pause ausklingen, bevor das Abendprogramm beginnt. Begleiten Sie Künstler*innen, Designer*innen, Forscher*innen und Theoretiker*innen bei der Durchführung von Lesungen von Texten, die für ihre eigenen Werk von Bedeutung sind.
Die Lesungen finden in englischer Sprache statt.

Curated by/ Kuratiert von with/mit
Graphic Design/ Grafik:
Programme Editor/Redakteur:

Funded by/Gefördert durch

Photos from Floating University's post 15/09/2023

.search.of.fulfillment Heute um 11 beginnt unser 3 tägiges Event "In Search Of Fulfillment" auf dem Gelände der floating. Hier findet Ihr ein paar Bilder von unseren Aufbauarbeiten gestern Abend. Wir freuen uns auf euch. Um 11 Uhr geht es los mit und mit denen wir den 16 m langen Truck gestalten werden. Um 16.30 Uhr gibt es ein spannendes Gespräch mit Markus Muschkiet vom Institut über schnellen Konsum und Logistik. Zum Ende des Tages um 18.30 Uhr zeigen wir eine ORF Doku. "Kleider machen Müll - Von der Stange auf die Halde"

Photos from Floating University's post 15/09/2023

Climate Care 2023: CRITTERKRATIA, Sept 21-30

– HARVESTING LUMBUNG, by ruangrupa - Reza Afisina and Iswanto Hartono

– LET’S BECOME FUNGAL!, by Yasmine Ostendorf-Rodríguez
A workshop to activate the way of fungal thinking and being, through twelve questions that do not lead to answers, but to twelve fungal teachings we can implement in our lives.

– HARVEST MOON DINNER, by Gabriela Aquije, Mónica Kisic
A convivial gathering to learn cooperation, reciprocity and collective nourishment with and from the milpa growing through the summer at Floating.

A workshop for children to explore the world of monsters, hybrids and cyborgs through collage making and drawing.

– WHAT IS A RIVER, with Elizabeth Gallón Droste, Dr. Christiane Gerstetter, Sina Ribak, Zabriskie Buchladen
A conversation about the relations of mining, law and more-than-human nature to discuss the violence of extractivism in relation to the shift towards the “rights of nature”.

– XOIR, by Colin Self
A vocal workshop open to everyone that focuses on somatic awareness and collective organising. .

Curated by with
Graphic Design
Funded by

Photos from Floating University's post 13/09/2023

Climate Care 2023: CRITTERKRATIA, Sept 21-30

HOW TO ZÖOP, by Klaas Kuitenbrouwer
Workshop to prototype a model for cooperation between humans and other-than-human life, taking Floating as its case study.

A conversational encounter delving deeper into the entanglement of climate, architecture and vulnerability.

A sound exploration of Warsaw’s urban wetland and the reeds at Floating which waft through the different corners of the rainwater retention basin.

A workshop and a silent conversation to reflect collectively on our human condition and that of the environments we inhabit in the present days of the reproductive crisis.

Departing from anthropocentric perspectives, these films tackle more-than-human relations, using experimental hybrid aesthetic and narrative forms to explore our ecological past, present and future.

An evening of talks, performances, and dialogues to follow the tracks of a mythical creature, who is both solar and chthonic, namely the phoenix.

How can we hybridise with disturbances, rather than separating disturbances as foreign, other or alien? The workshop proposes an embodied exercise to integrate disturbance theory into our bodies.

The workshop explores what the position of Parkmeister*in or “gentle” curator is, what its challenges are, and what positions have developed in other collective and/or public spaces.

SCENES FROM CONTAMINATIONS 2022, by Katherine Ball, Sebastian Díaz de León
A film exploring the different dynamics between nature and culture in complex sites.

Climate Care: Critterkratia is curated by and

Funded by

Photos from Floating University's post 11/09/2023

Climate Care 2023: CRITTERKRATIA, Sept 21-30

HYBRID GAZE is Garance Maurer, Jeanne Astrup-Chauvaux, Jöran Mandik, Katherine Ball
A working group that participates in the festival’s program to absorb and digest the knowledge brought by the various artists and thinkers, and share it back to the association and the basin.

MILPA: LEARNING FROM CORN, BEAN AND SQUASH by Loréne Blanche, Alizée Sérazin
An experimental garden based on the Mesoamerican agro-ecological unit.

An intimate survey of the Ballona/Waachnga wetland in Los Angeles brought into the rainwater retention basin in Berlin to establish a site-specific relationship between the two watery ecologies.

AGAINST CURING by MELT (Ren Loren Britton & Iz Paehr)
A performative installation towards un-curing and caring for concrete differently.

A LANGUAGE UNKNOWN, by David Horvtiz
A performance comprising a score for human voices, intended to mimic the sounds of the Ballona creek as it flows into the Pacific Ocean. Sounds carried from California to Berlin through an unknown language.

Sonic Earthwalker, presenting vibrations for ritual unions.

WITH THE MOSSES, by Jacky Hess, Eva-Fiore Kovacovsky, Lucy Powell, Susanne Jaschko
Moss grows at Floating University in unexpected places and in unthinkable forms. This workshop is an immersive experience in the world of moss.

TURNING THE COLLAR, by Teresa Dillon, with Marek Tuszynski
A film in the form of a road trip around the rural county of Westmeath, Ireland. On the journey craft, restoration, and repair professionals speak about their work.

Night walk and performance on urban light pollution. Dark clothes suggested!

Curated by with
Graphic Design
Funded by

Photos from Floating University's post 10/09/2023

“rain is indocile, a remembrance of the waters of dreams, overflowing modernity’s fixed imaginaries of water reduced to a commodity or to a mere substance: h2o”

when rain ceases, traces are left behind
how may we listen to these traces?

remembrances of the ~ reading rains workshop & the listening of its sonic traces. such a beautiful and nurturing weaving process that we –   & i – carried with . and that began long before, and that is the beginning of so much more together with others !!! 

fluid ecotonalism workshop is an experiential space where collaboration and diverse site-specific methodologies converge. guided by practices of interdependence, such as listening, voice, and memory, each workshop is a process of investigation, alteration, imagination, and foraging centered around specific bodies of water. in this instance, the focus is the rainwater basin of the tempelhofer feld.

the emphasis lay on the reading of sediments – all that can be listened to and felt. conversations with water were fostered by following its traces, having passed through diverse ecotones and layers of reality. employing tasseography, the interwoven folds between existence's dual sides (tzeltales) unfolded. we ventured into the waters of dreams...

THANK YOU all who were part of these happenings

so beautiful to see all these drops merging and transforming

Photos from Floating University's post 06/09/2023

• From our deep dive on day two of ‘Situated Ecologies’ , where we explored different practices of sounding and listening with urban ecologies, focusing — as throughout the whole weekend — on migrant and marginalised perspectives.

Photos as ever by the wonderful 📸

Day two was made possible thanks to , , , , Gorazd Trušnovec, and — and our wonderful, engaged audience ✨🌿

‘Situated Ecologies: sounding ecological entanglements in urban environments’ was curated by & (SONIC TOMORROW) and produced by

Photos from Floating University's post 04/09/2023

Next Wednesday, UP International Network invites to UPON feminist practices for climate justice, a series of talks and get together for international urban practitioners at Floating University!

06.09. from 2:30 - 9:30pm
Join us on site and online:

This year's edition focuses on (eco)feminist practices that enable the necessary and fair transformation of communities towards climate justice. Which strategies can we learn from initiatives taking action for right to the land, the protection of urban ecosystems, regenerative community practices and gender-orientated resistance? How can we develop social conducts that repel extractivist models in favor of caring patterns based on interspecific maintenance and interdependency?

We’re looking forward to talking with Nashi Mahtani from Yayasan Peta Bencana (Jakarta) [EN], Padmapani L. Perez Former Lead Strategist for Creative Collaboration from Agam Agenda (Quezon City) [EN], Geneviève Kinet, Leila Bensalem from Marais Wiels Moeras (Brussels) [FR], Laura Viviana Cala Mejía from Somos Bosque (Bogotá) [ES] and to experiencing an interactive practice format with Martha Hincapié Charry [EN, ES]. Froggy melodies will accompany the sundown, inviting to a joint slide into the evening.

UPON is a series of talks that reflects on urban practices from an inclusive, multilingual, context-bound and feminist perspective. As a platform for reciprocal exchange and collective research about urban practices in an international context, UPON connects artists, architects, urbanists and activists in Berlin and around the world

no registration needed, more info: https://urbanepraxis.berlin

organised by Valeria Schwarz & Lorene Blanche Goesele for Urbane Praxis International Network

UPON is supported by the Senate Department for Urban Development, Building and Housing as part of the expansion of the Netzwerkstelle Urbane Praxis, carried out by Urbane Praxis e.V.

1&6 Fé.e.s du Marais Wiels Moeras / 2&3 graphics from Stephanie Becker / 4 Yayasan Peta Bencana / 5 Jogjakarta mural by Tamarra and Bodhi IA / 7 Somos Bosque

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Donnerstag 12:00 - 22:00
Freitag 12:00 - 20:00
Samstag 12:00 - 20:00
Sonntag 12:00 - 20:00
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