Elisabetta Lanfredini Vocals

Elisabetta Lanfredini Vocals


This page is totally dedicated to the voice. I will share videos and audio, thoughts and tips about

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From my solo in last week concert for Palestina organized by the wonderful . I felt glad to be there in a incredible sweet and warm environment surrounded by a special humanity and sensitive that looks kind of lost lately. I felt not alone, in the right place, with the right company, on the right side. Thanks everyone to exist (organizers and other guests).

Pic by , thanks !


I guess I will better find a place to live when I will be back in Berlin..but in the meanwhile..


Kyoto and Osaka coming soon!
Who I should meet there? Who I should listen to play? What I have absolutely not to lose?
Who is there and wants to meet? 💕💕💕


Slowly and faithfully starting this game again 💕 thanks for all the help till here and for the future.

Join group chat on Telegram 24/06/2024

If you are in touch for me for singing activities don’t forget to follow my Telegram channel…new things are cooking.


Join group chat on Telegram


Just sharing a powerful picture while cooking a new musical trip, a grant application, a grant I won and waiting to start to work an a project, new collaborations and a bit of energy coming back after a hard year.
Celebrating spring, the sun, new friends, new ideas.

Pic by from my last trip in Portugal. 🔥💕


Dear all,

I will hold two workshops in March!

I have decided to call it one more time:

Rambling Voices - Feeling the voice

Because I would like to work on proprioception, listening, deep observation of our sound/sounds.

I decided to work on the beautiful, delicate relationship between listening and phonation-saying-speaking-singing. On the dimension of deep listening, intimacy of the voice, sonic nuances: a research that allows us to dwell on what we hear and feel through our voice. As a part of us, for our music, for our creativity.

The dates:

See you on Wednesday, March 20 and Wednesday, March 27 at 6:30 p.m. in Berlin, Schöneberg!

Bring questions about your practices if you like, but also an empty basket to fill with surprises. Each workshop is an opportunity to take away practices to work on over time.

The fee for participation is 25-35 euros for each session. You can attend even just one of them.

Confirm me via private message or email: [email protected]

It’s open to everyone, feel free to spread the voice 🙂

Looking forward !

Love 💥💙⚡️

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