

filmArche is the largest self-organized film school in Europe.

Wie gewohnt öffnen

Photos from filmArche's post 05/12/2024

The third year film Strömen (WT) was shot in the lower rhine region, in west Germany.
Two storylines of each Martha and Thomas tell about heartache and loss. From home and the preservation of memory from what they once called home.

The river collects those different stories along its shores and as they arrive to the sea, they become one.

- Currently in post production -

Director -
Script - Johann Vock, Marvin Gräter

DP - Simona Radici
AC / Grip -
Gaffer - Felipe Riveros Latorre
Gaffer - Nacho González
Bestboy -
Electrician -

Sound -
Sound -

Set design -
Costume -
Make-up -
Make-up -

Editor - .imaginario
Sound design -

Producer -
PA - Lotti Weber-Spanknebel,
Leander Kemperdick
Support -

Set photos - @

Photos from filmArche's post 04/12/2024
Photos from filmArche's post 29/11/2024

Join us for another legendary filmArche winterparty!
We will have live acts, two dance floors, a sauna, a tattoo studio, a chill space, delicious cocktails and a fireplace by the canal!

We are on the final sprint of gathering another 35.000€ until January to move with VOLLGUT cooperative to the former Kindl Brewery.
Support the future of self-organised film schools and come over to dance and sweat with us!

Stay tuned for the line-up!

Photos from filmArche's post 24/11/2024

Tom Lass ist Schauspieler und Regisseur. Und war im Jahrgang Regie 2009 an der filmArche aktiv.
Sein Spielfilm Blind & Hässlich wurde 2017 mit dem FIPRESCI ausgezeichnet.

Photos from filmArche's post 19/11/2024

A gathering took place in the ancient catacombs of the Kindl brewery. We were given a little insight into our future home.

On Thursday, November 7, 2024, there was a guided tour of the Vollgut site followed by a presentation in the Workshop/ Atelier from .



Photos from filmArche's post 15/11/2024

We invite you warmly to the screening of these two Argentinian short films with the presence of the filmmaker Azul Aizenberg, with a special Q&A at the end of the projection. ✨

Photos from filmArche's post 13/11/2024

The animation of a p**p Buddha for a segment of the film “How about having a fascination of mind”.
Its a documentary / stop-motion film about the idiosyncrasies of South Korean everyday culture.

by Katti Jisuk Seo(Drehbuch05)
& Finnja Willner (Dok13)
you can watch the movie here:

The filming took place at the Animas-Film animation studio in the Schillerkiez in Neukölln. Not far from our future home ;)

Photos from filmArche's post 12/11/2024

HEY FOLLOWERS. We love putting stuff from the past online, and whats currently going on at filmArche. We are delighted that it goes out to the thousands of you and we hope it brightens your week.

if you enjoyed it so far, why not consider a donation on our crowdfunding page.

Chip in the equivalent of one mensa meal and help to keep this flow of excellent content coming and that our film school can survive and thrive.

Thank you.

Photos from filmArche's post 08/11/2024

In modern society, people face each other less as individuals in conflict than as representatives in a system.

A mysterious film team accompanies Mr. and Mrs. N. as they learn that a bowl always remains empty during their trial work in the sorting department of Chewing Gum Inc.

Writing & Direction - Caroline Schwarz
DP - Sergi Sanchez Rodriguez
1st AC - Aline Juarez
Costume Design - Rosa Barz
Lights -
Production Design - Anne-Simone Vogt
Composer - Pia Achternkamp
Sound Designer - Kai Müller

Tags & Links
you can watch the movie online 👇
colour grading:

Photos from filmArche's post 06/11/2024

Last month filmArche hosted a workshop in cooperation with VC Berlin, focused on pitching for documentary filmmakers. Yony Leyser, director of (among others) “Drag me to the USA”, and “Queercore: How to punk a revolution”, gave an input on how to present your film to broadcasters, funders and producers. Then, several participants got a chance to present their project and practice their pitch. Finally, we got an introduction to the documentary platform “Pitch the Doc” by its founders Katarzyna Szarecka and Adam Paplinski. What a great way to spend Sunday afternoon!
Letzten Monat veranstaltete filmArche in Kooperation mit VC Berlin einen Workshop zum Thema Pitching für Dokumentarfilmemacher*nnen. Yony Leyser, Regisseur von (unter anderem) „Drag me to the USA“ und „Queercore: How to punk a revolution“, gab einen Input, wie man seinen Film bei Sendern, Förderern und Produzenten präsentiert. Anschließend hatten einige Teilnehmer*innen die Möglichkeit, ihr Projekt vorzustellen und ihren Pitch zu üben. Zum Abschluss erhielten wir eine Einführung in die Dokumentarfilm-Plattform „Pitch the Doc“ durch ihre Gründer Katarzyna Szarecka und Adam Paplinski. Was für eine toller Sonntagnachmittag!

Photos by

Photos from filmArche's post 04/11/2024

„Leilas Geheimnis“ ein Kinderkurzfilm über die erste Menstruation und die damit zusammenhängende emotionale Achterbahnfahrt voller Fragen, Scham und Unsicherheiten :) Und es geht auch um Freundschaft! Gedreht August 2024 in Brandenburg und jetzt frisch in der Montage.

Crew & Tags:

Script & Direction - .cew
DP -
Script & Production - Juliane Selesnew
Lights -
and more

Photos from filmArche's post 04/11/2024

Screening and Q&A - Hemshej 🎥
📌 Lahnstrasse 25, Filmarche
📅 8.11.24 / 18:30

Photos from filmArche's post 26/10/2024

Am Mittwoch, den 30. Oktober, zeigen wir Drifter von filmArche-Alumni Hannes Hirsch mit anschließender Fragerunde.

On Wednesday, the 30th October, we will be showing Drifter by filmArche alumni Hannes Hirsch, followed by a Q&A.

Hope to see u there.



Photos from filmArche's post 24/10/2024

In May 2022, Kamera20 held a workshop about rigging a car.
The Rigging Sets consisted of:
1x side car mount
1x hood mount + suction cups
and small stuff like even more suction cups, mollton, clamps and ratchet straps.

Photo Credit:
Victoria Bergmann

Photos from filmArche's post 20/10/2024

„Es ist bedauerlich zu hören, dass solch ein wichtiger kultureller und kreativer Raum in Berlin durch die rasanten Veränderungen und die Gentrifizierung bedroht wird. Aber leider auch nicht überraschend. Die filmArche hat nicht nur mir, sondern vielen anderen einen Dienst erwiesen. Die Möglichkeit, in einem offenen, kollaborativen und kreativen Umfeld zu lernen und zu arbeiten. Ich bin dankbar, Teil dieser Gemeinschaft zu sein.“

David-Jonas Frei - Schauspieler für Film/TV und Theater und Regisseur

Photos from filmArche's post 14/10/2024

Say Hello to the new filmArche Generation 🎉. Last weekend, the classes of the year 2024 are coming together for a weekend full of games, films and our traditional 24h-shoot 🔥.

Wollen Sie Ihr Schule/Universität zum Top-Schule/Universität in Berlin machen?

Klicken Sie hier, um Ihren Gesponserten Eintrag zu erhalten.





Lahnstrasse 25