Rest in Peace our dear Chaim Taub
I’d like to share my deepest condolences from myself and in the name of Musethica for the loss of my mentor and the person that inspired so many of us all for music making - Chaim Taub. Chaim raised many generations of wonderful musicians in Israel and around the world. He accompanied and supported Musethica since its first day. We will miss him but his words and incredible passion for music and his dedication for every note played will stay with us and keep us inspired for many years to come.
Avri Levitan,
Artistic Director and co-founder Musethica
Musethica International
An education method for advanced young musicians with a strong social impact
An education method for young musicians with a strong social impact
Wie gewohnt öffnen
Hoy primer día de ensayos intensivos de esta nueva Sesión Musethica. Impresionante el trío formado para la ocasión por Erica Wise al violonchelo, Mălina Ciobanu al violín y Yunkyung Kang a la viola. El martes que viene estarán en Fundación Ibercaja Huesca (entrada gratuita) , el jueves a las 20h en la Iglesia de San Pablo (entrada gratuita) y el viernes a las 19h en la Sala Luis Galve del Auditorio de Zaragoza Princesa Leonor, (entrada 4 euros).
¡Os esperamos! 🎶
Vi förbereder oss för nästa projekt i december och är glada att kunna presentera Avri Levitan som mentor. Avri kommer spela med fyra unga musiker i ett favoritprogram med stråkkvintetter av Mendelssohn och Dvořak. Avri är en internationellt erkänd violasolist och grundade Musethica 2012. Nu finns Musethica etablerat i hela 12 länder!
Missa inte två chanser att se denna unika konsert: 4/12 på Ståhl Collection i Norrköping kl. 18:00 eller 6/12 på Stiftelsen Musikkiltirens Främjande i Stockholm kl 18:00
Het Motus Quartet debuteert op 16 november tijdens ons Herfstconcert, met hun nieuwste lid, altvioliste Erin Pitts! 🎻
Als feestelijke afsluiting van de Musethica-week betreden deze jonge musici voor het eerst het podium van de Zeister Muziekdagen. Gedurende de week worden ze intensief begeleid door de gerenommeerde Duitse klarinettist Martin Spangenberg, die ook tijdens het concert zal optreden!
➡️ Meer informatie & tickets:
📸: Stephan Polzer
Musethica International
Avui últim concert de Musethica International a l'Escola d'Educació Especial Esclat a càrrec del Quartet Vivancos en el marc del projecte co-fundat per la UE . 🎻🎶
👉 Recordeu que a les 19:00h tindrà lloc el Concert Final a la Sala d'Orquestra de l'ESMUC. Accés lliure amb aforament limitat a la capacitat de la sala. Tota la informació a
¡Ya va quedando menos para nuestra próxima sesión Musethica en Barcelona!
Y recordad que esta vez el concierto final abierto al público tendrá lugar el viernes 18 de octubre a las 19h en la Sala de Orquesta de la Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya.
Entrada libre hasta completar aforo, ¡no os lo perdáis! 🎶
Os esperamos ❤️
Thank you Musethica International for supporting us so generously in this quartet adventure🌹
We are extremely grateful for the opportunity to work with the outstanding musician and professor Johannes Meissl, who has dedicated a tremendous amount of time and energy to us during the ongoing Musethica session in Bonn.
Klicken Sie hier, um Ihren Gesponserten Eintrag zu erhalten.
Musethica, an education method with social impact
Musethica is an education method for talented musicians, introducing extensive concert performances to a wide range of audiences as a basic teaching tool. Selected musicians are given the opportunity to perform a large number of concerts as a fundamental part of their education, often playing together with their mentor. The mentor attends all concerts and is coaching the musicians after each concert. Musethica’s international team of experienced and carefully chosen mentors, coach the musicians in master classes and rehearsals, preparing concert programs of the highest quality. Together, the young musicians and their mentors perform extensively to all parts of society. At least 85 percent of the concerts are performed outside traditional concert halls. Musethicas concerts are played in prisons, schools, kindergartens, hospitals, elderly homes, homeless shelters, centers for spe- cial education, and in many other unusual places.
The aim is to play for all parts of society, prioritizing people who are ex- cluded or at risk of exclusion. The concerts are always free of charge. Musi- cians and their mentors perform without remuneration. The aim of Musethi- ca is to establish itself as a program of excellence and as an integrated part of the higher education in music universities and conservatories worldwide.
Musethica was born from a need that has traditionally been paid scant attention in the training of musicians – regular playing for an audience. The musician functions as a bridge between a musical composition and the listener. It is an art that cannot be learned just in the classroom. To comple- tely master their instruments musicians need that encounter with the audien- ce. The intensive Musethica training program is an enormous challenge for musicians but also brings moving moments. During the one-week sessions, the musicians play an average of 12 to 14 concerts and nd themselves surpassing their own expectations. Freed from the competitive daily atmo- sphere at academic institutions, the musicians are able to improve their concentration, enhance their performance and learn to listen to themselves and each other.
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