How to gain awareness of the internal structure of Argentine Tango and practical dance examples.
Fragment from the special Tango Discovery workshop of Alexandru Eugen Cristea in Berlin, on November 2017.
Tango Discovery Berlin
Periodical Argentine Tango workshops in Berlin using the Tango for Teachers (c) approach and the Tango Discovery method.
Suitable for all styles: milonguero, salon, doble frente, nuevo.
The art of social dancing is about...
Now available!
The Neotango Bible The secret is finally out: how to master the art of improvisation in Argentine Tango! No more learning sequences of steps and trying to put them in a different order! For the first time ever it is presented in a book the way to fully improvise in real time. Practical exercises with lots of photog...
How to have balance in your dance learning. 💃🕺
From my book "Tango Lessons". Buy it on Amazon! 😋
The embrace should be...
Excellent mix of classical, nuevo and alternative music. And an excellent partner.
Connection is about...
The embrace is for pleasure...
Excellent Sunday evening in Mala Junta at the Cafe Dominguez milonga.
The first volume of the Tango for Teachers trilogy
Tango for Teachers: The tango matrix The most advanced book on Argentine tango available on the market. This book presents, for the first time ever, the matrix of tango: a simple diagram with only six elements, that covers the internal structure of the dance from the point of view of the relationship between the Leader and the Follo...
A very lovely evening in SUBTE milonga.
Tango Discovery workshop with Alexandru Eugen Cristea in Berlin, on the 14th of January, 2017.
Tango Discovery workshop in Berlin with Alexandru Eugen Cristea, on the 11th of November, 2017.
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Henningsdorferstraße 77
Berlin, 13503
Inhaber: Rafael Pham Die Tanzschule in Heiligensee
Berlin, 10117
Berlinos Aires Milonga ist mit der Unterstützung von VHS-TS um die Kursteilnehmer/Innen eine Möglichkeit zu geben, um die im Kurs gelerntenSchritte zu üben und zu vertiefen.
STAGE DANCE ins an interactive Online Dance School providing divers styles, techniques and trainings
KlosterStr. 44
Berlin, 10179
We offer weekly Zouk Classes and Private Classes in Berlin. Feel free to contact us! :)
Berlin, 10997
On this site i wanna share my regular "Permission to Sense" classes and Workshops with you. Let's a
Benekendorffstr . 54
Berlin, 13469
Tanzen ist seit vielen Jahren unsere Leidenschaft. Aus diesem Grund geben wir nun selber Unterricht in unserer eigenen Tanzschule🕺🏼💃🏼
Am Volkspark 43
TanzVerein für den Turniertanzsport in den Standard-und Lateinamerikantischen