Seek God in Berlin

Seek God in Berlin


To help those truly seeking God to find a personal relationship with Him. You can find us at New Beginnings International Church Berlin at Alex on Facebook.

Sunday in H4 Hotel at 11am.

Die Wahl 02/11/2024

Die Wahl Die Wahl läuft gerade in Amerika. Es gibt auch für dich eine Wahl.Wem wählst du?Lennard on the red box, mit New Beginnings Berlin church02.11.24

The Gift of God's Grace 28/09/2024

It was a great blessing to us at New Beginnings Berlin to have Brother James Niswonger, Neosho, Missouri, preach God's Word Sunday. The Gift of God's Grace.. in English and German.

Find us on our page: New Beginnings Berlin

The Gift of God's Grace The Gift of God's Grace, Die Gabe Gottes GnadeJames Niswonger, OBI September 22, 2024In English and GermanNew Beginnings Berlin churchPastor Sharon Reeves


Quote from Evans Roberts, Revival in Wales

“Essential things for outpouring of the Holy Spirit in your life.

1. Is there any sin in your past that you have not confessed to God? On your knees at once! Your past must be put away and cleansed.

2. Is there anything in your life that is doubtful—- anything you cannot decide whether it is good or evil? Away with it! There must not be a trace of a cloud between you and God. Have you forgiven everybody—- everybody?

3. Do what the Spirit prompts. Obedience—prompt, implicit, unquestioning obedience to the Spirit”

(MY ADDITION And to Christ and God’s Word!!!)

“Better offend ten thousand friends than quench the Spirit of God.”
Than to disobey Christ and God’s word.

“4. A public confession of Christ as your savior. There is a vast difference between profession and confession.”
From The Great Revival in Wales, by S.B.Shaw


Join us today for church service with Janine Niswonger from the USA. 11.00-13.00 H4 Hotel Alexanderplatz. See our page: New Beginnings International Church Berlin.

Join us Sunday, August 21, for a special guest speaker, Janine Niswonger aus den USA. 11.00-13.00 Gottesdienst.


Do you want to know Jesus? Join us Sunday at H4 Hotel. New Beginnings International Church at Alex. We are on Facebook.
Möchtest du Jesus kennen. Wir laden dich zum Gottesdienst ein in H4 Hotel am Alex um 11.00. Du kannst uns auf Facebook finden.
New Beginnings International Church Berlin.

Vollende dein Lauf, 19/10/2021

Vollende dein Lauf, Vollende dein Lauf, (Teil 2 von Glaube überwindet die Angst. 2 Timotheus 4)Jesus sagte bevor er wiederkommt alles wird Schweriger. Er sagt uns was wir tun kö...


The door is still open... have you gone through it?


You can find us here and the messages from God's word.
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New Beginnings Berlin Wir sind eine neue Gemeinde in Berlin. Gottes Wort und Jesus Christus zu erkennen sind unsere Fokus.

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