Viktoriapark: Wasserfall und Gebirgslandschaft mitten in Kreuzberg Rund um das Nationaldenkmal auf dem Kreuzberg liegt der Viktoriapark: eine kleine Gebirgslandschaft mit Wasserfall. Alle Infos zum Park.
Northwestern University's new summer program in Berlin: "Berlin: Global City in the Center of Europe
This unique program introduces Northwestern students to critical issues in contemporary Germany, such as culture, history, identity, and citizenship, with particular focus on Berlin. The program is divided into two sessions and targets students with either no background in German language or those having completed the German Department’s first-year or second-year sequence. Organized excursions will take students to major historical and cultural sites in Berlin and other cities.
Wie gewohnt öffnen
Viktoriapark: Wasserfall und Gebirgslandschaft mitten in Kreuzberg Rund um das Nationaldenkmal auf dem Kreuzberg liegt der Viktoriapark: eine kleine Gebirgslandschaft mit Wasserfall. Alle Infos zum Park.
Clubs in Berlin: Strand und Reggae im Yaam, Theater im About Blank Die Bars öffnen ihre Außenbereiche und damit auch einige Clubs in Berlin. Das bedeutet: endlich wieder laute Musik zu kaltem Bier.
Spring has finally arrived in Berlin. And we're partial to dandelions. What do you think?
Berlin (dpa) - Berlin's New National Gallery, first designed by star architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, is ready to reopen this summer after years of renovations.
At a symbolic ceremony held online Thursday, responsibility for the landmark was given back to Berlin's state museum foundation with the handover of the building's keys.
Berlin Culture Minister Monika Gruetters described the Neue Nationalgalerie building as "more impressive than ever," saying its corridors flooded by light had become a site of pilgrimage for modern art lovers.
Mies van der Rohe, a German architect who emigrated to the United States in 1938, built the giant, flat building of steel and glass in the late 1960s in West Berlin to exhibit 20th century art.
It has been shut since 2015 and renovated by renowned British architect David Chipperfield.
Chipperfield called the museum one of Mies van der Rohe's most important works, pointing to the exceptional harmony of structure and space.
The museum is set to officially reopen on August 21, with open days planned in May. Directly next to the New National Gallery, Swiss architects Herzog & De Meuron are currently building another museum for 20th century art, which will be connected to the gallery underground.
Ost-Berlin in den 1980er-Jahren – fotografiert von Gerd Danigel Ohne Fotografen wie Gerd Danigel würden wir heute Ost-Berlin und die 1980er-Jahren anders sehen. Wir zeigen unsere Lieblingsbilder.
Die Linie 100: Sightseeing im gelben Doppeldeckerbus Der 100er-Bus ist perfekt für Sightseeing! Was ihr auf der Linie 100 entdecken könnt und wo es Tickets für die Tour gibt? Lest ihr hier.
Die Geschichte der Straßenbahn in Berlin – elektrisch, flott, modern! Seit 1881 fährt die Straßenbahn durch Berlin und gilt heute wieder als Verkehrsmittel der Zukunft. Die Berliner Tram-Geschichte in 12 Fotos.
Bergmannstraße, Kreuzberg – Geschichte einer Straße in 12 Fotos Die Bergmannstraße in Kreuzberg ist eine geschäftige Pulsader, die Tempo und Befindlichkeit des Kiezes in sich vereint. Eine Zeitreise.
Berlin nightclub Berghain opens to all for lockdown art exhibition Visitors can view work by likes of Olafur Eliasson and Tacita Dean and take guided tours of venue
Berlin passes first German state anti-discrimination law | DW | 04.06.2020 The city-state's new law explicitly bars public authorities, including police, from discriminating based on skin color, gender and other factors. Lawmakers say the new rules help to address systemic racism in Germany.
All about the Berlin Wall!
30 years ago today, on November 9, 1989, the Berlin Wall fell!!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch!!! Congratulations to the excellent, wonderful, talented, and delightful students in our group for all their impressive achievements in Berlin during the past 8 weeks! We are super proud of you!!! :) You all did a fantastic job learning German, developing new perspectives about German culture and your own, and adjusting to your new surroundings. The second part of our Berlin Summer program flew by! After an orientation by Pierre Steuer, students enrolled in culture and language classes at Humboldt University, but we were pleased to still travel to Hamburg with them during the first weekend, and to also see them at regular dinner gatherings throughout the month, for example at Chen Che and at 12 Apostoli, at the Mauersegler Biergarten (with Humboldt), and at our celebratory dinner in the Sage Restaurant right next to the Spree river in Kreuzberg! We hope that everyone had a fabulous and productive time and we hope to see you again soon in the German Department! Safe travels and auf ein baldiges Wiedersehen mit allen!!! :)
Recent graduate? Your first job could be in the German Parliament! The deadline for the 2020 International Parliamentary Scholarship of the German Bundestag has been extended to August 31, 2019! Click here for more info: https://www.bundestag.de/ips
What a wonderful weekend in Hamburg, the massive harbor city with its lively, spirited atmosphere! Highlights included a walking tour by current DAAD professor Jan Behrs and a harbor cruise. We explored city hall, walked on the Landungsbrücken, admired the Elbphilharmonie, enjoyed a great view from the Nikolaikirche, had lunch in the Portuguese Quarter, and visited many museums and sites in St. Pauli, the Schanzenviertel, and Altona!
Between week 3 and 4 we traveled to Weimar and were able to experience a lot of what this quaint, small, yet historically and culturally remarkably important town has to offer: we visited the Goethe Haus, the Schiller Haus, the recently opened Bauhaus Museum, the Stadtmuseum, the Neues Museum, and we attended an open air concert in the Weimarhallenpark! We also visited the former concentration camp Buchenwald that represents some of Weimar's and Germany's darkest hours. Thank you so much to Dr. Michael Dreyer, who gave three engaging and informative lectures and led us through Weimar! And .... we had the pleasure of running into current voice student Ben Perri, who had sung in the Zauberflöte performance the night before, and we also met up with Jim Wagner (NU 2004), who was in town visiting Michael Dreyer!
Here are some highlights from our adventures in Weeks 3 and 4! We went to an exciting dance performance at the Komische Oper STARDUST - FROM BACH TO BOWIE, to the interaction-oriented Museum für Kommunikation, the Stasimuseum, the Olympiastadion, and we took part in a fascinating tour through Kreuzberg led by Jennifer, a refugee from Kenia! In one class, students went to the spy and the DDR museum. We were thrilled to welcome Catrina DeBord from GLO as a guest during week 4!
Week 2 had a focus on German history - we visited the former Tempelhof airport and heard about the many functions that this huge space has held, the ingeniously conceived Jewish Museum, designed by Daniel Libeskind, and participated in a three-hour City-and-Castle bus tour in Potsdam, during which we saw the Glienicker Brücke, historic Potsdam, Schloss Cecilienhof, Schloss Sans Souci, and the Neues Palais. We had lunch in the charming pedestrian zone in Potsdam.
We had a great tour through the Bundestag, including a visit to the glass dome, and rewarded ourselves for the excursion during 101 degrees Fahrenheit by having dinner at the air conditioned Josty in the Sony Center at the Potsdamer Platz.
Excursions during the first week included a trip to the German Historical Museum, where students learned about life in the Middle Ages to the 20th Century in Germany. As part of the 222 culture course, Professor Jörg Kreienbrock took the group to the TRESOR club to hear all about its history from the manager of the club, and we also went to the Berliner Staatsoper, where we saw Daniel Barenboim and an excellent cast deliver Wagners Tristan and Isolde!
The wonderful and awesome Northwestern Berlin - Global City in the Center of Europe Group 2019 arrived in Berlin a week ago and is doing very well! :) During the first two days, the students settled into their homes for 8 weeks in the charming and accommodating CIEE in the middle of bustling and diverse Kreuzberg. We had dinner at the neighboring Marheinekeplatz, had our onsite orientation at the CIEE, admired Berlin from the TV-Tower, explored Humboldt University, and started classes! Stay tuned for more! :)
Das Institut für Deutsche Sprache hat 51 neue Wörter in sein Neologismen-Wörterbuch aufgenommen: https://ly.zdf.de/rjJi/
Sunny, hot Berlin 2018!
A visit to the Museum for Communication Berlin housed in the historic Imperial Postal Museum
Weekend in Weimar with Professor Michael Dreyer
A visit to the Bundestag in the Reichstag building.
Our new address: Gneisenaustr. 27, Berlin, Kreuzberg
ESMT Berlin is a leading global business school with its campus in the heart of Berlin.
The Quadriga is a state-accredited institution which trains modern communications managers for le
We are collecting humanitarian aid at HTW Berlin, Halle B1. We are volunteers and don't accept finan
Digitales und Experimentelles Entwerfen, Universität der Künste, Berlin
Europe's largest special library for North American Studies / Europas größte Spezialbibliothek fü
Karriereservice WIWEX.careers am Universitätsstandort Berlin Instagram: wiwexcareers
These events are great opportunities for international student recruiters, as well as students inter
Das Hochschulrechenzentrum (kurz HRZ) ist der zentrale IT-Dienstleister der Beuth Hochschule für Technik Berlin. Impressum: http://www.beuth-hochschule.de/impressum/
Geographie? Nein, nicht das mit den Steinen!
Die UMC Potsdam - University of Management and Communication ist eine international ausgerichtete Hochschule in Berlin, Potsdam und Neuruppin (bis 2010).