Digital and Experimental Design

Digitales und Experimentelles Entwerfen, Universität der Künste, Berlin

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Timeline photos 14/07/2016

Final Presentation ATELIER WORPSWEDE
Monday, 18th of July 2016 at 1.00 pm (R 314)
a cooperation with Künstlerhäuser Worpswede

Photos from Bauwelt's post 20/02/2016
Timeline photos 10/11/2015

AIX 2040 - An Architectural Laboratory for Habitat
Workshop Fondation Vasarely April 2016

Introduction / Information :
Wednesday, 18th of November 2015 (R310) 5 pm

Timeline photos 05/07/2015

Final Presentation RINGBAHN Project Phase II
Thursday, 9th of July 2015 at 1.30 pm @ R 314

Mobile uploads 27/05/2015

'Moderne Museen'
fast track exhibition design / vernissage tomorrow 20:30 foyer H 33

Timeline photos 27/05/2015

+ + T O D A Y + + kick-off + + 5 pm + +

UdK student design competition
[ kick-off ] Wednesday 27-05-15 / 5.00 pm @ R 310
[ deadline ] Friday 10-07-15 / 9.00 am

Timeline photos 19/05/2015

UdK student design competition
[ kick-off ] Wednesday 27-05-15 / 5.00 pm @ R 310
[ deadline ] Friday 10-07-15 / 9.00 am

Timeline photos 06/02/2015

Tuesday, 10th of February 2015 at 2.00 pm

Final Presentation of Digital and Experimental Design's Master Course “Ringbahn Project Phase I”
with guest critic by:
Zamp Kelp (Haus-Rucker-Co)
Jean-Babtiste Decavèle (Artist and Project Partner of Yona Friedman)

Timeline photos 06/02/2015

We are happy to invite you to the Final Presentation of Digital and Experimental Design's Master Course “Ringbahn Project Phase I”

We will have two guests:
Zamp Kelp (Haus-Rucker-Co)
Jean-Babtiste Decavèle (Paris), Artist and Project Partner of Yona Friedman

coming Tuesday, 10th of February 2015
at 2.00 pm

Timeline photos 15/01/2015

'Think of this as a draft manifesto for architectural representation in the post digital age. Or if not a manifesto, at least an idea about how we can (and why we should) rethink the act and purpose of drawing now that our relationship with digital production has matured. Its an idea about contemporary architectural drawing, about how we might make drawings about architecture – drawings that might even *be* architecture.'

Drawing as Project - Post Digital Representation In Architecture

A post on how and why we might make architectural drawings now that our relationship with digital production has matured.

Skanska Aims to Commercialize 3D Printing with Concrete 29/11/2014

Skanska is working on a commercial 3D concrete printer

Skanska Aims to Commercialize 3D Printing with Concrete The construction company will collaborate with Loughborough University, Foster + Partners, and a host of other organizations on the development and utilization of 3D printing technology.

Timeline photos 13/10/2014

Mark Wigley: Constant’s New Babylon: The Hyper-Architecture of Desire (1998) PDF download:

'From 1956 to 1974, the artist Constant Nieuwenhuys worked on a radical proposal for a future architecture. All traces of traditional buildings and social institutions would be abandoned. Everyone would drift through vast labyrinthine interiors and continuously reconstruct the spaces around them to satisfy any desire or stimulate new ones. Architecture becomes a pulsating display of group psychology. This monograph provides the first complete record of the project and includes a selection of texts by Constant and Guy Debord. Published on the occasion of the New Babylon retrospective at Witte de With, Rotterdam, in 1998'

'The Situationists were very influential to utopian-driven architects. Their ideology, rooted in Marxism, was a reaction to the bourgeois culture and politics as well as the remains of Corbu’s and Mies’ Modernism. They were composed of a group of young poets, artists, writers, and designers brought together through a genealogy of groups with an origin in COBRA (1948) and the Lettrist Group (1946). The Situationists created and discussed the concepts of dérive, unitary urbanism and psychogeography which would pick on an emotionally stimulating atmosphere present in the urban environment. Psychogeography located these areas within the city ideal and maps them for the dérive, drifting through the urban landscape' - Rob Cleary

In Search of The Perfect Drawing 19/09/2014

In Search of The Perfect Drawing Next month marks 20 years since the demolition of Kowloon’s infamous Walled City. If one architectural positive came from this web of urban anarchy, it is th...

the radar [fondation vasarely] - Ryoji Ikeda © 2013 15/09/2014

As a little teaser for the upcoming semester here Ryoji Ikeda's work at the Fondation Vasarely. Enjoy

the radar [fondation vasarely] - Ryoji Ikeda © 2013 Ryoji Ikeda - the radar [fondation vasarely] E-Topie - mapping d'ouverture - les 10 - 11 et 12 octobre 2013 Cyril Merino et Pierre-Emmanuel Reviron -- HEXALAB

Timeline photos 11/09/2014

'What Lacaton & Vassal express, if not style, is an ethic of building — an imperative for design.'

"Not long ago, when asked about THE MOST RADICAL POSITION an architect could take today, urban theorist Pier Vittorio Aureli answered “do less, travel less, produce less,” and though LACATON & VASSAL would certainly welcome more projects into the office, what they do, and how efficiently they do it, has been quietly setting them apart from the glut of 'viagral' practices that sell high on spectacle, and low on everything else."

Timeline photos 05/07/2014

Unnamed Road, by Jungjin Lee (2010-2012)

“There, what I wished to do was to ‘gaze’ at the presence of the land, without being affected by its accumulated sorrow and desires, without adding my personal thoughts, like the silence of an olive tree that has been standing long histories” Jungjin Lee

Jungjin Lee, a photographer born in Korea in 1961, currently lives and works in New York City.

Her landscapes identify the introspective states of the artist's mind. In "Unnamed Road", her latest project, Lee approaches the Israel and West Bank territories with a gaze insisting on stillnes and wonder, revealing all that is enduring and unaltered.

Read more:

Mobile uploads 03/07/2014

Joseph Olbrich
Darmstadt, Germany

Mobile uploads 13/05/2014

Today, Tuesday the 13th. - at 17:00:

Timeline photos 09/05/2014

We are continuing our investigation on Yona Friedman´s research „Everything is a Living Object“ through another event today, the 9th of May, starting at 15:00 in the old UdK Library (Room 101).

Please be invited to a lecture with curator Marcus Richter and a following roundtable discussion with the artists Nico Dockx and Jean-Baptiste Decavèle, and architects Prof. Norbert Palz as well as Prof. Jean Philippe Vassal.


Leaving the Comfort Zone.
On Improvisation.
A Roundtable Discussion

Friday 9th. of May, 15:00
Universität der Künste Berlin, Room 101
Hardenbergstrasse 33, Berlin

Timeline photos 21/04/2014

Workshop: ‚Iconostase en gribouilli‘
Everything is a Living Object 2
Yona Friedman’s Year at the UdK
April 23, 30 and May 7(17:00-19:00)
May 11 to 14, with
Jean-Baptiste Decavèle and Nico Dockx
Kickoff Meeting:
April 23, 17.00 @ Cafe Mittelachse
UdK Architektur
Sign up: [email protected]
(12 participants) open to all students

The Writing of Stones – Roger Caillois | Dataisnature 20/03/2014

‘An Agate may shadow forth a tree, a forest, a whole landscape….clouds, lightning, a great sea full of fleeing galleys….Such objects may resemble a mountain or a cave – they reduce space and condense time’

The Writing of Stones – Roger Caillois | Dataisnature Surrealist and Sociologist Roger Caillois was known for his writings on biomimicry, especially within the insect world, pareidolia and lithic scrying. His latter interest provided us with The Writing of Stones, a book in which he unravels the ‘unfathomable graphic madness’ etched onto the rocks cont...

Photos from Hither Yon's post 25/02/2014
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FSI Geographie FU Berlin FSI Geographie FU Berlin
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Geographie? Nein, nicht das mit den Steinen!

NU Summer in Berlin NU Summer in Berlin
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Tendo Institut Berlin (TIB) Tendo Institut Berlin (TIB)
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Als Diplom-Psychologen entwickeln wir Lösungen wie Menschen Belastungen verschiedenster Art besser bewältigen können. Dazu verbinden wir neue Erkenntnisse der Psychologie mit altem Wissen japanischer Kampfkunst. Impressum: