Respond - collaborative research project on anti-semitism online

RESPOND! aims to examine & combat antisemitic rhetoric & hate speech online by developing a RESPOND! Media Competence Training. are Prof.

Funded by the BMBF, the project is a collaboration between Touro College Berlin, FH Bielefeld, and Potsdam University. is a project that aims to examine and combat antisemitic discourse that can be found on social media platforms used by young people living in Germany. Its main goal is to develop, implement, and evaluate the RESPOND! Funded by BMBF, this project is a collaboration between Touro Co

Wie gewohnt öffnen

Photos from Respond - collaborative research project on anti-semitism online's post 11/07/2024

Werde Teilnehmer*in unseres RESPOND!-Trainings in Bielefeld!

Ist es dir wichtig, das Internet zu einem sichereren und inklusiveren Ort zu machen? Möchtest du lernen, wie man Antisemitismus in Diskussionen in den sozialen Medien erkennt und bekämpft? Das ist deine Chance, wertvolle Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse zu erlernen!

📅 Datum: 05. - 07.08.2024
⏰ Uhrzeit: 9 - 17 Uhr
📍 Ort: Hochschule Bielefeld

Was du erhalten wirst:
300€ Vergütung, nach Multiplikation des Trainings
Praktische Werkzeuge für Online-Aktivismus
Verbesserte Medienkompetenz
Ein unterstützendes Netzwerk von Gleichgesinnten

Schreib uns hier auf Facebook oder eine Mail unter [email protected], um dich anzumelden. Die Plätze sind begrenzt, also melde dich schnell!

Lass uns gemeinsam einen Unterschied machen. Tritt ein gegen Antisemitismus und für positive Veränderungen im Netz!

Beste Grüße,

Touro Berlin
Hochschule Bielefeld
Universität Potsdam
Jüdische Gemeinde zu Berlin KdöR

Photos from Respond - collaborative research project on anti-semitism online's post 08/12/2023

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our symposium on Nov. 9th and to all of the presenters, moderators, supporters, and attendees who made this day so successful. Please take a look at our website ( to learn more about the work we are doing to fight antisemitism online. As always, feel free to message us with any questions, comments, ideas, or to find out how to get involved!

bund .berlin

Photos from Respond - collaborative research project on anti-semitism online's post 07/12/2023

Empowering change through knowledge: Last month's symposium on November 9 also gave our student assistants within project RESPOND! the opportunity to present parts of our research with which they assisted, as well as original research they conducted as part of their coursework at .berlin
They presented insightful student-run studies that related to combating antisemitism and hate speech. Together, we strive for a future free from discrimination and intolerance. 🎓🌍

bund .berlin

Photos from Respond - collaborative research project on anti-semitism online's post 06/12/2023

Empowering change through knowledge: Last month, we celebrated Touro University Berlin's 20th Anniversary with a symposium showcasing our work addressing the critical issue of antisemitic hate speech on social media. Taking the stage, our RESPOND! team members shared our research results and gave the audience a first glimpse of the RESPOND! Media Competence Training geared towards combating antisemitism online. Pictured here are Justine Kohl of Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences as well as Jannis Niedick and Prof. Dr. Linda Juang from the University of Potsdam. Together, we strive for a future free from discrimination and intolerance. 🎓🌍

bund .berlin

Photos from Respond - collaborative research project on anti-semitism online's post 05/12/2023

The message of our symposium, "Serving the Underserved in the Online World" was emphasized by our two keynote speakers in attendance, the Federal Justice Minister of Germany, Dr. Marco Buschmann, and Dr. Felix Klein, the Federal Government Commissioner for Jewish Life in Germany and the Fight against Antisemitism. Their presence and excellent contributions underscored the importance of building a strong online community of RESPOND!ers, who stand united in their fight against antisemitic hate. We are immensely thankful for our honored guests' support and recognition.

bund .berlin

Photos from Respond - collaborative research project on anti-semitism online's post 04/12/2023

Last month, on November 9th, we celebrated Touro University Berlin's 20th Anniversary with a symposium showcasing our work addressing the critical issue of hate speech on social media. During the symposium, our RESPOND! project leaders presented highlights of our work to esteemed guests, including Berlin Police Commissioner Dr. Barbara Slowik, as well as the broader Touro University Berlin and Touro New York family, members of the Berlin and Jewish communities, and partners and supporters near and far. Over the next days, we will be sharing photos of the people who helped make this day a success ✨

Photos from Respond - collaborative research project on anti-semitism online's post 12/09/2023

We won! 🎉 Our paper received 3rd prize at the 13th Conference of the Media Psychology Division of the German Psychological Society, hosted this year by the University of Luxembourg 🇱🇺

We are so proud of our .berlin, , and teams and their hard work, and immensely grateful to .bund for their generous funding for our research! 🙏

Photos from Respond - collaborative research project on anti-semitism online's post 28/08/2023

Last week, teams of RESPOND!ers from .berlin and presented our preliminary results at the 4th Cultural Diversity, Migration, and Education Conference at . We wanted to warmly thank the organizers for a wonderful conference, filled with excellent presentations and inspiring discussions! We also thank .bund for the funding that enabled us to do this research attend the conference.

Photos from Respond - collaborative research project on anti-semitism online's post 19/06/2023

Last week, we had the privilege of attending a trip to Warsaw, Poland, organized by Prof. Dr. Stephan Lehnstaedt of the MA program in Holocaust Studies / Tolerance Studies at Touro Berlin. During 5 days, we toured various museums and Holocaust remembrance sites, including the Palmiry Museum and Remembrance Site, the Jewish Historical Institute, the area of the former Warsaw Ghetto, the Museum of the 1944 Warsaw Uprising, POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews, and Treblinka Concentration Camp.

Here are just a few impressions of the trip, which will stay in our hearts and memories for a long time. We are immensely grateful to Prof. Dr. Stephan Lenhnstaedt and Prof. Dr. Peter Klein for their expert guidance, and to Touro Berlin for supporting such initiatives.


Last week, on April 27, the RESPOND! Team presented the results of our first two studies to a group of prominent experts in the field of antisemitism research. We are very grateful to all of our invited guests for their excellent feedback, questions, and suggestions. Thanks to you, we feel ready and excited to take the next step of our academic journey.

We devoted the past 1.5 years to collecting data that will help us build the foundation for a successful RESPOND! Media Competence Training, targeting antisemitic hate speech on social media. As some of you may recall, we designed and implemented two studies for this purpose:
- The first one investigated the types of discourses most commonly encountered by emerging adults on their social media feeds;
- The second one involved group discussions with young social media users to gauge their strengths and vulnerabilities in dealing with hate speech against Jewish people.

Once again, we would like to thank our esteemed guests, as well as our Team, the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, and all of our institutional partners – Touro Berlin , Hochschule Bielefeld , and Universität Potsdam – for their support. Special thanks go to our practice partner, the Jüdische Gemeinde zu Berlin KdöR , who kindly agreed to host our event at the beautiful New Synagogue in Berlin. THANK YOU!


Still reeling from the documenta fifteen controversies? The event may be over by now, but debates around antisemitism in art and culture keep popping up.
Read about our impressions of documenta and what we think we could learn from the discourse for the future in our latest blog post.
Link in bio.


Meet our Project Coordinator, Agata Maria Kraj!

Agata Maria Kraj is a political psychologist based at Touro University Berlin. She is currently also working on her Ph.D. dissertation, focusing on the influence of the dynamics of political party competition on patterns of gender representation in Germany and Poland. Agata’s research interests include (gendered) social identities and group relations, intersectionality, as well as stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination, reflecting her passion for promoting equality and social justice. She blends her research expertise with years of experience in working in academic administration as an admissions officer and a program coordinator.

In her spare time, she enjoys spending time on her yoga mat, meditating and practicing yoga or Pilates.


Dont forget to read our first blog post and let us know what you think💗

Photos from Respond - collaborative research project on anti-semitism online's post 19/10/2022

Today, we had the pleasure of participating in a conference titled “Hassrede im Netz - Digitalen Antisemitismus erfassen,“ organized by the Decoding Antisemitism project. Representing RESPOND! was Jannis Niedick from our Universität Potsdam Team, who spoke about the preliminary results of our first study. Also presenting were Dr. Matthias J. Becker and Julia Ebner. The panel emphasized the importance of bridging qualitative and quantitative analyses, as well as integrating user-based perspectives with media platform- and content-focused investigations. We are very grateful for the invitation!

Event program can be found here:


Last week, two members of our College Berlin Team, Prof. Dr. Özen Odağ and Agata Maria Kraj, gave a workshop at the Summer Academy organized by the Research Network on Antisemitism in the 21st Century (FoNA21). Designed as an immersive, collaborative experience, the workshop aimed to sensitize the participants to the complex and multifaceted nature of antisemitism, and prepare them for the challenges of recognizing antisemitic hate speech on social media.

Many thanks to the FoNA21 Organizers, who did a wonderful job preparing the event! We were very grateful for the opportunity to discuss the issues of defining and recognizing antisemitism with experts and practitioners who took part in the session!

A link to the event program can be found here:


Triff unser wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Jannis Niedick!

Jannis Niedick hat Geschichtswissenschaft im Bachelor und Erziehungswissenschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt Migrationspädagogik, Civic and International Education im Master an der Universität Bielefeld studiert. In seiner Abschlussarbeit hat er das Sprechen von AfD-Abgeordneten über Antisemitismus, Judentum und Israel anlässlich des Holocaustgedenktages 2020 bei Twitter untersucht. Während des Studiums war er mehrere Jahre als Bildungsreferent für einen Jugendverband in der außerschulischen Bildungsarbeit tätig. Seit September 2021 arbeitet er als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Projekt RESPOND! an der Universität Potsdam.


Triff unsere wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Justine Kohl!

Justine Kohl schloss ihr Linguistik Masterstudium an der Universität Bielefeld ab. Während und nach ihrem Studium arbeitete sie dort mehrere Jahre als wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft im Arbeitsbereich „Sprache und Kommunikation“. Über die FH Bielefeld (Fachbereich Sozialwesen) ist sie nun im RESPOND! Projekt als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin tätig. Im Rahmen ihrer Dissertation möchte sie subtil gehaltene, potenziell antisemitische Kommentarverläufe untersuchen. Dabei fokussiert sie das WIE: Wie kommunizieren Nutzer*innen in den sozialen Medien im Kontext von Antisemitismus miteinander - welche Rolle spielen beispielsweise Emotionalität, die Art der Vermittlung und Kooperativität? Methodisch verfolgt sie dabei den Ansatz der Konversationsanalyse.

Wenn sie nicht gerade auf ihren Doktortitel hinarbeitet, liest Justine gerne, spielt Tischtennis im Park, geht auf Konzerte und lernt seit einem Jahr Schlagzeug spielen.


Meet our Principal Investigator, Prof. Linda Juang, Ph.D.!

Linda Juang is a Professor in the Department of Inclusive Education at the University of Potsdam. Her research focuses on how experiences of immigration relate to minoritized youth development and adjustment in school, family, and community contexts. Her current projects with youth include a self-affirmation writing intervention to counter identity threat and the Identity Project, an 8-week school based curriculum that is being implemented in six European countries to promote ethnic-racial identity development.

In her spare time, Linda Juang spends time in the garden enjoying the flowers and sky.


RESPOND! geht in die nächste Runde!

Im Rahmen von Gruppendiskussionen möchten wir Näheres zu den Gedanken, Erfahrungen und dem Umgang junger Menschen mit Hass gegen Jüdinnen*Juden im Netz herausfinden. Es ist uns wichtig, für diese Gespräche einen geschützten Raum zu schaffen, in dem sich die Teilnehmenden wohl fühlen.

Du bist zwischen 18 und 30 Jahre alt, in den Sozialen Medien aktiv und lebst seit mindestens 6 Monaten in Deutschland?

Dann melde dich jetzt an – alleine, mit ein paar Vertrauten, oder direkt als ganze Gruppe (z.B. aus deinem Sportverein, der FH/Uni, o.Ä.)!

Ein Gruppengespräch mit bis zu 10 Personen im Raum Berlin, Bielefeld, Potsdam oder via Zoom
Dauer: max. 2 Stunden
Vergütung: 30 €

Schreib uns hier oder per Mail [email protected] und teile uns mit, wo und wann du am besten kannst!

Wir freuen uns auf dich!
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, Touro College Berlin, Fachhochschule Bielefeld, Universität Potsdam


Triff unsere Hauptforscherin, Prof. Dr. Gudrun Dobslaw!

Gudrun Dobslaw ist Professorin für Beratung und Psychosoziale Intervention an der Fachhochschule Bielefeld. Sie verfügt über langjährige Erfahrungen in der Praxis, vor allem mit Klient*innen, die von Teilhabeeinschränkungen und sozialer Stigmatisierung bedroht sind. Eines ihrer Forschungsinteressen bezieht sich darauf, wie sich soziale Rollen aus einer ethnomethodologischen Perspektive heraus betrachtet in der Interaktion zwischen Akteursgruppen in der sozialen Arbeit konstituieren und reproduzieren. Innerhalb von RESPOND! wird sie die Fokusgruppenuntersuchung leiten, in der die Fähigkeiten und Vulnerabilitäten junger Menschen für antisemitische Hassrhetorik im Netz erforscht werden.

Wenn Gudrun Dobslaw nicht forscht oder Menschen unterstützt, die psychologische Hilfe brauchen, entspannt sie sich beim Flöten- und Schlagzeugspielen und bei der Pflege der blühenden Rosen in ihrem Garten.

Photos from Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie's post 20/05/2022

Ein großes Dankeschön an Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie
für die inspirierende Veranstaltung und an Jüdisches Museum Berlin | Jewish Museum Berlin
für eine bewegende Führung durch die Ausstellung. Wir freuen uns stets über den Austausch mit euch - und darüber, gemeinsam gegen Antisemitismus einzustehen.


Meet our Project Leader, Prof. Larisa Buhin-Krenek, Ph.D.!

Larisa Buhin-Krenek is a Professor of Psychology and Dean of Undergraduate Studies at Touro College Berlin. She is a counseling psychologist by training, and specializes in multicultural counseling competencies, identity, resilience, social justice, and inclusive higher education. During her career, Prof. Buhin-Krenek has worked on a number of school-based prevention programs to help promote multicultural competencies, self-efficacy, and academic achievement among adolescents. Consequently, her expertise in this area will prove invaluable in the development of the RESPOND! Media Competence Training.

Prof. Buhin-Krenek is also passionate about animals and gardening.


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We’re still looking for participants! Please reach out if you’re interested in helping us fight antisemitic hate speech online. In particular, male participants are strongly encouraged to apply! DM us for more details.


Meet our Project Leader, Prof. Dr. Özen Odağ!

Özen Odağ is a Professor of Psychology at Touro College Berlin and a media and cultural psychologist by training. Her research focuses on the empowering sides of the internet, aiming to find out how disadvantaged groups use the media to shape their identities and communities and give them voice. She has studied the role of social media in the context of collective action and political participation and looked at this from a cross-cultural perspective. With the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung-funded project RESPOND!, she is delving into the darker side of the internet, aiming to develop media competence trainings to combat discrimination and exclusion on social media.

A psychologist by training and a dancer at heart, Özen Odağ is passionate about creative ways of building an inclusive, politically engaged, and colorful global society.


We're looking for participants! Are you...

✔️ between 18 and 30 years old,
✔️ a social media user,
✔️ interested in combatting antisemitism and hate speech online?

Then reach out via email or DM us to join our study!

Funded by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, our collaborative project aimed at developing a RESPOND! Media Competence Training to combat antisemitism includes Touro College Berlin, Fachhochschule Bielefeld, Universität Potsdam, as well as the Jüdische Gemeinde zu Berlin KdöR.


RESPOND! the research project funded by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung that seeks to address and combat antisemitism online is finally on social media! Our main goal is to develop, implement, and evaluate a RESPOND! Media Competence Training to teach young media users how to recognize and counteract different forms of antisemitic hate speech on social media.

We Touro College Berlin, FH Bielefeld, and Universität Potsdam as collaborating institutions, and our community partner, the Jüdische Gemeinde zu Berlin, are looking forward to sharing our behind the scene processes, introducing our amazing team members, and interacting with our participants! Here is where you can find us...

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