We are ready for , The evento you don´t want to miss …
Participants in this workshop will explore how to create engaging and challenging tasks for the English classroom that reflect these real-world demands (e.g., collecting, analyzing, and presenting data; creating infographics; completing collaborative projects). Participants will practice applying a framework to define the forms and functions of academic language necessary to successfully complete these rigorous classroom tasks and projects.
If you are an English teacher, you must join us.
Register here: http://nctecr.com
¡Aún hay tiempo! Reservá tu espacio para la y no te perdás las charlas para conocer las mejores técnicas y temas de interés para nosotros los teachers de inglés.
Reservá tu espacio aquí: http://nctecr.com
There is still time! Secure your spot for NCTE, 2024 and meet experts on the latests English teaching techniques and topics.
Reserve your space here: http://nctecr.com
¡Atención a todos los Teachers! Ya solo faltan 5 días para la convención más grande de teachers de inglés en Costa Rica ¿Ya reservaste tu espacio?
Reservá aquí: http://nctecr.com
"Attention all Teachers! Only 5 days remain until Costa Rica's largest English teachers' convention. Have you secured your spot yet?"
Reserve here: http://nctecr.com
The evolution of education: The National Conference for Teachers of English takes you to new frontiers of professional development in language teaching.
Join us on this virtual journey. Register nctecr.com
Date and Time: Thursday May 23 at 10:30
Transform your teaching practice with our National Conference for Teachers of English packed with inspiration, innovation and collaboration.
Join the conversation in nctecr.com
Date and Time: Thursday, May 23 at 8:30 am
Join our National Conference for Teachers of English. Amplify your language teaching professional development! Latest advancements, and global connections await.
Register now nctecr.com
Date and Time: Thursday May 23 at 3:30 pm
Formá parte de la Conferencia Nacional para Profesores de Inglés en Costa Rica (NCTE) 👏🏻
Cuatro días para compartir conocimiento, conocer tendencias, aprovechar oportunidades y crecer profesionalmente ✨
Registrate aquí: https://nctecr.com/