Rush and register for the next session of Holiday Classes. Start date: 24/6/2024.
B & K Language Institute
écoles á proximité
Mobil Essos
Carrefour Mvog-Mbi Immeuble Wamba 1er Etage Portes 19 Et
Universite de Yaounde
Rue Marché Central
Missoke, Douala
Queensway Schools
formaazerty2015@yahoo. fr
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We offer courses in FRENCH, ENGLISH, ITALIAN and GERMAN.
Fonctionnement normal
Word of the week
Meaning- Something that a person finds annoying.
Happy New Week. It is loaded with many beautiful things. 👍👍
🤣🤣🤣Parce qu'il ne parlé pas l'anglais, mon ami a bu l'eau 3fois dans un avion alors qu'il voulait commander du vin, il a simplement imité son voisin de siège qui a dit "water" à l'hôtesse. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
What is the difference between an indefinite pronoun and an indefinite adj.
• “There is another who can fill in, if necessary.” (indefinite pronoun)
• “There is another student who can fill in, if necessary.” (indefinite adjective)
• “There is more to be done.” (indefinite pronoun)
• “There is more work to be done.” (indefinite adjective)
Indefinite Adjectives vs. Indefinite
After our National Unity Day yesterday, we are open today. Registration on going .
One week into the special session.👏👏 We have many more wonderful things for you.
The special session has started. Hurry up!! There are a few more spots.
We are open.
Registration for the special session starting on Monday 13/5 is ongoing.
Happy Ascension Day.
It's a public holiday so we are closed. We will be open tomorrow.
The special session starts in exactly one week. What are you waiting for to come and register?
What do these emojis mean?
- 😊
Good morning
Friday challenge.
Passez aussi inscrit vos enfants des classes de 6emes ,5emes, 4emes et 2ndes pour la session speciale qui commence le 13 mai.
Happy Labour Day to you all.
Tuesday challenge.
Give more than 15 words and win a prize.
We use from + to / till / until to define the beginning and end of a time
Have a sunny Sunday
Remember that “state” verbs are never used in continuous form:
Be careful! Some verbs are never used in the continuous form:
like, want, need, believe.
I was needing to find a job.( FALSE )
I needed to find a job.(TRUE )
She was believing that he loved her. (FALSE )
She believed that he loved her. (TRUE )
With some adjectives, you use more to make the
comparative form, and most to make the superlative
4 bear | bears · bore · have borne/born
arise | arises · arose · have arisen
There are mistakes in nine of these sentences. Correct the sentences where necessary. Write
'OK' if the sentence is already correct.
1 David take the bus to work.,
2 Go you to the office every day?
3 My car don't work when it is cold.
4 What time the film starts?
5 How many eggs you want for breakfast?
6 Does the 9.30 train stop at every station?
7 What does do your father?
8 I not write many letters. I usually use email
9 What Sue usually have for lunch?
10 How much do these apples cost?
11 Charlie play tennis, but he doesn't enjoy it
Rentrée académique 2021-2022
Lundi 13 septembre 2021
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We run a marriage and relationship school that will help you in building a blissfull marriage & family. Good marriage is everything. Good family is everything. Register now and begin the journey
Dans le but de d'apporter la pierre à l'édifice nous vous proposons les formations de qualité nou
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