K'mer Physicists

... a network of Cameroonian Physicists


Le très honorable BAO

Timeline photos 05/06/2017




Two PhD student positions in Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos

Call for Staff and Students | Pan African University 02/02/2016

Call for application Pan African University, fully funded scholarship.

Call for Staff and Students | Pan African University If you have read the call documents, kindly proceed to the PAU online application portal. You can save your applications as draft to complete at a later date. Ensure that the final submission is made on or before the deadline February 28th 2015.


Two PhD student positions in
Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos

Applications are invited for two doctoral student positions in the Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics (MAM) at the University of Cape Town (UCT), South Africa.
Both students will work under the supervision of Dr. Haris Skokos in the framework of the research project ‘Chaos in disordered nonlinear lattices’ funded by the National Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa. The scope of the project is to investigate the mechanisms of chaos in various models of disordered nonlinear lattices in one and two dimensions. Such models are described by Hamiltonian functions with many degrees of freedom and are related to several significant physical processes like for example the conductivity of materials and the propagation of light in optical waveguides. By performing extensive numerical simulations for various parameter values of these models and by using several modern methods of chaos detection the PhD students will attempt to understand how chaoticity influences the dynamical properties of disordered lattices, emphasizing the characteristics of energy transport in such systems. Although, nowadays is common knowledge that energy spreading in disordered media is a chaotic process, the details of this chaotic behavior have not been studied in depth. The project aims to fill exactly this void.
Prerequisites include very good analytical and programming skills, high motivation for doing independent research, ability to productively work in a research team and a creative mind. Experience in numerical methods, physical models, and dynamical systems (as evidenced, e.g., by a MSc degree in Applied Mathematics, Physics or related fields) are advantageous.
Both PhD bursaries (R60,000 per annum, for three years) are in accordance with the NRF regulations. A travel budget for the whole duration of the project is also available for covering the participation of the PhD students to national and/or international conferences.
Application process: Interested applicants should send 1) a letter of motivation, a curriculum vitae, a summary of MSc thesis, copies of degree certificates (as a single PDF file), 2) a copy of MSc degree dissertation and arrange for two letters of recommendation directed to Dr. Haris Skokos via email ([email protected]). Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the positions are filled.
UCT is striving to achieve a more equal race/gender balance and black and female South African candidates are particularly encouraged to apply.

Personal note: (R60,000/year is way to small to leave in Cape Town. so you should apply if and only if you are able to apply for a top up from other source.)


May be of interest ...

"We expect strong interest in atmospheric science with specialization in cloud modeling ..."


Best regards & feliz navidad


ICTP - ICTP in Action 11/12/2015

... A prime example is a school co-organized recently by ICTP's Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics (CMSP) section at the University of Buea in Cameroon, hosted by physicists Alain M. Dikande and Cornelius F. Lukong. ...

ICTP - ICTP in Action The ICTP Scientific Calendar is full of workshops, conferences, and schools, all vital parts of a scientist's year, activities that serve as crucibles of communication, learning, and collaboration. ICTP hosts and sponsors these events all over the world, most recently in Cameroon and Mozambique, amo…

Timeline photos 10/12/2015

Top 10 reasons why you should apply to ICTP's Postgraduate Diploma Programme for students from developing countries:

Reason #1: You want to be well prepared for the rigors of a PhD programme.


Post-Doctoral Fellow for Beamline ID27
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility - France
41 000 € par an
Vous contribuez activement aux projets de recherche interne et au fonctionnement de la ligne. Vous apportez aide et conseils, en tant que correspondant « local contact », à nos chercheurs invités tout en développant votre propre programme de recherche.

La ligne de lumière ID27 est une station expérimentale de diffraction des rayons X sur poudre et sur monocristal principalement dédiée à la recherche à très haute pression et température.

L’utilisation de techniques XRD haute résolution et d’environnements expérimentaux avancés (une presse gros volume de type « Paris-Edinburgh », des systèmes de chauffage laser YAG et CO 2 et des cryostats à flux d’hélium) ouvre de nombreuses et nouvelles possibilités dans l’étude de la matière à très haute pression et température. Vous jouez un rôle majeur dans le fonctionnement et le développement de la ligne de lumière « haute pression ».

Le support aux utilisateurs constitue une activité majeure qui offre de nombreuses opportunités de collaboration à la pointe du domaine. Du temps de faisceau vous sera alloué pour la recherche « in-house », ce qui vous permettra de développer votre propre programme de recherche en étroite collaboration avec l’équipe de la ligne.

VOTRE QUALIFICATION ET EXPERIENCE Vous êtes titulaire d’un doctorat en physique, géophysique ou en sciences des matériaux. Une bonne connaissance des techniques de Haute Pression est essentielle. De l’expérience dans les techniques de diffraction X est également souhaitée.

Vous pouvez obtenir des informations complémentaires concernant le poste en contactant Mohamed Mezouar (tél. : +33 (0)4 76 88 25 15, email : [email protected]).

La rémunération brute annuelle sera de 41 k€ auxquels pourront s’ajouter d’éventuelles primes complémentaires en fonction de la situation.

Contrat établi pour une période initiale de 18 mois avec possibilité d’extension de 6 mois à 18 mois. Seuls les candidats ayant obtenu leur doctorat depuis 3 ans au plus peuvent obtenir un contrat de post-doctorat.

Ref. PDID27-1 - Date limite de candidature: 11/01/2016

Computeroxy 30/11/2015


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Yours faithfully
Richard Huber PhD


Timeline photos 18/11/2015

Here's a chance to join the leading physics teaching and research department in Africa!

UCT Physics Department is currently advertising for two positions (in condensed matter/materials physics, with emphasis on the new 8 mK dilution refrigerator facility, and in experimental nuclear physics).


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Vocational Training Institute of American English Language Vocational Training Institute of American English Language
Nouvelle Route Bastos (Immeuble Air France)

APPRENEZ ET PARLEZ L'ANGLAIS AMERICAIN LEARN AND SPEAK AMERICAN ENGLISH Nous offrons une formation en Anglais Américain; des cours de préparation au TOEFL/IELTS/TOEIC; des cours de traductions.

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Formation académique et professionnel

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Salut à tous

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Un aspirant leader s'informe... Un apprenti leader se forme... Et un Leader réforme.

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