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Vecademy Professional Training Institute
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Institute of Technology, Management & Languages- ONLINE & ONSITE TRAINING COURS EN LIGNE & AU CAMPUS
Fonctionnement normal
Carrière d'une secrétaire bureautique

"For your free Microsoft Office training, registrations continue at Vecademy
Ms Office training – Vecademy PARTICIPATE TO THE FREE TRAINING IN MICROSOFT WORD, EXCEL, POWERPOINT, PUBLISHER Are you interested in a LEARNING EXPERIENCE of your life? Can you commit 2 hours a week to learn a NEW TOPIC in Microsoft Office online? Join VECADEMY in this FREE training ONLINE!!! Classes begin from FEB 15th 2021 and...

"Pour votre formation gratuite en Microsoft Office, les inscriptions se poursuivent a Vecademy
Ms Office training – Vecademy PARTICIPATE TO THE FREE TRAINING IN MICROSOFT WORD, EXCEL, POWERPOINT, PUBLISHER Are you interested in a LEARNING EXPERIENCE of your life? Can you commit 2 hours a week to learn a NEW TOPIC in Microsoft Office online? Join VECADEMY in this FREE training ONLINE!!! Classes begin from FEB 15th 2021 and...

"Are you a graduate or not, unemployed, wanting to get into the professional world? No more hesitation !!! Vecademy offers diploma courses in Technology, Management and language. Choose one of our 12 courses and earn your diploma in 6-9 months
Application Development
Accounting information system
Electronics record management
Software Engineering
Project Management
Digital Marketing
Computer Maintenance
Graphic Design
Full Stack Web Development
Languages (French, English, Deutsch)

"Vous êtes diplômés ou non, sans emploi, désireux de vous lancer dans le milieu professionnel? Plus d’hésitation !!! Vecademy vous offre des formations diplômantes en Technologie, Gestion et Langue. Choisissez l'une de nos 12 filières et obtenez votre diplôme en 6-9 mois :
Développement des applications
Technologie de l’information comptable
Gestion des dossiers électroniques
Génie Logiciel
Gestion des projets
Marketing Numérique
Maintenance informatique
Conception Graphique
Conception des sites web
Langues (Français, Anglais, Allemand)

FREE TRAINING*MICROSOFT WORD*EXCEL*POWERPOINT*PUBLISHER*PROJECT* WHAT: Are you interested in an amazing LEARNING EXPERIENCE? Can you commit 2 hours a week to learn a NEW TOPIC in Microsoft Office online? Join VECADEMY in this FREE training ONLINE!!! Classes begin from FEB 15th 2021 and will run on Moodle and Google Classroom in ENGLISH OR FRENCH GMT(+1) timezone....
Application Development Intern
We are looking for an intern with good Application development skills. Applicants must be already DEGREED OR RECENTLY GRADUATE and must be able to SHOW AN APP THEY DEVELOPED. Apart that we would accept non-degree applicants with projects THEY HAVE COMPLETED AND THEY CAN SHOW US.
This position is Part-Time approximately (15-20 hours per week but the schedule is very flexible) and may develop into a Full-Time position with compensation after 6 months of the intern position based on performance. This is a trial process to see if the candidate fits what we are looking for at our Institution.
Development skills we talk about include:
- Front-End and Back-End development
- UI / UX
- Cross-Platform App Development
- Modern Language Programming Skills (C #, Java, HTML 5, JavaScript, CSS, XML, C/C++, QT, Python, Ruby, …)
- Use API
- Angular, ReactJS, Vue.js
- Android SDK
- Android Studio
- Responsive design
- Databases
- Material Design
Application documents are the following:
- Photocopy of your degree
- CV
- any additional document proving your ability to fulfill the required tasks.
Application Deadline: Jan 31st 2021
Apply by sending your documents to [email protected] and putting in subject the position you are applying for.
Interviews will be led online using Google Meet/Zoom
Contact / WhatsApp: 693-420-100 / 650-274-877
Work Location:
Nkoleton – Yaounde

Vous désirez suivre les cours d'allemand, inscrivez vous tous les mois à Vecademy et obtenez votre Testdaf en 8 mois.

You wish to take German courses, register every month at Vecademy and get your Testdaf in 8 months.

With your O/A Level qualification, get at Vecademy and earn your Professional Diploma in SOFTWARE ENGINEERING approved by the MINEFOP

Vous êtes titulaire d'un probatoire ou Baccalaureat, entrez à Vecademy et ressortez en avec votre Diplôme professionnel en GENIE LOGICIEL approuvé par le MINEFOP

Vous êtes titulaire d'un probatoire ou Baccalaureat, entrez à Vecademy et ressortez en avec votre Diplôme professionnel en GESTION DES PROJETS approuvé par le MINEFOP

With your O/A Level qualification, get at Vecademy and earn your Professional Diploma in PROJECT MANAGEMENT approved by the MINEFOP

Vous êtes titulaire d'un probatoire ou Baccalaureat, entrez à Vecademy et ressortez en avec votre Diplôme professionnel en CONCEPTION GRAPHIQUE approuvé par le MINEFOP

With your O/A Level qualification, get at Vecademy and earn your Professional Diploma in GRAPHIC DESIGN approved by the MINEFOP
Vous êtes titulaire d'un probatoire ou Baccalaureat, entrez à Vecademy et ressortez en avec votre Diplôme professionnel en CONCEPTION GRAPHIQUE approuvé par le MINEFOP

With your O/A Level qualification, get at Vecademy and earn your Professional Diploma in FULL STACK WEB DEVELOPMENT approved by the MINEFOP

Vous êtes titulaire d'un probatoire ou Baccalaureat, entrez à Vecademy et ressortez en avec votre Diplôme professionnel en CONCEPTION DES SITES WEB approuvé par le MINEFOP

With your O/A Level qualification, get at Vecademy and earn your Professional Diploma in ENTREPRENEURSHIP approved by the MINEFOP

Vous êtes titulaire d'un probatoire ou Baccalaureat, entrez à Vecademy et ressortez en avec votre Diplôme professionnel en ENTREPRENEURIAT approuvé par le MINEFOP

Vous êtes titulaire d'un probatoire ou Baccalaureat, entrez à Vecademy et ressortez en avec votre Diplôme professionnel en GESTION DES DOSSIERS ELECTRONIQUES approuvé par le MINEFOP

With your O/A Level qualification, get at Vecademy and earn your Professional Diploma in ELECTRONIC RECORD MANAGEMENT approved by the MINEFOP

Vous êtes titulaire d'un probatoire ou Baccalaureat, entrez à Vecademy et ressortez en avec votre Diplôme professionnel en E-COMMERCE approuvé par le MINEFOP

With your O/A Level qualification, get at Vecademy and earn your Professional Diploma in E-COMMERCE approved by the MINEFOP
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Heures d'ouverture
Lundi | 08:00 - 18:00 |
Samedi | 08:00 - 18:00 |
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