If we must substitute import then we must drill our young stars to be innovative in the domains of technology, entrepreneurship and agriculture. Our future mechanical engineers bravo.
Oasis Bilingual Christian College-OBCC
OBCC is a bilingual college built on high moral standards to make a difference in a our society.we are situated at pont d'Emana -Yaounde Cameroon.
Fonctionnement normal
The sustainability of our culture is a function of our ability to transmit our culture to the younger generation. OBCC empowering the next generation leaders to valorise our prestigious culture. Wishing all the youths a purposeful celebration.
So far so good,it's been a great academic year so far. We are committed to training the next generation leaders.
We are delighted to present to you our uniform for the second cycle🥰🥰🥰.
Our objective is attain and maintain a culture of 100%. We are making a difference to become a reference.Bravoooooooo.
An opportunity to be part of the OBCC vision.
Our primary, Potter's house international model is located approximately 400m from the college. We are committed to developing dynamic and very motivated citizens for a better tomorrow.
Notre primaire, " Potter House international model " est situé à environ 400m du collège. Nous sommes déterminés à la formation des citoyens dynamiques et motivés pour un meilleur avenir.
We are proud and excited to announce to the general that OBCC opens it doors for lower sixth (science and art ) and seconde (A and C) for the 2023_2024 school year.
Nous sommes fiers et excités d'annoncer au grand public l'ouverture des classes de lower sixth (art et science) et seconde ( A et C) pour l'année scolaire 2023_2024.
Notre première année était magnifique,bravoooo les champions.
We are not making a diffence ,we are the diffence.They are the pacesetters for next generation.
M Hameni Théodore le surveillant général d'OBCC. L'homme qui faut pour ramener les apprenants au droit chemin. À OBCC la différence est clair.
There are some people whose dedication and commitment have crossed the line of an employee, the become sons/daughters and partners of the vision. Our able staff paving the way in making OBCC a reference that makes the difference.Thank u for all
Notre vision c'est de devenir la référence en terme d'enseignements et la discipline. Voici les trois premiers pages de notre code de conduite pour les apprenants, lisez et soyez inspiré.
when professionalism meets dedication and enthusiasm then nothing less than the best is derived.The code of conduct for learners of Oasis bilingual college,read the introductive pages and be inspired.
In OBCC we look beyond certificates. We are bent in building dynamic citizens who can make positive impacts in the society. OBCC just sealed a partnership with Sharda university of Indian. The partnership granst 50% scholarship and a visa to OBCC students. Sharda university: the future of our children.
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De la Maternelle au CM2. Nous partons de pas grand chose matérielle, mais fort de notre expertise, de la Foi en ce Dieu, Maître de l'impossible, et avec votre confiance, nous ferons des prouesses �
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