The Academy of the Nations

The Academy of the Nations

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Hallim Sarder Education Point
Hallim Sarder Education Point

The Academy of the Nations is a non-profit, local faith-based training organisation proud of its quality training and transformational ministries.

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Photos from The Academy of the Nations's post 21/02/2024

CPR and AED at Biaka university institute with students- this skill is life saving when will be your turn! This is a skill for life everyone should know !


This is a multiple choice question with only one correct answer - please drop your answer on the comment and why you think is the correct one.


This is a multiple choice question with only one correct answer - please drop your answer on the comment and why you think is the correct one. The winning price is a 25% discount on our first-aid, CPR/AED training course.


Every holiday should be fun🤡, empowering and refreshing...This is how we do it. Get your young ones on board today! 👌🥳🤩


Bringing invaluable life-saving skill to medical students in a demonstration of responding to first aid emergency the case of Cardia Arrest.


We offer a life-saving skill training that anyone can do and this is the qualification you must have today.
Call or whatsApp us Now and book your seat for the upcoming training!


Are you ready for another amazing year of getting yourself equipped in different areas of life.


You may have been wondering what does a purpose driven life looks like and how do people get to live such lives making progress and great success stories everyday? Cease this opportunity and get equipped.


This is your opportunity if you are a medical professional or interested to learn basic life-saving skills. Contact us Now and register for the upcoming training.


The dream of practicing what they could only watch on TV was made a reality. Congratulations Biaka University Institute of Buea medical students.


They are the latest CPR/AED heartsavers in the community thanks to the Biaka University Institute of Buea.


It was a treasured privilege we had to train the lecturers of the most prestigious nursing university in the country...Biaka University Institute Buea. Check out this amazing testimony.


T4T - Training for Trainers -finally happened! A one week of amazing encounters. The Academy of the nations was richly blessed by local and international speakers. It was such a discoverable Period.


Preparing for T4T course; A one-week course training for trainers aiming at equipping medical professionals to become skilled First-Aid trainers in our training program.


Be a life saver with CPR skills! Bring hope to your family, community, and everyone around you.


Thought of the day!


Medical team together planning for the year!


Last year the Academy has been blessed with these three ladies as interns. This year, all of them have decided to remain and serve God in the Academy as staff.

We would like to say a BIG Welcome to Claire, Agnes and Emelda.


🆕 Today was a great day as we all listened to God's voice regarding the theme of the year. We will focus on the following and continue to lead a life that reflect Jesus' heart everywhere we go 😊


On the 25th of January 2018 we visited Seme Beach to get some interesting pictures and videos for the ministry website. We were then in the early days of the Academy of the Nations, and only two families on the Team.

Everybody has a story. What’s yours? Let us know in the comments below!


Happy New Year 2022!!!

May Every aspect of your life this year become as luminous and exciting as the lights flickering on the lamp.


Merry Christmas from the Academy Of The Nations Family.

FAT testimonials 28/03/2021

THE IMPACT OF HAND-ON EDUCATION - After the recent First-Aid and CPR training, we received mind blowing testimonies from our students.

FAT testimonials After the recent First-Aid and CPR training, we received mind blowing testimonies from our students. This video summarizes the essentials of their feedback t...


We are thrilled to see the impact this ministry is bringing to the Street and Orphanage children alike. This video highlight our impact in the field and the joy and relief we have procured.

Photos from The Academy of the Nations's post 11/02/2021

It was indeed a memorable moment we spent with the Orphans, as we all celebrated the YOUTH DAY.

A day full of joy, energy and rewards 😊
Happy Youth Day to you All!

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Vidéos (voir toutes)

Biaka University Institute students are learning this life saving skill CPR/AED when will be your turn! Contact us to ge...
Learn First-aid /CPR save lives today....
Splinting, bandaging basic first aid skills, you too can do it !
Learn basic skills in first aid… you too can save someone life
The dream of practicing what they could only watch on TV was made a reality. Congratulations Biaka University Institute ...
It was a treasured privilege we had to train the lecturers of the most prestigious nursing university in the country...B...
Be a life saver with CPR skills! Bring hope to your family, community, and everyone around you.
Registrations are now open for our Video Production training:Email: contact@theaofn.orgWhatsApp: +237 6 71 10 12 79
Children Connectionn Ministry
Reaching the Elderly




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South West CM

Heures d'ouverture

Lundi 09:00 - 17:00
Mardi 09:00 - 17:00
Mercredi 09:00 - 17:00
Jeudi 09:00 - 17:00
Vendredi 09:00 - 17:00
Autres Formation à Buea (voir toutes)
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