
You cannot CHANGE Yesterday, but you can do something TODAY that can change tomorrow! It doesn't matter How you were BORN, that was yesterday.

It doesn't matter what happened last 5 years, the last 1 *welcome to Teevo club*

Teevo club is an outreach club where Christian teenagers congregate to share God's word as contained in the Rhapsody of Realities Teevo. This association is open to both members and non-members of the ministry.

We post ministry materials approved for circulation, we do not pirate marketed books � or mess

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A poor, young waiter was working.
When a wealthy old man came to restaurant.
The waitress spent a lot of effort to recommend the best food and drink the restaurant had to offer, hoping this would earn him a big tip.
But in the end, the rich man ordered only a sandwich and a lemonade.
Knowing that a small bill meant a small tip. The waiter walked away somewhat disappointed.
After finishing his food, the rich man asked for the check.
When the young waiter came, the rich man noticed there was sadness in his eyes.
He asked, “is everything okay, son? Are you having a hard day?”
“I’m having a hard life, Sir” The waiter replied.
Then the waiter continued his job not thinking of anything. When he returned to the table of the rich man and found a tip of $10,000.
The waiter ran to catch the wealthy man. Just as he was getting into his car.
He asked, “why did you do this? ”
The old man replied, when I was your age, “I struggled in restaurants like these A wealthy man once gave me such a tip that paid for my college tuition. I hope that his money will help you as it had helped me”
The young man was speechless and in tears.
“Sir, you’ve just paid for my Mother’s cancer treatment. ”

I'll always learn to help one another from now. Talking is not enough but actions


You can't change the past. You can't. You can only change anything in the present. And it's the present that you change that can determine the kind of future YOU will have. Whether positively or negatively..

Photos from Clovis's TEEVO CLUB's post 09/02/2023
Photos from Clovis's TEEVO CLUB's post 27/01/2023

The Earth is filled with the goodness of the Lord


Exercise Your Brain Everyday!!

It is the most powerful computer in the world.

Your brain gets stronger when you exercise it everyday.

The stronger it gets, the more money you can make because the quality of your
ideas will increase.

So, what can you do to exercise your brain;
1. Read Books
2. Meditate
3. Think

These 3 things develop your mind and increase its capacity but majority of people don't do any of these.

Instead, they do things that weaken their brain like spending a lot of time on social media.

If you will read books, think and meditate for just 1 hour daily, this will set you
apart from the majority of people out there.

Remember, your life is your responsibility.

Thank you.
Much Love

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