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The best is yet to come.
- Jon
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Positive Education and Family Empowerment Services for Africa
Positive Education and Family Empowering services Africa provides empowerment and support for educat
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Hiking boot camp and sensitization against gender based violence against women and girls.

Empowering Teen mothers who sum up courage to go back to school. They are resilient. Life has taught them many lessons and the belief in educating themselves and their kids.
Day 13: praying for women and children who are homeless because of violence.
Domestic violence is one of the biggest causes of homelessness for women and their children and refuges continue to have an essential place in the response to domestic violence. While nothing keeps every woman safe, research consistently identifies two things as making women safer - going to a refuge and contacting a specialist domestic violence service.
Peace be with you 🙏
As we light the thirteenth candle today we pray for women and children who are homeless because of violence.
Here are the prayers for today 👇👇👇.
*In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen*
Jesus, as we pray for those women and children who face homelessness because of violence, we remember that you too were homeless. You know what it is like to be without security, and to be hunted. You know and you understand.
Together, we pray for shelter, stability and security for women and children facing homelessness. We pray that sheiters would be well-resourced, and that they would never have to turn anyone away.
Activate our whole community to call for full funding for refuges, housing, counselling, legal and other essential support services. And give our nation's leaders the will to respond. Amen.
Lord's Prayer for Domestic and Family Violence
Our Father in heaven,
you are a good Father, who loves to give good gifts and who cares for us.
Hallowed be your name.
May you be known as a God of justice and mercy and compassion and truth, by victims and perpetrators of domestic and family violence.
Your kingdom come.
Bring the full resources of the kingdom for victims and perpetrators of domestic and family violence. Your kingdom upends oppressive powers and exalts the humble and low, brings healing to the wounded, and goes beyond outward appearance and reaches to the heart. Your kingdom brings together people of every culture, tongue and tribe in equality and grace and hope.
Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
We trust in your perfect will. Because you are completely good, we trust in the goodness of your will.
Give us this day our daily bread.
Father we have many needs. Please give us the support we need to escape situations of violence. Please give us the compassion and wisdom to be supporters. Please give us hope through your gospel.
Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.
God we ask for your forgiveness over our complicity, our apathy or our involvement in domestic and family violence. God please give us grace to forgive.
Lead us not into temptation.
We are tempted to give up, or despair. Lead us away from that, into perseverance and hope. We are tempted to maintain cultures and habits which oppress and control. Lead us away from that, into respect and freedom.
And deliver us from evil.
You have conquered all evil – all that is wrong within us, and without. There is no power that can stand against you. Please give freedom, healing and protection to all who need it.

Mistakes are wonderful opportunities to learn. Children learn more when we use their mistakes as teachimg moments. Positive discipline founder Jane Nelson says it all. Show compassion and kindnesw instead of shame, blame, lectures, and in Africa beating.
Rocovery after mis takes. Watch and apply
How To Model Apologies with Kids All parents lose it sometimes with their kids. It's OKAY. The important thing is to repair the relationship after it happens and to model how mistakes are op...

Positive Education and Family Empowerment Services for Africa updated their business hours.

Positive Education and Family Empowerment Services for Africa updated their website address.

Positive Education and Family Empowerment Services for Africa updated their phone number.
This is the time to stay positive. Connect with one another and be more kind than you have been.

Parenting the Positive Discipline way for QRC teachers this weekend.
Positive Education and Family Empowerment Services for Africa wish you an empowered 2020. Be positive in every circumstance. Empower yourself. Be part of something meaningful in your community.
Take advantage of our programs: parenting the positive discipline way, positive discipline in the classroom, empowering people in the workplace, the power positive leadership, empowering Literacyetc
We want to empower teachers and parents. Check out for parenting classes.

Today is day 5 of 16 Days Activism against Gender-based domestic violence.
Today i invite you to look at your immediate environment and notice the violence against women and girls. Think, pray, reach out, be there for the victim. For educators, teachers, head teachers, and principals pay attention. Create a non-violent admosphere for your students. Gender-violence is real. Take action.

Day two of 16 days activism against domestic violence of girls and women. Join your voice to raise awareness.

International Day of the Girl Child
PEFESA celebrates the International Day of the Girl. Message Support and Empower a girl in Africa.
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