Great Minds Entrepreneurs GME Int

Great Minds Entrepreneurs GME Int


At GME Int we
✓ Grow and Nurture Entrepreneurs

✓ Connect persons with Opportunities and Platforms

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"LinkedIn Accelerator Program, Unlock Your Professional Potential Today"

Calling on all professionals, students, employed and unemployed individuals to elevate their career trajectory with our exclusive LinkedIn Accelerator Program.

You stand to:

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Don't miss out on this transformative opportunity to supercharge your LinkedIn presence and open doors to new possibilities!

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Your Own Time Has Come To Go Global!!!!


We are back with Season 04 of the Final Revision Guide with AL TVE ECONOMICS ICT GCE CANDIDATES 2024

Please share let's least 500 Candidates across the 10 Countries to benefit

Nkepo Godwill promoting Youth Ideas
Nkepo Godwill
Prince Nada


Happy Labour Day from GME Int


Outstanding Greetings from our Founder and Executive Director Exceptional and Charismatic Great Mind

Make Today Count


Have a Blessed Day

Photos from Great Minds Entrepreneurs GME Int's post 16/04/2024

Hello Peace
Peace My Agenda
Receive Our Most Cordial Greetings from GME Int's Division of Career Development and Internship Placements.


We will Love to accompany you through out your journey as you cut your "T's" and dot your "i's" in final preparations for the upcoming GCE A/L exams

Kindly Join Our Platform for Free Registration


Hello Dear Friend

Are you a holder of Advance Level in the Tertiary & Vocational Education or maybe an Expert in A/L Economics and ICT amongst all the Commercial subjects, and will love to pass out knowledge to these A/L 2024 Candidates.

Please kindly join our Team and let's bless lives


So this Great Mind here will soon be releasing a very new song

You know she has a Collab with Loïc Somfor and She has her own single

Can't wait to hear from her
Check comment section for release date

Photos from Delly Singah Official's post 16/03/2024

Entering into Matrimony' by Delly Singah Official . This book will help you make the right decisions for your future, with practical advice and real-life examples. You'll learn to evaluate your relationship based on the most important factors, like communication, shared values, and compatibility. With this book, you'll be equipped to make the right choice and set yourself up for a happy, fulfilling future. So don't hesitate - pick up a copy today! 😊

This book is really about helping people make informed decisions when it comes to entering into a serious relationship or getting married. It provides guidance and advice on how to evaluate whether a relationship is right for you, and whether you're ready to commit to someone else. That's really important information for anyone considering such a big step in their life. So, with that in mind, how about a message like this:

"If you're considering taking the next step in your relationship, or if you're wondering whether your current relationship is right for you, you need to read 'I Do, I Don't:

Check the comment section for Details on how get both on Amazon and Physically


Which do you prefer

Great Minds A greater Proportion of Leakages or Injections ?

Thank you Fon Noel • Advertiser

6 WAYS TO SAVE MONEY [For guys only]


You are responsible for your income, how much enters, how much stays, and how much leaves are dependent on you. Getting money is the goal but you can't prove to the world you have much even if you have, that will only get people coming to you for financial help. Get money and act like you don't have, it's different from looking like you don't have, it's your money so you aren't supposed to give an account to anyone when you say you don't have yet look good. To the world you are living a fake life because you said you don't have, at least you're true to yourself because you know WHATSUP, you aren't truly broke.


Womanizing is something many guys do and it's in their nature but if you aren't wealthy enough don't try it, womanizing is for the tough goons, spending on ladies without regrets or getting depressed about how much they spent. If you're still struggling to make ends meet don't womanize if you do the contrary means you are capable of meeting the demands of every lady because trust me when you aim for the p***y, they aim for your pocket, there will always be neck breaking and jaw falling bills in your inbox.


Many people out here trip a lot, they lose it when they record hundreds of thousands or millions, they practically make a show-off of how much they're earning probably to intimidate or ridicule peers. But it's not worth it, your bank account or financial state has to be discrete and private like your
d! ck size, the world isn't supposed to know because it's generally none of their business.


If you can do without that particular thing, then you don't need it, it's all about prioritizing your spending. There are some points where pressure or lustful desires push you to want to get something at a particular time because it's trending or on a discount. The truth is it might be important but if it's not urgent then getting it at that time isn't worth it, do an assessment, if you can do without it then you don't need it.


You lend money then lose the friend and lose the money, If you don't lend money you still lose the friend but at least the money is safe. You need to be wise about your financial help rendered to people, there's no greater feeling than helping someone in need but sometimes people are there just to drain you. Helping someone should be based on your instincts and the ability to read the room, differentiating those who can pay back and those who you label as a "bad debt". No one should need your money urgently and no one should feel entitled to your income.


This is the most common one, if you don't earn much like the people you hang around with who spend money then you don't need to spend like them. The tendency is that once you stay around these people you will want to level up, spending what you don't even have because they demand that you also return the favors. If you will always be at the loss every time the table turns and it's your time to spend, reevaluate yourself again to discover that of they're not helping you earn they should push you to spend. There's no harm in withdrawing from circles or friendships that push you to spend extravagantly when your income doesn't permit it. In summary, don't join people to spend your capital when they're at the level of sending their profits.

In March 2022 I wrote this.

Fon Noel • Advertiser


In the midst of the smiles, you do not know the Pain we Go Through.

Mental Health is Real.

Depression, Stress, Trauma, Personality Disorders & many mores...

Yet we triumph and stand in Public and Smile and do our best to contribute to the world's population in creating Impact.

Yes we are a Gift from God. We are indeed a Real Blessing.

Happy Mental Health Day


It's Day Break on CRTV

It's Day Break on CRTV

Rise and Shine

It's Day Break on CRTV
Rise and shine
Rise and shine
Rise and Shine

New on

"Speak Out" on Daybreak.

From the 2nd of October, "Speak Out" becomes a daily slot on Daybreak.

CRTV gives listeners the chance to comment through voice note on issues of concern to them. Send to this number 670201485

Be part of this slot every 5:35 am on Daybreak on the National Station.

Photos from Mounouna Foutsou's post 30/09/2023

Great Mind

Photos from Miss Mister Christian Cameroon's post 28/09/2023

A Great Mind



Wisdom from Mommy Delly Singah Official




Our parents are special but there's just something about MOM that stands out. This mustn't be your biological mother but someone who has these characteristics.coutersy Britney Fonki

Here are some of the things that make our moms so special:

🤍 They are our biggest cheerleaders.

💜 No matter what we do, they are always there to support us.

💛They are our wisest confidants. We can always turn to them for advice and guidance.

💙They are our strongest advocates. They will always stand up for us, no matter what.

🧡They are our biggest fans. They believe in us more than we believe in ourselves.

💚They are our greatest treasures. We are so lucky to have them in our lives.

Happy Birthday Mom Tina Momi I Love You 💝
Thank you for being all these features to me


One Big Nkepo is a man of purpose, Great Mind Entrepreneur

To empower and serve others, with no remorse.

His life is a beacon, a light in the dark,

Showing the way to a better future, a better start.

He lives each day with passion and devotion,

Dedicated to making the world a better lotion.

The problems of the world may seem immense,

But One Big Nkepo, is undeterred,

With each problem, he finds a solution, without being perturbed.

He faces each challenge with determination and grit,

With a positive mindset, to stay committed to it.

One step at a time, he moves forward and on,

With every step, he inspires others, to carry on.

His impact may be small, or large and great,

But his presence makes a difference, that cannot be understated.

Happy Birthday to our Founder and Executive Director


For One Big Nkepo, a man of pure purpose,
Who lives to serve humanity with each breath.
You strive to empower all with your presence,
To live devoted, dedicated, and disciplined.

You give yourself to all in need,
With a heart that overflows with love and care.
Your journey's long and winding,
But your commitment never wavers.

You face each challenge with a steady hand,
And overcome each obstacle in your way.
Your spirit soars like a mighty eagle,
As you lead the way to a better day.

You inspire all who cross your path,
With a light that shines so bright.
Your legacy will live on for ages,
As you leave the world a better sight.

So carry on, One Big Nkepo,
And know that your life's well spent.
Each moment filled with love and hope,
A true example of true intent.
Oh, I'm glad you want to hear more!

When future generations look back,
On the life you've lived so true.
They'll see a man who made a difference,
Who led by example, and that was you.

You showed the world a better way,
With compassion, strength, and grace.
Your legacy is one of greatness,
And your example, we will embrace.

So thank you, One Big Nkepo,
For all that you've done and more.

Though time may pass, and years go by,
Your memory will never fade.
For each life you touched along the way,
Will keep your spirit unafraid.

Your journey's not over yet, my friend,
There's still much more to see.
With every step you take, you make,
The world a better place to be.

You are truly an inspiration,
A shining star in the sky.
May your journey be ever blessed,
And may you always fly so high.

Your impact is far and wide,
Your story, far and wide-spread.
From the young to old, they know your name,
And the message you always spread.

A message of hope and peace,
Of love and understanding.
You've shown the world a new way to be,
A better place with your commanding.

So One Big Nkepo, may you carry on,
And continue to spread your light.


Honor and enjoy your Creator while you’re still young, Before the years take their toll and your vigor wanes, Before your vision dims and the world blurs And the winter years keep you close to the fire.
Ecclesiastes 12:1‭-‬2 MSG

Agenda August 13th to August 17th Buea here I come

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Vidéos (voir toutes)

Launching of GME Int Final Revision Guide with AL TVE ECONOMICS ICT CANDIDATES
We are back with Season 04 of the Final Revision Guide with AL TVE ECONOMICS ICT GCE CANDIDATES 2024Please share let's l...
Launching of the Final Revision Guide with AL TVE ECONOMICS ICT CANDIDATES 2024
Live from CEGET Bonaberi glad to be back since 2018with this video we will to kickstart our activities



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