Oral French

Begin your french language speaking journey here. simple well structured Lessons for you.

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We have open sessions. Join us today to start speaking french from day 1


❓❓❓🤔🤔🤔when do I use ''ce'' and ''se''??


Elle a invité (tous, toute, tout, toutes) sa famille à sa fête d'anniversaire


❓❓❓❓❓HOW DO YOU KNOW if a word is masculine or feminine in FRENCH ❓❓❓❓❓


Je suis allée à l'école sans stylo 🤷🏼‍♂️ mais je suis rentrée chez moi avec 15 stylos .
Qui suis-je 😅


5 ways to respond to ''MERCI''


was’, ‘had’ and ‘would have’

He was not here. Il n’était pas ici.

Who was there last night? Qui était là hier soir?

I was there with my friend but you were not there, J’étais là avec mon ami mais
vous n’étiez pas là.

Where were you last night? Où étiez-vous hier soir?

I was very busy and I didn’t have the time to do it. J’étais très occupé et je n’avais pas le temps de le faire


Tomorrow, we begin a 30 days intensive course...free...do well to join link below...

*end your struggles today if you are interested in the frenh language*

*Do you want to be a translator of the french language and make over 200k monthly?*

*Do you want to teach the French language both online and offline and make over 200k monthly?*

*Do you want to work with native speakers to achieve this goal?*

*Join our intensive French language training programme today.*

*We train translators, language teachers, we prepare you for foreign exams like DELF/DALF exams, TCF Canada, GCE O and A levels, oral/speaking practice sessions and more…*

*just click the link below to start your success journey today and/or just contact me on whatsapp to join the success team.*




I hear a lot of people who Say they want to practice their french but they have no one to talk with. Are you really serious and want to practice your French daily for 30 minutes, mondays to fridays ; join us today and enjoy talking with natives daily...we have already treated topics like...
*Combien dépenseriez vous pour apprendre le français et pourquoi ?
*Quel conseil donneriez vous à un jeune diplômé qui cherche le boulot ?
*Femme face à la guère... discuter
*Si vous aviez l'opportunité de vivre une deuxième fois, changeriez vous votre métier ?
Juste pour en nommer quelques uns.

*If you want to take the DELF/DALF exams, contact us...
*TCF, contact us...you will make it with an excellent note
WhatsApp : +237650042732


Contactez-nous dès aujourd'hui...rapide et efficace


oral practice class. 8pm indian time daily. A2 level minimum. 2000/month. 5 per goup

Photos from Oral French's post 07/03/2024

Learn 5 french phrases daily Tout Le Monde


Un grand merci à mes nouveaux followers ! Ag Mohamed Medissa Ansary, Dora Mump, Sonia Onoriode, Majîdôx Farîd, Lamine Sylla, Youma Roland, Adama Nougtara, Félicia Miharintsou, Ghislain Sédoté, Bemanjary Dianica, Praise Kakule, Grâce Ornella Kouadio Akissi, Herson Best, Geneva Emily, Binta Tall, Fadi O Mariana Tanas, Salif Zidouemba, Jean Marie Nzeyimana, Fãnomëzana Erick, Rachid Abdo, Mohamed Ebradan Profdr, Carmen Zoraida Montes, Rakibul Islam Jihad Wy, Maman Ka Sirani, Chinedu M Charity, Sharyn Louise, Haïdo Janïc, Tã Nëw Íkįtä, Ousmane Ndong, Gazo Junnior Kabore, Feno Rakoto, Morane Tesoro, Cynthia Kadjo, Rash Shim, Kaëllah Zamamy, Alberto Dallas Benga, Azeh Raymond Steven Ray, Bamba Abou, Miflore Nkankala, Thangaratnam Nirmala, Laouali Harouna Amadou Haoussa, Emmanuel Emmanuel, SouMia JouJou, Dannie Andriam's, Kouadio Ernest Yao, Ifaso Itshindo, Coutin Valandgie, Kamal Zizo, Zainab Aminu, Muhammad Uzair

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Vidéos (voir toutes)

❓❓❓🤔🤔🤔when do I use ''ce'' and ''se''??
Click link below to watch the full video. 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽https://www.facebook.com/share/v/kNTaGeFyLYaaYTXs/?mibextid=oFDknk
https://www.facebook.com/share/v/eERwZm2Mn5i1WzML/?mibextid=oFDknk❓❓❓❓❓❓❓HOW DO I KNOW if a word is masculine or feminin...
❓❓❓❓❓HOW DO YOU KNOW if a word is masculine or feminine in FRENCH ❓❓❓❓❓
Masculine or feminine in french
5 ways to respond to ''MERCI''
You Can learn to speak french with us to any level...well structured Lessons for you... #
Un grand merci à mes nouveaux followers ! Ag Mohamed Medissa Ansary, Dora Mump, Sonia Onoriode, Majîdôx Farîd, Lamine Sy...
Avoid this mistake in french
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