Artists-in-labs program

Since 2003, the artists-in-labs program has been facilitating artistic research by way of long-term residencies for artists in scientific laboratories.

The ail's long-term interdisciplinary and cross-border collaborations provide artists with an opportunity to critically engage with the sciences and their experimental and aesthetic dimensions. This includes explorations of the site of the laboratory, as well as a range of scientific topics, methods and technologies. Our interests lie in the interaction and expansion of types of contemporary knowl


Exciting News!


Bildunterschrift Miranda Moss artist-in-lab in 2017 will be back in Zurich for this years’ edition of REFRESH Festival

Join her Masterclass (in collaboration with Urs Gaudenz ) on Saturday, 11 November from 2:00 to 3:30 pm

The Masterclass is free of costs, reservations have to be made:

In this session under the title “Are Friends Piezoelectric? Sticky and Speculative Recipes for Ambient Energy Harvestin” Miranda and Urs will share their research on wild electricity, or electricity-producing phenomena which have evaded domestication by the capitalist, patriarchal and colonial-driven industrial revolution. Investigating the field of Energy Harvesting from an holistic perspective, they will unfurl their practice of kitsch kitchen bioelectrochemistry, which aims to agitate knowledge hierarchies and shift collective energy imaginaries. In this masterclass, we will explore hands-on, tastebuds-in experiments together, and see how it feels to situate ourselves as Energy Custodians, tending to the diverse and intertwingled forces we live amongst, while investigating the possibilities of alternate electro-futures based on compassion, tenderness and care, instead of extraction and exploitation. Also, it will be delicious.

verfassen …

Photos from Artists-in-labs program's post 18/10/2023

Register now for our winter school 8 - 10 February 2024 (link in bio)

Experimental workshop on fungi, in German and English.

Developed and conducted by

, artist/designer and currently Master Series Resident
, artist/researcher/innovation counselor
Irene Hediger, Head of the artists-in-labs program
fischer , research associate at the artists-in-labs program
Dr. Martina Peter and Dr. Simone Prospero, researchers at WSL


.rickli presenting his work at Ecosystems and Landscape Evolution Group to kick-off his Master Series Residency.

Photos from Artists-in-labs program's post 04/10/2023

First impressions from the Master Series Residency of on funghi, in exchange with researcher Artemis Treindl. Photos by Nadine Schütz, made in near Alt Sankt Johann and at the

artists in labs on Instagram: "Now online (link in bio): documentary film on the artists-in-labs residency of artists duo Taiyo Onorato & Nico Krebs @taiyoonoratonicokrebs at KAUST @kaustofficial in 2022. For a 3-months period the artists... 06/04/2023

Now online on Vimeo: documentary on the artists-in-labs residency of Swiss artists duo Taiyo Onorato & Nico Krebs at the Red Sea Research Center in 2022!
Find the full film here:

artists in labs on Instagram: "Now online (link in bio): documentary film on the artists-in-labs residency of artists duo Taiyo Onorato & Nico Krebs @taiyoonoratonicokrebs at KAUST @kaustofficial in 2022. For a 3-months period the artists... 6 Likes, 0 Comments - artists in labs () on Instagram: "Now online (link in bio): documentary film on the artists-in-labs residency of artists duo Taiyo ..."

Photos from Artists-in-labs program's post 10/03/2023

Online now on!

Bis das Plasma brennt / Until Plasma Burns

Story on David Simon's Master Series Residency at the Swiss Plasma Center, EPFL, written by Flurin Fischer, images by Regula Bearth, Copyright ZHdK.

"...Ausgangspunkt für Davids Erkundungen ist das Gruppenbüro, das er sich mit PhD-Kandidatinnen und Postdocs teilt: «Meine Rolle hier ist privilegiert. Als Künstler kann ich Fragen stellen oder Dinge sagen, die andere sich nicht erlauben können.» Die grösste Herausforderung sei das Fehlen einer gemeinsamen Sprache; jedes Gespräch über Plasmaforschung oder seine künstlerische Praxis drohe sich in der Komplexität zu verlieren, in der man sich jeweils bewege und die dem Gegenüber nur schwer zu vermitteln sei..."


"...David’s explorations start from the group office that he shares with PhD candidates and postdocs: “I am privileged: as an artist, I can ask questions or say things that others can’t afford to.” The biggest challenge, he says, is the lack of a common language; any conversation about plasma research or his artistic practice threatens to get lost in complex thoughts, which are difficult to convey across disciplines..."

Photos from Artists-in-labs program's post 20/01/2023

"Artistic Investigations into Fusion Research"

Concluding presentation on artist David Simon's Master Series residency at the Swiss Plasma Center, EPFL

Thursday, 26th January, 4.30 pm

----> Zoom-link in Bio

David Simon has joined the SPC as an artist-in-residence for three months as part of a Zurich University of the Arts’ Master Series Residency. In his presentation he will give an overview over his activities during his stay, his exchange with researchers and show work samples that were produced during that time. He will address his initial aim to film plasma experiments in the Tokamak with a camera, his growing interest in traces of the Swiss Plasma Center’s research history and then go into detail on the use of OpenVDB – a sparse volumetric data format used in the visual effects industry – to create visualizations of simulations (e.g. GBS) using the software Houdini.

The Master Series Residency is jointly curated and organized by the artists-in-labs program and the MA Transdisciplinary Studies of Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK). It offers MA students of all departments of ZHdK to apply for a three-months long, research and process based artists’ residency at a science lab.

Images: David Simon


"Matsharara, on the Lebitla la Ngaka and other projects"

Artist George Mahashe will hold a lecture in the framework of the "Kein Kino"-lecture series at Zurich University of the Arts on October 17, 6.30 PM in Kino Toni.

Panel discussion after the lecture.

The lecture is open to the public and free of charge.

Born 1982 in Bolobedu, South Africa, artist George Mahashe operates within the wider field of photography, particularly at the intersection of anthropology, archives and artistic practice.

His talk will reflect on some thinking and meanderings behind the installation Lebitla la Ngaka, which formed part of the “Interfacing New Heavens” exhibition at the Javett Art Centre, Pretoria, in 2021/2022, which was co-curated by Sinethemba Twalo of the Javett and Irène Hediger and Flurin Fischer from the artists-in-labs program.

Mahashe holds a PhD in Fine Art from the University of Cape Town where he lectures as part of the Michaelis School of Fine Art.

George Mahashe has been a fellow of the artists-in-labs program since spring 2022 - together with the artists-in-labs team he is currently developing concepts for longterm collaboration at the interface of art and science between Switzerland and South Africa.

An event of the Department Design, in cooperation with the artists-in-labs program and Positionen & Diskurse, Departement Cultural Analysis.

The "Kein Kino"-lecture series in the fall semester 2022 is co-curated by Maike Thies .thies and Flurin Fischer.

Photos from Artists-in-labs program's post 28/09/2022

David Simon , artist and student of the Master Transdisciplinary Studies of ZHdK , will exchange, research and develop artistic work in collaboration with scientists of the Swiss Plasma Center SPC - which is part of the EPFL in Lausanne - for a three-months period. His Master Series Residency project is interested in the aesthetic properties of fusion energy, thereby asking by which technological means it could be explored and whether it could even be used as an artistic medium itself.

David Simon (*1991) lives and works in Zurich, Switzerland. His artistic inquiries often circle around metaphors and associations, both of which have been ongoing fields of interest for him. In his recent work he has been exploring the aesthetic and symbolic qualities of various natural phenomena. Besides his individual practice, David Simon is also part of the artist duo Simon/Odermatt.

The Master Series Residencies are a cooperation project of the artists-in-labs program and the MA Transdisciplinary Studies and are open to MA students from all departments of ZHdK .

images: David Simon and EPFL

Photos from Artists-in-labs program's post 26/09/2022

Human-fungi interaction during ZHdK Summer School "Der Pilz in Kunst, Wald und Labor: Experimentierfeld zwischen den Disziplinen".

a collaboration between the artists-in-labs team , artist Monica Ursina Jäger and fungi specialist Dr. Martina Peter

images: Flurin Fischer

Photos from Artists-in-labs program's post 21/09/2022

We had the privilege to dive into the world of fungi during our ZHdK Summer School 2022 "Der Pilz in Kunst, Wald und Labor: Experimentierfeld zwischen den Disziplinen".

Thanks to Linnéa , Nadja , Anne, Helen and Nicole for joining the discussion and exploring fungi as a species and a complex topic for art and sience.

Our heartfelt thanks go out to our collaborators, fungi specialist Dr. Martina Peter and artist Monica Ursina Jäger

images: Flurin Fischer


Register now for the ZHdK Summer School "Der Pilz in Kunst, Wald und Labor" with scientist Dr. Martina Peter from , artist and the artists-in-labs team !

The course will be held in German

Registration closes on 5 August, see link in Bio

Through the course, participants will gain basic knowledge about the biology of fungi, their diversity and role in the ecosystem and at the same time follow their personal, creative interests. In addition to a one-day excursion with practical work in the forest and in the laboratory of the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL) in Birmendsorf, the course includes a studio visit with artist Monica Ursina Jäger, who will share and discuss her artistic processes with fungi and the forest ecosystem.

image by

Photos from Artists-in-labs program's post 03/06/2022

Register now for our upcoming ZHdK Summer School course "Der Pilz in Kunst, Wald und Labor"! Among others, we will be joined by artist who will share insights into her artistic research and production processes.

---> to register see link in bio

About the course:

The fungus is one of the oldest organisms on earth. Fungi are also referred to as the Wood Wide Web and offer a variety of starting points for artistic and creative designs and concepts as well as for interdisciplinary work.

Through the course, the participants gain basic knowledge about the biology of fungi, their diversity and role in the ecosystem and at the same time follow their personal, creative interests. In addition to a one-day excursion with practical work in the forest and in the laboratory of the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL) , the course includes insights into artistic processes and exchange with an artist who works with fungi and the forest ecosystem.

all images by Monica Ursina Jäger


image by

Monday, 16.5.2022, 6.30 PM at Kein Kino lecture series :

Artist Talk with Taiyo Onorato from the artist duo Taiyo Onorato & Nico Krebs

The talk will be held in German.

In seiner Präsentation gewährt Taiyo Onorato Einblicke in die künstlerische Praxis des Duos.
Ein weiterer Fokus liegt auf der kürzlich abgeschlossenen dreimon­atigen Residency am KAUST Red Sea Research Center .
Eines der Interessen im Rahmen ihres Aufenthalts lag im Erforschen der Rolle des Menschen bei der Wiederbelebung, Veränderung und Gestaltung von (Meeres-)Ökosystemen.

The artists-in-labs KAUST-Swiss Residency Exchange is supported by and .


Early Bird registration until 2 June!
See link in Bio

Please note that the course will be held in German

ZHDdK Summer School

"Der Pilz in Kunst, Wald und Labor: Experimentierfeld zwischen den Künsten"

1, 2 und 5 September 2022

mit dem artists-in-labs team

Künstlerin Monica Ursina Jäger

und der Wissenschaftlerin Dr. Martina Peter (Gruppenleiterin Ökologische Genetik)

Der Pilz ist einer der ältesten Organismen der Erde. Pilze werden auch als Wood Wide Web oder «Internet der Pflanzen» bezeichnet und bieten vielfältige Anknüpfungspunkte für künstlerisch-gestalterische Entwürfe und Konzepte sowie für interdisziplinäres Arbeiten.

Ausgestattet mit Basiswissen zur Biologie der Pilze, ihrer Diversität und Rolle im Ökosystem folgen die Teilnehmenden im Kurs ihrem persönlichen Interesse.

Neben einer eintägigen Exkursion mit praktischer Arbeit im Wald und im Labor der Eidgenössischen Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft (WSL), umfasst der Kurs Einblicke in künstlerische Prozesse und Austausch mit einer Kunstschaffenden, die sich mit Pilzen und dem Ökosystem Wald beschäftigt.

Die Teilnehmenden arbeiten in der Gruppe und individuell an ihren Projekten/Ideen und reflektieren diese im Plenum.

images from the artists-in-labs residency of South African artist at WSL in 2017 (supported by )



Don't miss the and residency exchange program final seminar by Swiss artists Taiyo Onorato & Nico Krebs on Sunday, April 24th!
The artists will give a short overview of what paths they followed during their 3-month residency at KAUST.

With photographs and videos they will illustrate the tales of what they found, from magic hidden rooms to ghostly dead ends.

Click on the bio link to learn more.

The KAUST-Swiss Residency Exchange of is supported by the Swiss Arts Council and KAUST .


Now : panel "living oceans - reversing our impact on marine ecosystems" with researchers, designers and Irène Hediger, head of the artists-in-labs program, discussing transdisciplinary approaches to ocean protection.


Last days of "Interfacing New Heavens" ! Come and visit on saturday 26 february to see the documentaries on the artists-in-labs residencies of and on astronomy research in 2018 in the Auditorium.

The Exhibition was supported by and .

Photos from Artists-in-labs program's post 25/02/2022

Zurich based artist and designer Nadya Suvorova's "Refractive Sculptures" are exhibited again - this time at the "Blue Peace Exhibition" !

open from 26.2. - 31.3.2022

Inspired by the visual properties of squids, the "Refractive Sculptures" were conceived by Nadya Suvorova during her artists-in-labs residency at the KAUST Visual Computing Centre in 2018.

Seemingly transparent, each glass sphere communicates its inherent strain through invisible colourful patterns that reveal themselves when you peer through a special observation filter - enabling humans to see polarized light.

The artists-in-labs residency of Nadya Suvorova was supported by and .

More info:


In 2019, artist Johannes Willi exchanged with researchers, medical experts and patients about the topic of Chronic Pain at the Institute of Biomedical Ethics and History of Medicine IBME .ch and the Centre for Pain Medicine during a 6-months artists-in-labs Residency.
Here, Johannes initiated a collaboration with chronic pain patients and musicians, interacting and playing together on instruments the artist himself developed and built.

This Saturday 19 February 2022 you have the unique chance to get an insight into this ongoing process from 6 pm - 7pm at the space in Basel.

Highly recommended!

The residency of Johannes Willi was supported by the


Chronic Pain Orchestra - Ein Projekt von mit den Musiker*innen vom . Öffentliche Probe am Samstag 19.02.2022 von 18h-19h im

Photos from Artists-in-labs program's post 14/02/2022

Wednesday, 16th of February: Presentation by


Don't miss the and exchange program seminar by Swiss artists Taiyo Onorato & Nico Krebs this Wednesday from 10-11 AM!
During their presentation entitled "𝗧𝗮𝗶𝘆𝗼 𝗢𝗻𝗼𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗼 & 𝗡𝗶𝗰𝗼 𝗞𝗿𝗲𝗯𝘀 - 𝙄𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙈𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜", the artists will show a couple of projects they did in recent years and talk about their approach to art making.
𝗔𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗺: Initiated in 2016, the 𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙨-𝙞𝙣-𝙡𝙖𝙗𝙨 𝙆𝘼𝙐𝙎𝙏-𝙎𝙬𝙞𝙨𝙨 𝙍𝙚𝙨𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙮 𝙀𝙭𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚 facilitates sustainable and long-term collaborations between artists and scientists as well as scientific and cultural institutions in Switzerland and Saudi Arabia. This program provides artists with the opportunity to engage with scientists and to explore a range of scientific topics, methods, and technologies as well as the site of the laboratory for three-months-periods. This remarkable institutional and cultural setting contributes to the sciences and the arts as well.
For more details and registration, visit here:

The artists-in-labs KAUST-Swiss Residency Exchange is supported by the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia and KAUST.


Swiss artists Taiyo Onorato & Nico Krebs have started their 3-months artists-in-labs residency at the KAUST Red Sea Research Center

Among other research interests, Taiyo & Nico aim "to peek into the future through the perspective of interspecies relations and how these might define the time to come. We hope to nurture these visions with our artistic research at KAUST by exploring the human role in resuscitating, modifying and sculpting (marine) ecosystems".

The artists have been working together as a duo since they first met at Zurich University of the Arts in 2003. Their diverse projects are evolving around photography, also involving sculpture, installation, film and book publishing. Their work has been shown internationally in many galleries and cultural institutions, among them solo shows at MoMA PS1 NYC , Kunsthalle Mainz , Foam Amsterdam , Fotomuseum Winterthur , Aargauer Kunsthaus , CAC Cincinnati , Swiss Institute NY , LeBal Paris and KINDL Centre for Contemporary Art Berlin .

The artists-in-labs KAUST-Swiss Residency Exchange is supported by the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia and KAUST .

Image: Taiyo & Nico

Photos from Artists-in-labs program's post 05/01/2022

Die artists-in-labs Residency MASTER SERIES ist ein Format, das ZHdK-Masterstudierenden die einmalige Gelegenheit bietet, während ihres Studiums für drei Monate mit Wissenschaftler:innen zusammenzuarbeiten und ein eigenständiges Projekt zu entwickeln.

Die aktuelle Ausschreibung wendet sich an Masterstudierende aller Departemente der ZHdK.

Mehr Information und Download Bewerbungsformulare: Link in Bio

Die MASTER SERIES 2022 Residencies werden angeboten vom artists-in-labs program in Kooperation mit dem Master Transdisziplinarität

The artists-in-labs residency MASTER SERIES is a format that offers the unique opportunity to Master students of ZHdK to work during their studies for three months with scientists and to develop a project.

The current call for projects is open for Master students of all departments of ZHdK.

More information and download of application documents: link in bio

The MASTER SERIES 2022 residencies are offered by the artists-in-labs program in cooperation with the Master Transdisciplinary Studies.



Photos from Artists-in-labs program's post 28/12/2021

Impressions from "Die Beständigkeit der Erinnerung - Perspektiven auf Demenz aus Kunst, Philosophie, Medizin" - panel, lecture performance and presentations at Wasserkirche Zürich, 18.12.2021, as part of Lange Nacht der Philosophie 2021.

with , Alexander Giesche , Lucie Strecker, Nikola Biller-Andorno, Irene Bopp-Kistler, Andrea Radvanszky, Christina Röcke, Benno Wirz.

Supported by the Velux Stiftung.

Images by Johannes Dietschi, Irène Hediger, Flurin Fischer (all ZHdK)


Photos from Artists-in-labs program's post 09/12/2021

Filming for the short documentaries about the residencies of and

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