📢 United Nations is now accepting applications for its recruitment examination for temporary/contractual English editors
DGACM United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia - ESCWA
The deadline for applications is 26 January 2022!!
English Unit, Faculty of Translation and Interpreting, University of Geneva
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Boulevard du Pont-d'Arve
Boulevard du Pont d'Arve
Boulevard du Pont d'Arve
Boulevard du Pont d'Arve
Boulevard du Pont-d'Arve
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M.A. Programme in Translation for English mother-tongue students (with French and/or Spanish) and coursework in English at the B.A. and M.A. levels.
Wie gewohnt öffnen
The University of Geneva is organising a free French-to-English translation workshop for native English speakers on 25 November at 6 pm at Uni Mail. Spots are limited, so if you would like to participate, please register by sending an email to [email protected].
Did you know the United Nations has a Section in New York ❓
A competitive examination to fill current & future translator positions will take place soon.
Check if you are eligible & apply by 15 August.
Don't miss your chance❗️
▶️ https://bit.ly/UNexam-GermanTranslation
The English Unit would like to extend a warm welcome to Dr. Susan Pickford!
World Literature Today Translation Prize World Literature Today Student Translation Prize A Contest for Translation Studies Students The 2021 prizewinners will be selected and announced in May 2021. Who can enter? The contest is open to all students enrolled in translation studies programs. What can they submit? An entry is a prose piece o...
Bonjour! Profitez bien de cette journée spéciale!
Interpreting in the midst of Covid-19: “Because personal protective equipment is in short supply in hospitals across the country, few clinical interpreters are able to work in person with Covid-19 patients, as they normally would. Most language interpretation is done remotely. Communicating through an interpreter doubles or triples the length of a medical exchange, adding new confusion and anxiety to situations that are already stressful for patients and their families. And the conditions of Covid-19 care — the rapid pace at which cases evolve, the desire of hospital workers to limit the duration of their exposure to patients — create numerous obstacles to effective interpretation.” https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/17/health/covid-coronavirus-medical-translators.html
When Coronavirus Care Gets Lost in Translation Medical interpreters must now work remotely, multiplying the challenges for front-line doctors and non-English-speaking patients.
Congrats to the Grads of 2019!! 🎓🍾🎉
In the latest edition of the FTI's e-bulletin, Mathilde Fontanet talks about literary translation in the age of machine translation:
“Machine translation can, of course, provide us with a preliminary version that can be reworked. And yet, even if the words, and perhaps even entire sentences, can be reused, it seems dangerous to me in this particular context to process slivers of language without listening to their harmonics, their timbre, their echo. No one would enjoy reading a text with a disembodied voice, like that of a GPS. And I’m afraid that working with an initial, inert version may hinder the translator’s creativity. Machine translation produces impressive results, but I believe there may be a risk to using it in a form of translation in which the human and emotional dimension is of the utmost importance.”
See the full interview at: https://www.unige.ch/fti/ebulletin/entretien/entretien-3
A peek into the interpreter’s notebook at the opening ceremony of the One Trial - Four Languages exhibition at Uni Mail
English Unit staff member, David Jemielity, will be giving a keynote lecture on 27 September at the 2019 Mediterranean and Translators Meeting in Split, Croatia
Translation and writing in a corporate environment METM19 keynote – David Jemielity
Thanks to all the students and staff who came out to the English Unit’s annual welcome meeting and potluck!
Another translation fail spotted by one of our German unit colleagues! 🤣
Translation fail spotted by one of our alumni in Gori, Georgia 😅
Why it’s time to stop worrying about the decline of the English language The long read: People often complain that English is deteriorating under the influence of new technology, adolescent fads and loose grammar. Why does this nonsensical belief persist?
5 October 2019 IAMLADP Universities Contact Group, FTI - University of Geneva EUSurvey is an online survey-management system built for the creation and publishing of globally accessible forms, such as user satisfaction surveys and public consultations.
Genders in languages
Source: http://ow.ly/tOTF50uM4s7
To start the week!
Pour commencer la semaine ! 🤩☺️
Teresa Cabré’s talk on terminology at the service of languages
Opinion | Why Mistranslation Matters Would history have been different if Khrushchev had used a better interpreter?
You're never too old to become fluent in a foreign language Coverage of a new study suggests it's impossible to become fluent in a foreign language after age ten. But that's deeply misleading – and not what the study found.
The dangers of word-for-word translation 🤔😱
Le français est une langue magique.
Professor Lance Hewson’s last lecture. Thank you, Lance, for everything you have done. We wish you all the best for the future! 🎵
Congratulations once more to the FTI’s Marie-Hélène Girard for a third-place finish in the Swiss national final of Ma Thèse en 180 secondes. One more prize to add to her second-place finish and people’s choice award at the Geneva final 🏆🏅 Way to go Marie-Hélène!
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Congratulations to the FTI's Marie-Hélène, who won the people's choice award and placed second in the public speaking contest “Ma thèse en 180 secondes”!
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