GLP May E-News
GLP May 2016 E-News
Submitted abstracts are under review by OSM Scientific Committee. Watch for acceptance notifications and opening of conference registration in mid-May. In the meantime, visit the website to view keynote speakers, conference programme, and more details.
GLP E-News - 2016 OSM - Browse sessions and submit your abstract *Submission Closes March 30*
GLP E-News - 2016 OSM - Browse sessions and submit your abstract through March 30*
The GLP 3rd OSM 2016 will bring together large parts of the international research community working on land system issues to showcase the breadth and scope of ongoing research; inspire new research; build community in this highly interdisciplinary field; and facilitate review, theory building, and…
From teleconnection to telecoupling: Taking stock of an emerging framework in Land System Science is a joint IRI THESys publication co-authored by Cecilie Friis, Jonas østergaard Nielsen, Iago Otero, Helmut Haberl, Jörg Niewöhner and Patrick Hostert.
In this paper the authors review the state of the art of the telecoupling framework in the Land System Science literature. We trace the development of the framework from teleconnection to telecoupling and asserts the strength of the framework for addressing the spatial decoupling of causes and outcomes of land change processes, as well as multidirectional flows. We then discuss a number of analytical challenges related to the current conceptualisation of telecoupling, especially in relation to classification of system boundaries, hierarchies, power and scale; and propose ways for dealing with these by looking beyond land system science to insights from the fields of economic geography, socio-economic metabolism studies, political ecology and cultural anthropology that have long histories of dealing with global flows, exchanges and networks.
The full paper is available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1747423X.2015.1096423 #.VlYV9tKrRdg
Landmark Synthesis event at AGU 2015
IGBP will hold a landmark synthesis event at the AGU Fall Meeting 2015 in San Francisco. The event will celebrate the work and achievements of IGBP over the past three decades and will include around 100 co-sponsored scientific sessions; an early-career scientists’ workshop; a performance by the Bella Gaia group centred on the Anthropocene concept; and a celebration banquet. The most up to date information about the event will be available on our website very soon.
Should you find yourself in San Francisco, please let us know if you might join us for a) the IGBP celebration banquet on the evening of 13 December at the Marriott Marquis Hotel or b) attend the Bella Gaia performance at 8 pm on 17 December at the Herbst Theatre (a 20% discount by booking at the following link http://fallmeeting.agu.org/2015/224257-2/). Spaces are limited for the IGBP celebration banquet so we hope to hear from you soon if you wish to attend (RSVP: Ting Yiu: [email protected]). Further inormation is available at: http://www.globallandproject.org/news/news.php?codigo=364&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=facebook
We are pleased to announce the release of the latest newsletter of the Global Land Project (GLP News n.12).
Land use and land cover change is the major driver of biodiversity loss in terrestrial ecosystems worldwide, making the management and governance of land systems a key parameter in conserving and sustaining biodiversity. This issue gathers 16 contributions dealing with the relations between biodiversity and land systems from very diverse thematic and regional perspectives.
The entire issue is availablehttp://www.globallandproject.org/arquivos/GLPNews_Nov2015.pdf