Núcleo de Neuroengenharia e Computação - Unifesp

Núcleo de Neuroengenharia e Computação - Unifesp

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ICT Unifesp - São José dos Campos
ICT Unifesp - São José dos Campos
Rua Talim

Grupo de pesquisa interdisciplinar em Interface Cérebro-Máquina, Biofeedback, Análise de Sinais Eletrofisiológicos, Cognição e Sistema Autonômico.

A funcionar normalmente

Directly into the brain: A 3D multifunctional and flexible neural interface 03/10/2021

Directly into the brain: A 3D multifunctional and flexible neural interface Although measuring the electrical activity of neurons is useful in many disciplines, making durable neural interfacing brain chip implants with negligible adverse effects has proven challenging. Now, Korean scientists have developed a flexible multifunctional neural interface that can not only regis...


Estudo conduzido pelo docente da EPM/Unifesp Jean Faber analisou como semelhanças entre regiões do estado impactaram na propagação do coronavírus e na taxa de mortalidade. Resultados preliminares apontam para conglomerados de regiões, que não são necessariamente formados por territórios vizinhos, mas, quando ligados por certas regiões, podem apresentar “corredores de propagação” da covid-19.

🌐Saiba mais em: https://bit.ly/3gXPuYT.

Timeline photos 27/05/2021


Este será o tema do próximo webinar promovido pela Academia de Ciências do Estado de São Paulo (ACIESP), com as participações de
Luiz Davidovich (Presidente da Academia Brasileira de Ciências - ABC) e Renato Janine Ribeiro Renato Janine Ribeiro (Ex-Ministro da Educação).

Quinta-feira, 27/05, às 16h

Transmissão ao vivo pelo YouTube: https://youtu.be/hor7ApMDfBM

Photos from Pint of Science Brasil's post 16/05/2021

Breath and Brain: Attention to Breathing Boosts Brain Health

A recent study from 2018 titled Coupling of respiration and attention via the locus coeruleus: Effects of meditation and pranayama discussed how focused attention to breathing can help improve brain health and increase your focus and concentration.

How it does this exactly is through an area in the brainstem called the locus coeruleus (LC). The LC has well established functions in respiration and attention. The LC is a chemosensitive area within the brainstem that can automatically activate the phrenic nerve (the big nerve that connects to the diaphragm) to increase respirations when increased levels of CO2 are detected, to help bring oxygen up and CO2 levels down.

The LC is also an area that produces much of the brain's norepinephrine. Norepinephrine gets released into the bloodstream when you are exercising, focused or emotionally aroused. It enhances your attention to detail and improves overall brain health by promoting the growth of new neural connections by connecting to several key regions in the brain.

Too much norepinephrine can happen when we are stressed out and unable to focus, too little and we may feel too sluggish to think straight...but there is a sweet spot where we are able to think clearly...and this may happen with our breath.

When you breath in, activity in the LC increase (potentially raising norepinephrine) and when you breath out, activity in the LC decreases (potentially lowering norepinephrine).

Breath-focused meditation has long been shown to have numerous cognitive benefits such as improving attention, increasing positive emotions and decreasing emotional reactivity. This paper showed that there is a direct link between breathing and natural levels of norepinephrine.

“This study has shown that as you breathe in, locus coeruleus activity is increasing slightly, and as you breathe out it decreases,” says Michael Melnychuk, PhD candidate at the Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience and lead author of the study. “Put simply, this means that our attention is influenced by our breath and that it rises and falls with the cycle of respiration. It is possible that by focusing on and regulating your breathing you can optimize your attention level and likewise, by focusing on your attention level, your breathing becomes more synchronized.”

Practicing breath-focused meditation on a daily basis can have a profound impact on brain health, but it is also a great way to short circuit panic, stress and fear. When we experience stress and fear, we can feel it in our body. Our palms get sweaty, our respirations increase in number and shorten in depth. These bodily cues are signals that the fear is about to take over our body and shut down our thinking brain.

A simple breathing exercise to realign the body and brain is this!:

1. Slowly inhale through your nostrils to a count of 4.

2. Hold your breath in to a count of 4.

3. Exhale slowly through your mouth to a count of 4 or more.

Repeat this until you feel your heart rate slow down and your body begin to calm. It really can be that simple!

Full blog post and link to paper: https://thebrainchat.com/brain-chat-blog/f/breath-and-brain-attention-to-breathing-boosts-brain-health

Nota em defesa da CAPES 19/04/2021

Nota em defesa da CAPES A Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), fundada em 1951, tem um papel fundamental na formação de recursos humanos de alto ní...

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R. Talim, 330
São José Dos Campos, SP

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Quarta-feira 08:00 - 23:00
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Sexta-feira 08:00 - 23:00
Outra Edifício universitário em São José dos Campos (mostrar tudo)
Native American English Native American English
Rua Apeninos 48
São José Dos Campos, 12230-360

Native English Teacher - American - Translator Conversation Classes - Trips (viagens) - Private Clas

Faculdade INPG - Campus SJCampos Faculdade INPG - Campus SJCampos
R. Cel. José Monteiro, 583 – Centro
São José Dos Campos, 12210-140

Graduação, Pós-graduação, MBA Executivo, Cursos e Treinamentos e Locações Corporativas

CEPHAS - Centro Educacional Profissionalizante "Helio Augusto de Souza" CEPHAS - Centro Educacional Profissionalizante "Helio Augusto de Souza"
Rua Tsunessaburo Makiguti, 399
São José Dos Campos, 12230084

Odonto Júnior Projetos e Consultoria Odonto Júnior Projetos e Consultoria
Avenida Engenheiro Francisco Jose Longo 777
São José Dos Campos, 12245000

Transporte Univap Urbanova Transporte Univap Urbanova
Avenida Shishima Hifumi
São José Dos Campos, 12244-000

Transporte Universitário de Jacareí para São José dos Campos - Universidade do Vale do Paraíba Período: Manhã e Noite

Programa Línguas Estrangeiras Programa Línguas Estrangeiras
Rua Juiz David Barrilli, 304/Jd. Aquárius
São José Dos Campos, 12246-200

O Programa Línguas Estrangeiras atua juntamente com a empresa Planneta através de projetos educacionais em escolas municipais.

Avenida Francisco José Longo, 511
São José Dos Campos, 12245-000


LFG SJCampos LFG SJCampos
105 Avenida Barão
São José Dos Campos, 12242800

Cursos Preparatórios para Concursos de Nível Médio, Área Fiscal (nível superior), Área Juridica, OAB, Pós e MBA's

Gastronomia Univap Gastronomia Univap
Avenida Shishima Hifumi, 2911/Urbanova
São José Dos Campos, 12244-000

Página oficial do núcleo de Gastronomia da Univap (Universidade do Vale do Paraíba)

Laboratório de Nanotecnologia e Processos a Plasmas- NanoTecPlasma Laboratório de Nanotecnologia e Processos a Plasmas- NanoTecPlasma
São José Dos Campos, 12224000

Laboratório de Nanotecnologia e Processos a Plasmas Instituto de Pesquisa & Desenvolvimento- UNIVAP

EVA - Escola de Arte EVA - Escola de Arte
Avenida Cassiopéia, 556/Jardim Satélite
São José Dos Campos, 12230-011

Curso de Modelagem de personagens para quadrinhos, para concepts e para escultura tradicional.

TV Univap TV Univap
Avenida Shishima Hifumi 2911
São José Dos Campos, 12244-390

Televisão Universitária da Universidade do Vale do Paraíba - Univap CANAIS 8 NET | 10 VIVO (SJCam