Lucia Cossu voiceteacher

Lucia Cossu voiceteacher

Voice teacher pro/future pro, innovator in vocal technique, international presenter. Online 🌏🌎🌍 Online lessons worldwide, in person workshops can be arranged.

Italian/French born 1971, voice teacher for professionals and future pro singers, innovator in vocal technique specialised in training and personalised solutions, voice development and voice preparation for touring/recording, young voices development without forcing the delicate and respectful balance of young talents. The innovative approach has solved strain/issues and limitations of singers uns

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Lucia Cossu at -
Friday 06/09 10:00 sala Murcia - oral presentation Rethinking isometric
Saturday 07/09 11:30 sala Transparent 2 - workshop 1 Sitting on hips joint
Saturday 07/09 15:00 sala Transparent 1 - workshop 2 Word production

See you next week, glad to see your findings and share knowledge together; good voice for all of us!


I was thinking what I think common knowledge on singing and voices has not really clear: it is easy to see when all is developed, and ok yes one good thing.
BUT developing and development is a living PUZZLE made of pieces and we can/must work on many of those pieces.

My expertise/practice/research effort is to define/clarify some minimal requirements and strategies of/for the principle pieces of the puzzle.
YOUR effort must to get to see this dynamic organic living puzzle and not an organ pipe with just some air.

Italian/French voice teacher for professionals and future pro singers, innovator in vocal technique specialised in training and personalised solutions, voice development and voice preparation for touring/recording, young voices development without forcing the delicate and respectful balance of young talents. She has solved strain/issues and limitations of singers unsolvable by training or medical therapies. Those skills have 15 years of successful career and voice transformations in all styles; hospitals have sent her some desperate cases, all successfully.

Her innovative perspective has been recently presented at the prestigious Pan-European Voice Conference PEVoC14 2022 in one paper and two workshops and three Posters at The Voice Foundation 52nd Annual Symposium May 31- June 4 2023 in Philadelphia, she will be again at both in 2024 with two oral presentations, two workshops and two more Posters. She calls this perspective the (R)Evolution of voice model, or if you prefer cossumethod in the actual practice.

She comes from an international soloist career in classical music that a malpractice during an abdominal surgery has interrupted (the surgeon has been convicted).

Courses and workshops are available online from everywhere and in person can be arranged.


This is one of my last years evolution in my training for singers. It looks like a controversy when you see it in the extremes of the biomechanical reasons of Italian Belcanto and Estill. Here opening a bit of connecting dots, which is probably my specific talent.
Come to Philadelphia in June at Symposium or at in Santander- EU next September, or ask some sessions with me.


Delighted to see accepted all the three abstracts at the next PEVoC 15th 2024.
One oral presentation and two workshops on bridging biomechanics of general musculoskeletal system with voice production and vocal practices.

Photos from Lucia Cossu voiceteacher's post 09/04/2024

This is during one of our 5 minutes session added to the weekly more conventional lesson.
I have implemented two weekly 5 minutes sessions: they are structured as performances, wherever whenever. It simulate well what are performance conditions and the gain from those just 10 minutes are overwhelmingly huge, they stabilise the performance level and the new acquirements.
Book your free 20’ minutes with me or write me - here

Photos from Lucia Cossu voiceteacher's post 25/03/2024

In few hours the exciting 36th Episode of Voice Series. This time hosting the amazing Heidi HEIDI SKOK, Contralto for a chat on how to navigate our proper voice and career, what can happen if categorised differently from what it -at a certain point- manifest as always has been. A precious talk with this natural control doing amazing singing and opening for less stereotyped careers and agencies.

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Maandag 12:00 - 19:00
Woensdag 10:30 - 19:00
Vrijdag 10:00 - 19:00
Zaterdag 10:00 - 16:00