Women and Gender Studies, an academic discipline of faculty of social sciences, was established in 2012 at the Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur.
The department emphasises the importance of women's experience regarding existing socio-economic and political context of North Bengal and beyond. It critically evaluates gender which refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviour, activities, and attributes that a given society considers appropriate for men and women. It also challenges many traditional assumptions and theories about women t
hat have excluded them from decision making in family and community. It includes the study of masculinities. Women's Studies as a separate discipline appeared in the late 1970s. San Diego State College (now San Diego University) and SUNNY-Buffalo of the United States introduced it for the first time in the 1970s. Throughout the later 70s, many universities and colleges opened departments on the subject. Women's Studies started to be taught in Bangladesh around 1987 at Dhaka University. During 1990s, the course had been included in different departments of different universities. Finally, the Department of Women's Studies was set up at Dhaka University on March 9, 2000. Five persons who played key roles in establishing it were Dr Mahmuda Islam, Dr Najma Chowdhry, Dr Nazmunnessa Mahtab, Dr Sadeka Halim and Dr Asaduzzaman. In 2006, it was renamed as Women and Gender Studies. Undergraduate programme in Women and Gender Studies of Begum Rokeya University offers the following courses:
• Introduction to Women and Gender Studies
• Anthropology
• Sociology
• Psychology
• Computer Skill Development
• Women's Movement from Bangladesh and Global Perspectives
• Political Thought
• Economics
• International Relations
• Public Administration: Gender Perspectives
• Women in Bangla and World Literature
• English Skill Development
• Women, Society and Culture
• Feminist Theories and Writing
• Gender and History
• Gender, Poverty and Livelihood
• Gender and Environment
• Gender Based Violence
• Gender and Social Action
• Gender And Migration
• Gender and War
• Gender and Development
• Gender, Reproductive Health and Rights
• Statistics for Social Science
• Research Methodology
The objectives of these courses are:
• To promote research activities about women and gender
• To critically assess the traditional disciplines in the light of new data concerning women and gender
• To explore existing knowledge about women and gender in a variety of discipline
• To provide an academic foundation for the students planning careers in women gender studies or related fields
The study of the discipline provides:
• An understanding of differences between gender, sexuality, race, culture, and social class
• Insight into the connections among different forms of oppression
• A foundation for analyzing inequalities and initiating change
• skills in finding and using information on contemporary social issues
The department also observes different programmes on special days including International Women's Day, Rokeya Day and so forth. Besides, it also arranges different workshops, training, seminars, resource person lectures, and gender fair. This department also put effort to publish various scholarly articles regarding different issues of gender. This Department has many scholar teachers from University of Dhaka And University of Rajshahi. Many of them are gold medalist and all of them are top scorer of their Department and Faculty. This Department has an immense relation of top ranking Non-Government Organizations. Students have great opportunity to have internship in these NGOs. This Department has also the great opportunity to work with many international NGOs including UN women. Many distinguished scholars also visit this department to deliver lectures on different issues. After achieving degrees in Women and Gender Studies, one can work on the fields of social work, teaching, public health, reproductive health sector, community health, research, public administration, human services, human rights, communication consultancy on gender and development, film industry, media, law enforcement and many more.