Official page of Department of Political Science, Rajshahi College. class under the Department of Civics and Economics. classes. H.
In 1916 the study of Political Science was initiated in Rajshahi College as Civics in the Intermediate of Arts (I.A.) Within the same Department, in 1950, Political Science was incorporated as a distinct course for the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) The Department of Politics was instigated in 1953. Until 1956, parallel to the Department of Civics and Economics, the Department of Politics had been existe
d. In 1957 the study of Civics left to the Department of Politics. From now the Department of Politics was renamed as the Department of Civics and Political Science. In 1981, it was retitled as the Department of Political Science. In 1972, the students of Rajshahi College organized a hunger strike demanding affiliation to Bachelor of Honours Courses in Political Science by Rajshahi University authority. Owing to direct intermediation by the then Honourable Relief and Rehabilitation Minister A. M Quamruzzaman, the Rajshahi University authority accepted the demand and the strike was called off. However, up till 1994 no Masters Courses were conducted by the Department as the students having Honours degree had been admitted into Masters Classes in the Rajshahi University. In 1994, for the first time the Department introduced Masters level courses under affiliation with the National University. In 1996 the department ended its Higher Secondary Courses (HSC) with closure of the courses by the college. Nevertheless, due to dearth in quality institutions and growing demand for higher secondary level education in Rajshahi the HSC courses have been reinstated in 2010. With fresh enthusiasm by the students and all walks of people of Rajshahi, soon after the inclusion of HSC courses, Rajshahi College has regained its position as one of the best higher secondary education conferring institutions of this region. Since the reinsertion of HSC courses Civics has been taught as one of the core subjects for the students of Humanities group.