Mymensingh Medical College Photographic Society - MMCPS
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College Road, Mymensing
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Mymensingh Medical College Road
College Road
College Road
College Road,Mymensingh
College Road
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Contact the school
Mymensingh Medical College
Zilla School Road
Mymensingh, 2200
MZS is recognised as the best school in Mymensingh and also one of the top schools in Bangladesh.Man
Mymensingh, 2200
Government Laboratory High school is one of the top most schools of greater Mymensingh. It is the bi
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Mymensingh, 2202
BAU was established in 1961.The campus, with an area of 4.85 km².There is 6 faculty having seat 120
Department Of Pathology, Faculty Of Veterinary Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University
Mymensingh, 2202
Its a page for the education, Research and Discussion about the Veterinary Pathology
Rahmatpur, Khagdahar
Mymensingh, 2208
গণপ্রজাতন্ত্রী বাংলাদেশ সরকার শিক্ষা মন্ত্রণালয় কারিগরি শিক্ষা অধিদপ্তর
BAU Mymensingh
Mymensingh, 2202
Welcome to the evergreen campus of Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU). Green is the symbol of life,a radiant and vibrant life that forms the core of human existence and civilization; and exactly that is what we all are here involved in with BAU
কেওয়াটখালি বাইপাস (বিশ্বরোড)
Mymensingh, 112182
কেওয়াটখালি, বলাশপুর, বাইপাস (বিশ্বরোড)
I want to serve the human beings through my profession
Mymensingh Sadar
Mymensingh, 2200
Global-IT Pathshala is one of the best (online based) IT Training Institute in Bangladesh.