Gobeshona Learning Academy

Gobeshona Learning Academy


A platform where you can learn & explore technology, engineering, focusing on Industrial Automation

Gobeshona Learning Academy is a leading industry and technology-based training academy that provides online/offline training programs for industrial automation, process automation, PLC, SCADA, VFD/Inverter,
Control Panels, instrumentation & control, and embedded systems using microcontroller. School, college, university students can get free online training from here in the field of science, tec

Operating as usual


আগামী ০৩ সেপ্টেম্বর, সন্ধ্যা ৭.০০ টায় অটোক্যাড 2D,3D ডিজাইনিংয়ের উপর একটি ফ্রি ওয়ার্কশপ আয়োজন করা হয়েছে।
কিভাবে একটি ইন্ডাকশন মোটরের 2D,3D ড্রয়িং করতে হয় স্টেপ বাই স্টেপ শিখতে পারবেন।
*সিট লিমিটেড।*
এখনি রেজিস্ট্রেশন করে সিট নিশ্চিত করুন।
রেজিস্ট্রেশন লিংকঃ


Limited Seats Only
Date: 20,21,22th August
Time: 7.00PM
Rgistration Link: https://event.webinarjam.com/register/22/6y8o5s6

Day-01: Layout of Floor plan of a multi storied building
Day-02: 3D House design from 2D layout
Day-03: Single line diagram of a substation

অটোক্যাড ডিজাইনার হিসেবে যেভাবে আপনার ক্যারিয়ার গড়বেন? | Gobeshona 19/08/2024

অটোক্যাড ডিজাইনার হিসেবে যেভাবে আপনার ক্যারিয়ার গড়বেন?

অটোক্যাড ডিজাইনার হিসেবে যেভাবে আপনার ক্যারিয়ার গড়বেন? | Gobeshona Career as AutoCAD designer in Bangladesh. ============================www.gobeshona.com.bd একটি টেকনোলজি বেইজড অনলাইন ই-লার্নিং প্ল্যাটফর্ম। আমরা শুধুমাত্র ই...


গবেষণা লার্নিং একাডেমির কার্যক্রম আগামীকাল থেকে শুরু হতে যাচ্ছে।
ছাত্রদের রক্তক্ষয়ী আন্দোলনের মাধ্যমে অর্জিত স্বাধীনতা রক্ষা করা এখন আমাদের প্রতিটি নাগরিকের কর্তব্য। আসুন আমরা যার যার অবস্থান থেকে দেশ গঠনে শরিক হই। আমাদের সকলের ক্ষুদ্র প্রয়াস একটা উন্নত জাতি বিনির্মানে সহায়ক ভূমিকা পালন করবে।

Master Class- Programmable Logic Controller 18/07/2024

Job Opportunity
Job Title: Training Instructor - AI, Data Science
Location: Banasree
Type: Full-time

Job Description:
We are seeking a motivated Training Instructor to join our dynamic team. The ideal candidate will be responsible for designing, developing, and delivering quality online training programs in the fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Data Science.
As an instructor, you will play a crucial role in educating and inspiring our diverse student base, helping them to achieve their career goals.

Key Responsibilities:
1.Develop comprehensive and engaging online courses covering AI, Data Science.
2.Create course materials, including lectures, presentations, assignments, and projects.
3.Deliver live and pre-recorded instructional content through online platforms.
4.Provide guidance, mentorship, and feedback to students throughout their learning journey.
5.Evaluate student progress and performance, offering constructive feedback and support.
6.Stay updated with the latest trends, technologies, and best practices in AI, ML, Data Science.
7.Participate in virtual forums, and other student engagement activities.

Bachelor's degree in Computer Science & Engineering, Data Science, or a related field.
Familiarity with machine learning frameworks and data science tools.
Excellent communication and presentation skills.
Hard working mentality.
Ability to simplify complex concepts and present them in an engaging manner.
Strong organizational and time management skills.
Passion for teaching and helping students succeed.
Must have training on AI Data Science from a reputed oranization.

Position: Training Instructor - Full Stack Web Development
Location: Banasree
Type: Full-time

1. Develop and maintain engaging and comprehensive course materials for full stack web development.
2. Conduct live online classes and record in-depth video tutorials.
3. Provide personalized feedback and support to students, addressing their queries and helping them overcome challenges.
4. Create and grade assignments, quizzes, and practical projects to assess student progress.
5. Stay updated with the latest industry trends and integrate current practices and technologies into the curriculum.

Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Web Development, or a related field.
Strong proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, front-end frameworks (React, Angular, etc.), and back-end technologies (Node.js, Express, MongoDB, etc.).
Excellent communication and presentation skills.
Passionate about teaching and helping students succeed.
Hard working mentality.

Application Process:
Interested candidates are invited to submit their resume, cover letter, and a portfolio of relevant work to [email protected]

Master Class- Programmable Logic Controller 💡 Key Topics: Introduction to PLCs: Understanding the role and importance of PLCs in industrial automation. PLC Programming Languages: A hands-on exploration of ladder logic, function block diagrams, and structured text. PLC Hardware and Communication: Exploring different PLC types and communicat...


🇧🇩 Stand with the Students! 🇧🇩

We support the brave students of Bangladesh demanding the removal of unfair quotas. Fair opportunities for all is a right, not a privilege. Let’s raise our voices and stand in solidarity with our future leaders. Together, we can make a difference! ✊📚


How to Create New Palette in AutoCAD | Gobeshona

To create a new palette we need to follow the steps below.
● Type TOOLPALETTES or TP in the command line and press Enter.
● In the Tool Palettes window, right-click on any existing tab.
● Select New Palette from the context menu.
● Enter a name for your new palette.
● You can add tools by dragging and dropping blocks, hatches, commands, or other objects from your drawing or other palettes into your new palette.


How to use Purge Tool in AutoCAD | Gobeshona

To use the purge tool we need to follow the steps below.
● Type PURGE in the command line and press Enter.
● Alternatively, you can find it in the menu: Manage tab = Cleanup panel = Purge.
● The Purge dialog box will appear. This box is divided into several sections, allowing you to purge different types of unused objects.
● The left side of the dialog box lists categories of items you can purge (e.g., Blocks, Layers, Linetypes, etc.).
● Click the plus sign (+) next to a category to see individual items you can purge.
● Select specific items from the list and click the "Purge" button to remove only those items.


How to Solve the Hatch Problem in AutoCAD | Gobeshona

When we will see that after applying the hatch tool the hatch will not insert in the close path we need to check that is there any break or disconnection exist in the close path. If we find that then we will recover the gaps by joining the path.


How to Review a Drawing of AutoCAD Using Autodesk Design Review software | Gobeshona

To review a drawing of an autocad file we need to save the drawing in DWF format. And we need to install a software called Autodesk Design review. When we open any DWF file with the given software we can review the drawing using different call out blocks, dimension measuring tools etc.


How to Create and Customize Your Own Line Type in AutoCAD | Gobeshona

To custom a new line type we need to follow the steps bellow:
● Use the graphical editor to define the pattern visually or enter the pattern definition manually using the characters (A, ., -, =).
● Type MKLTYPE in the command line and press Enter. AutoCAD will prompt you to select a linetype to modify.
● Then save a line file in any location and input a name of your own line type.
● At last select the objects and press enter then your line type will be created.


How to Add a Viewport from the “Sheet Set Manager” in AutoCAD | Gobeshona

When we have a ready sheet set, views and template we will start to add some view port by following steps:
We will go through the model view of the sheet set manager. And click the right button of the mouse on a view port which was saved in model space.
After clicking that right button we will find two options, they are “Open” and “Place on sheet”. We will choose the second option
Then we will specify the location of the view and select place them with proper scaling.


How to Create a Template in AutoCAD | Gobeshona

To create a template, at first we will create a title block in model space then we will follow the steps below:
○ Switch to a layout tab (e.g., Layout1 or Layout2).
○ Set up viewports, scale, and arrange the layout according to your preferences.
○ Type PAGESETUP in the command line to open the Page Setup Manager.
○ Create new page setups with your preferred settings for paper size, plot scale, plot style tables (CTB/STB), and other plotting options.
○ Save these setups for reuse in other layouts or drawings.
○ Type SAVEAS in the command line.
○ In the Save Drawing at dialog box, change the file type to AutoCAD Drawing Template (*.dwt).
○ Choose a location and enter a file name for your template.
○ In the Template Options dialog box that appears, you can specify a description for the template and choose a measurement type (Imperial or Metric). Click Save to save the drawing as a template file (.dwt).


How to Publish all Sheets With Single Selection in AutoCAD | Gobeshona

To publish the sheets of autocad for printing we have to follow the steps below:
We need to open the sheet set manager and go through the sheet set tab.
If we right click on any sheet in the sheet set manager we will find some option and among them we will select the publish option.
Before publishing we need to select the format of the file as PDF. After selecting this we will browse the location of the file and click to save.


How to Change Plot Style in AutoCAD | Gobeshona

To change plot style we need to go through the “Plot style table” section in the page setup manager window. After go through the modify option from page setup manager we need to follow the steps:
● In the Page Setup dialog box, look for the "Plot style table (pen assignments)" section.
● Click the drop-down menu and select the desired plot style table (e.g., "acad.ctb," "monochrome.ctb," "grayscale.ctb," or any custom plot style table you have).
● If you need to load a custom plot style table, click "Add Plot Style Table" to browse and load your custom file.
● Ensure the "Plot with plot styles" checkbox is checked.
● Click "OK" to close the Page Setup dialog box.


How to Create Viewport in AutoCAD | Gobeshona

To create a viewport in layout space we need to follow the steps below:
● At the bottom of the drawing window, you'll see tabs labeled "Model" and "Layout1" (and possibly "Layout2"). Click on one of the "Layout" tabs.
● In the Layout tab, go to the "Layout" tab in the ribbon at the top of the screen.
● In the "Layout Viewports" panel, click "Rectangular" to create a rectangular viewport. Other options include "Polygonal" for a custom-shaped viewport or "Object" to convert an existing object into a viewport.
● Click on the edge of the viewport to select it.
● You can resize the viewport by dragging its corners or edges.
● Move the viewport by clicking and dragging it to a new location in the layout.
● Double-click inside the viewport to activate model space through the viewport.
● You can zoom and pan to adjust the view as needed.
● Double-click outside the viewport to return to paper space.


How to Set Up Page Layout Space in AutoCAD | Gobeshona

To set up just the page size of the layout space in AutoCAD, follow these steps:
● Right-click the Layout tab and select "Page Setup Manager."
● In the Page Setup Manager dialog box, click "Modify" for the layout you want to adjust. If there are no existing setups, you can click "New" to create one and give it a name.
● In the Page Setup dialog box, under the "Paper Size" section, select the desired paper size from the drop-down list. You can choose standard sizes like A4, A3, Letter, etc., or custom sizes if supported by your printer/plotter.
● Click "OK" to close the Page Setup dialog box.


How to use array Option in Copy tool in AutoCAD | Gobeshona

To use array option in copy tool you need to follow the steps below.
● Select copy tool from ribbon or typing copy from keyboard.
● Select the object which you want to copy.
● Specify the base point which and look at the command line.
● Select the array option from the command line and input the element number and distance of them.
● Press enter and copy will be created.


Difference between Blue and Green Selection in AutoCAD | Gobeshona

To understand the difference between blue and green selection we will select any object by moving the cursor left to right for one time. And again we will select any object by moving the cursor right to left for another time. In the first case blue selection will be created and in the second case green selection will be created.
Now we can observe the difference between them.


Increase Working Speed Using Quick Selection Tool to in AutoCAD Gobeshona

To apply a quick selection tool we need to go through the Utility panel and select the quick selection tool. If we would select any object before selecting the tool we will find two options like “Entire Drawing” or “Current selection” in a window. We can work through any option and we can select any object by filtering with color, layer, line type, object type (Mtext, block etc).


How to Create Dynamic Block Using Array Action in AutoCAD | Gobeshona

To create a dynamic block we need to add different parameters and actions to the block. In order to add this we have to follow the instructions given below.
Select the object to make dynamic > press right button of mouse and go to block editor > go to block authoring palette > go to parameter tab > select a parameter and apply to object > go to action tab > select an action > select a parameter > select the object > press enter.
By following this process we have to apply linear parameter and stretch action. Then we will create array action by selecting the linear parameter and array object.


How to Create Dynamic Block Using LookUp Parameter in AutoCAD | Gobeshona

To create a dynamic block we need to add different parameters and actions to the block. In order to add this we have to follow the instructions given below.
Select the object to make dynamic > press right button of mouse and go to block editor > go to block authoring palette > go to parameter tab > select a parameter and apply to object > go to action tab > select an action > select a parameter > select the object > press enter.
By following this process we have to apply linear parameters and stretch action. Then we will add a look-up parameter and look-up action on the block. After adding look-up action we have to input the look-up property and create the dynamic block.


How to Create Dynamic Block Using Visibility Parameter in AutoCAD

To create a dynamic block we need to add different parameters to the block. In order to add this we have to follow the instructions given below after creating different view to express different visible states.
Select the object to make dynamic > press right button of mouse and go to block editor > go to block authoring palette > go to parameter tab > select a parameter and apply to object > press enter.


How to add Flip Parameter and Flip Action to Create Dynamic Block in AutoCAD | Gobeshona

To create a dynamic block we need to add different parameters and actions to the block. In order to add this we have to follow the instructions given below.
Select the object to make dynamic > press right button of mouse and go to block editor > go to block authoring palette > go to parameter tab > select the flip parameter and apply to object > go to action tab > select the flip action > select a parameter > select the object > press enter.
Then we can close the block editor after saving as our editing has completed. Now we can check the dynamic feature of our block.


Adding Polar Parameter and Polar Stretch Action to Create Dynamic Block in AutoCAD | Gobeshona

To create a dynamic block we need to add different parameters and actions to the block. In order to add this we have to follow the instructions given below.
Select the object to make dynamic > press right button of mouse and go to block editor > go to block authoring palette > go to parameter tab > select the polar parameter and apply to object > go to action tab > select the polar stretch action > select a parameter > select the object > press enter.
Then we can close the block editor after saving as our editing has completed. Now we can check the dynamic feature of our block.


“Increment” and “List” option at Parameter Property in AutoCAD | Gobeshona

To create a dynamic block we need to use parameters in the block editor tool. An important feature of the parameter is the “Dist type” option. And we can select two types of distance in this option. One of them is “Increment" another is “List” In this video we have shown what are the differences between Increment and List option and how it works.


How to use Dimensional Constraint and its Benefit in AutoCAD | Gobeshona

To create Dimensional constraint on any object we need to go through the following path.
Go to Parametric tab > Dimensional panel > select any tool like linear /align /radius /diameter /angle then, dimension tool > specify object > press enter.


How to Attach a PDF file in AutoCAD | Gobeshona

To add an pdf file as external reference we need to go through the following path.
Go to > Insert tab > attach option > select the file type “pdf” > browse the image file > click open.
Then the file will be imported in your work space so pick a position for the pdf object and place it with proper scaling.

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Videos (show all)

How to Delete Duplicate Objects in AutoCAD | GobeshonaTo delete duplicate objects in AutoCAD, you need to follow the ste...
How to Insert Resource From TOOLPALETTES | GobeshonaTo use the resource of the Design Center in AutoCAD, you need to fol...
Insert Resource From  Design Center | GobeshonaTo use the resource of the Design Center in AutoCAD, you need to follow t...
How to Create New Palette in AutoCAD | GobeshonaTo create a new palette we need to follow the steps below.● Type TOOLPAL...
How to use Purge Tool in AutoCAD | GobeshonaTo use the purge tool we need to follow the steps below. ● Type PURGE in the...
How to Solve the Hatch Problem in AutoCAD | GobeshonaWhen we will see that after applying the hatch tool the hatch will ...
How to Review a Drawing of AutoCAD Using Autodesk Design Review software | Gobeshona To review a drawing of an autocad f...
How to Create and Customize Your Own Line Type in AutoCAD | GobeshonaTo custom a new line type we need to follow the ste...
How to Create a View in AutoCAD Model Space | GobeshonaTo create a view at first, we will open the drawing which we want...
How to create a New Sheet from Sheet Set in AutoCAD | Gobeshona  To create a new sheet in sheet set we need to open the ...
How to Add Level Block in Sheet Template in AutoCAD | Gobeshona  To add a level block first we need to prepare a block w...
How to Add a Viewport from the “Sheet Set Manager” in AutoCAD | GobeshonaWhen we have a ready sheet set, views and templ...




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