Averroes International School

Averroes International School


Averroes International School is one of the Leading English Medium Schools in Bangladesh. Khan Md. Aktaruzzaman, Chairman

Averroes International School is a global award-winning school network for exceptional students, with a curriculum based on the prestigious Cambridge Series of programs. By enrolling brilliant young people from all backgrounds and equipping them with the highest international standard of education, Averroes seeks to develop future leaders with the skills and knowledge to assist good growth in thei

Operating as usual


আধুনিক শিক্ষা ব্যবস্থায় আল-কোরআন : এভেরোজের ভূমিকা

মুফতি কাজী মোহাম্মদ ইব্রাহীম

Photos from Averroes International School's post 15/12/2024

মহান বিজয় দিবস উদযাপন
এভেরোজ ঊত্তরা (বালিকা)

Photos from Averroes International School's post 15/12/2024

মহান বিজয় দিবস উদযাপন
এভেরোজ ঊত্তরা (বালক)

Photos from Averroes International School's post 15/12/2024

মহান বিজয় দিবস উপলক্ষে কেজি ও গ্রেড ওয়ানের ওয়ানের কার্যত্রম
Averroes Lalmatia

Photos from Averroes International School's post 15/12/2024

মহান বিজয় দিবস উপলক্ষে প্লেগ্রুপ, নার্সারি ও প্রি কেজির কার্যত্রম
Averroes Lalmatia

Photos from Averroes International School's post 14/12/2024

Averroes Lalmatia
KG & Std-1

Photos from Averroes International School's post 14/12/2024

Averroes Lalmatia
PG & Nursery winter activitie

Photos from Averroes International School's post 12/12/2024

Averroes Uttara
Melodious Voice Competition 2024-25

Photos from Averroes International School's post 12/12/2024

Averroes Lalmatia
Field Trip : Std-5 to Std-8 BOYS
Shamol Bangla Resort & Convention Center

Photos from Averroes International School's post 12/12/2024

Averroes Uttara

Photos from Averroes International School's post 12/12/2024

Averroes Uttara

Photos from Averroes International School's post 12/12/2024

Averroes Lalmatia
Field Trip : Std-5 to Std-8 Girls
Shamol Bangla Resort & Convention Center


Importance of Salah
Tahsin Abdullah
Std-3, Averroes Lalmatia


Da'wah – Our Duty As a Muslim
Yusha Mohammad Hameed
Al Safayet Zaman Wasi
Std-6, Averroes Lalmatia


Averroes Telawah Series 55
Abrar Bin Tawhid


Averroes Lalmatia


Averroes Telawah Series 54
Ahmad Shahnawaz
Std-5: Averroes Lalmatia

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Our Story

The Averroes International School is recognized by the Bangladesh Ministry of Education and authorized by British Council and Edexcel as an English –medium educational institution for both Primary and Secondary Sections.

The school established in 2015 is situated at Lalmatia, Mohammadpur in Dhaka. The School, surrounded by peaceful environment, which gives pleasures to children, offers education from Play to A Level.

The Averroes International School is a proprietary institution owned by Averroes Ltd., a company registered under the laws of Bangladesh under the Companies Act (ACT X VIII) of 1994 and that the company is Limited.

The Board operates the Averroes International School as a private school for the benefit of the local and foreign community to the governed and directed as set forth in the bylaws and policies. The Averroes International School is a registered company operating under the laws of Bangladesh, and the owners constitute the executive Board. Governance of the School is exercised by this Board.

Videos (show all)

আধুনিক শিক্ষা ব্যবস্থায় আল-কোরআন : এভেরোজের ভূমিকামুফতি কাজী মোহাম্মদ ইব্রাহীম
Importance of SalahTahsin AbdullahStd-3, Averroes Lalmatia
Da'wah – Our Duty As a MuslimYusha Mohammad HameedAl Safayet Zaman WasiStd-6, Averroes Lalmatia
Averroes Telawah Series 55Abrar Bin TawhidStd-5
Averroes Telawah Series 54Ahmad ShahnawazStd-5: Averroes Lalmatia
Conversation between Islamic school student and non' Islamic student. Instructor: Asadullah Madani.
Averroes UttaraArabic Conversation PracticeSTD-2 (Aster)
Admission Fair at Averroes International School, Uttara! 🎉 Get a 30% discount on Admission Fees until Dec 31, 2024!Addre...
Congratulations!Hafez Yoosuf Chishty
Rubik's Cube CompetitionArham and AbdullahAverroe Uttara
Message from the Esteemed Islamic Scholar MUFTI KAZI IBRAHIM to the Averroes Familyhttps://youtu.be/SrdzHpa-BqE
মানবতার কল্যাণে এভেরোজ পরিবার PROFESSOR MOKHTHER AHMADLead Scholar at Averroes Shariah and Islamic CenterWith our belove...





House# 7/16, Block# B, Lalmatia, Mohammadpur

Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 07:30 - 17:00
Wednesday 07:30 - 17:00
Thursday 07:30 - 17:00
Saturday 08:30 - 17:00
Sunday 07:30 - 17:00