Creative IT is recently awarded as "South Asia's Best IT Training Institute".
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Digital and IT based skill development institute Learn a Skill; the World is Yours
This Page works with all kinds of English Knowledge grooming for Career & Life
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Intern Academy is a Creative Professional Institute. Based On Advance Education & Skills
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Window Academy is a popular creative institute in Bangladesh. Here news Presentation & Radio jockey.
IAcademy is the Professional Skill Development Institute for UX/ UI Design, Graphic Design, SEO, etc.
Izra Quran Academy.BD-(IOQA) It's a multiple learn of faundation
❤️ Kamrul Private Zone ❤️ for ❤️DUET Admission and Job Preparation ❤️
Quran & Qiraat Academy is a licensed & authorised online academy which guides children & empower women through transformative Quranic teachings.
চল যাই স্বপ্নের দেশে।
A proper guideline for admission test of Engineering & Public Universities.
Codersoft IT is successfully 8 Years of journey of different name and different place.
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Rajib Khan BBA MBA Department of Finance University Of Dhaka
For the first time we are introducing admission guidelines and question bank for IUT
A platform where you can learn & explore technology, engineering, focusing on Industrial Automation
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Skills Enhancement Through Innovative Learning!!