MHS Islamic Foundation

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The concept of hell and its associated sufferings vary across different religions and cultures. However, in general, the idea of hell refers to a place or state of punishment for individuals who have committed grave sins or transgressions during their lifetime.

In many religious traditions, hell is described as a place of eternal torment, where the souls of sinners are subjected to excruciating pain and suffering. The nature of this suffering can vary depending on the particular religion or belief system. For example, in Christianity, hell is often described as a place of fire and brimstone, where the wicked are punished for their sins. The agony of hell is said to be both physical and spiritual, with souls enduring endless pain, remorse, and separation from God.

Similarly, in Islam, hell is referred to as Jahannam and is described as a place of extreme heat and punishment. The Quran describes Jahannam as having seven levels, with each level reserved for different categories of sinners. The punishment in Jahannam is said to be severe, with souls subjected to torment by fire, boiling water, and other painful methods.

In Hinduism, hell is known as Naraka, and it is believed that souls who have committed evil deeds in their lifetime are sent there to face punishment. The nature of the punishment in Naraka can vary depending on the nature of the sin committed, with the souls subjected to different forms of torment such as being boiled in hot oil or water, eaten by insects, or forced to consume excrement.

Overall, the sufferings of hell are often portrayed as being unimaginably painful and excruciating, with souls enduring endless agony and despair. The idea of hell serves as a warning and a deterrent against committing sins or transgressions, encouraging individuals to live a virtuous and righteous life.


জীবন বদলে দেওয়ার মতো কিছু উক্তি। দুনিয়ার সবকিছু মায়া-মমতা ও লালসায় ভরা, Duniyar Sob Kisu Maya..Islamic.Foundation,Mehedi Hasan এম এইচ এস ইসলামিক ফাউন্ডেশন।In this video, we are caught up in the illusion of the world, we have become greedy for money, after death, everything is over, what will happen with money, in the voice of Mizanur Rahman Azhar Saheb, a wonderful waz islamic saying, money is money.Joss power will be of no use after death, so leave the illusion of the world and come to the path of Islam, Islam is the religion of peace, thank you again All Mehdi Hasan


We who are involved in the life of sin have ended the life of sinning. Of course everyone will watch this video. At least we can learn something educational from the video. And can change life with practice.MHS Islamic Foundation a We post educational videos on these calls. So that religious education goes to everyone. And by this page we can help the poor and friends. So everyone like comment and share this page Be by your side. Follow this page to get beautiful videos and content. Thank you all.


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