Didn’t get an offer for medical school? Don’t lose hope! Emily successfully gained admission on her second attempt and shares her 6 tips in her blog:
MedEntry is an organisation committed to helping students enter health science courses such as medicine, dentistry, physio and pharmacy in Australia & NZ
MedEntry UCAT Preparation is an organisation committed to helping students enter health science courses such as medicine and dentistry in Australia & New Zealand.
Operating as usual
Didn’t get an offer for medical school? Don’t lose hope! Emily successfully gained admission on her second attempt and shares her 6 tips in her blog:
Congratulations to all of our amazing students who have received offers for medicine! Check out our blog which describes 10 tips to help you through first year:
AU https://www.medentry.edu.au/blog/ten-tips-for-surviving-your-first-year-of-medicine
NZ https://www.medentry.co.nz/blog/ten-tips-for-surviving-your-first-year-of-medicine
THANK YOU to our amazing students! With your help, MedEntry has raised and donated $260 to Childfund, a 'child-focused development' organisation that runs sustainable programmes that help children and their communities reach self-reliance.
MedEntry students have the option to make a donation upon enrolment, and MedEntry matches each donation, dollar for dollar.
THANK YOU to our amazing students! With your help, MedEntry has raised and donated $2610 to CARE Australia, a charity assisting in disaster relief efforts and working to address poverty in developing countries.
MedEntry students have the option to make a donation upon enrolment, and MedEntry matches each donation, dollar for dollar.
Don't let myths and false beliefs become a barrier to you pursuing medicine. A current medical student discusses how you can look beyond them:
AU https://www.medentry.edu.au/blog/dispelling-the-myths-of-medicine
NZ https://www.medentry.co.nz/blog/dispelling-the-myths-of-medicine
Distracted? You're not alone. Have a read of our blog about how to keep focused on the goal ahead - and why you should be studying for UCAT right now:
AU https://www.medentry.edu.au/blog/why-you-should-be-studying-for-the-ucat-right-now
NZ https://www.medentry.co.nz/blog/why-you-should-be-studying-for-the-ucat-right-now
Wondering whether medicine is the right course for you? Here are five tips for making the big decision:
AU https://www.medentry.edu.au/blog/is-medicine-for-me-how-to-make-the-big-decision
NZ https://www.medentry.co.nz/blog/is-medicine-for-me-how-to-make-the-big-decision
Wondering when and how you should prepare for UCAT? Check out our blog for some answers:
AU https://www.medentry.edu.au/blog/when-should-i-start-preparing-for-the-ucat
NZ https://medentry.co.nz/blog/when-should-i-start-preparing-for-the-ucat
🎉Happy New Year to all of our wonderful students! Make 2025 an awesome year! 🌟💪
🎄✨ Wishing all of our students a very Merry Christmas and a safe, happy, and successful New Year! 🎊
With the changes to UCAT 2025, many students are left wondering how they can best prepare. MedEntry's team of dedicated expert academics and IT engineers at have been diligently working to ensure our UCAT preparation resources perfectly reflect the new UCAT structure. Check out our latest blog for a detailed overview of updates made to the MedEntry UCAT preparation platform:
AU https://www.medentry.edu.au/blog/medentry-platform-updates-2025
NZ https://www.medentry.co.nz/blog/medentry-platform-updates-2025
School holidays are here! Don't forget to schedule some UCAT prep. For some advice, check out our blog:
AU https://www.medentry.edu.au/blog/how-to-use-holidays-to-improve-in-ucat
NZ https://www.medentry.co.nz/blog/how-to-use-holidays-to-improve-in-ucat
Got questions about UCAT 2025? Check out our new blog where we answer your frequently asked questions about the upcoming changes!
AU https://www.medentry.edu.au/blog/ucat-2025-frequently-asked-questions
NZ https://www.medentry.co.nz/blog/ucat-2025-frequently-asked-questions
Register for Dr Ray's live UCAT Q&A https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ppq-Sop7QNGIteaLVlIEUg
Ok, so you've enrolled with MedEntry and are ready to start your UCAT prep. How can you make the most of your package? Anna achieved 99th percentile and gives her five tips:
AU https://www.medentry.edu.au/blog/top-5-tips-for-making-the-most-out-of-medentry
NZ https://www.medentry.co.nz/blog/top-5-tips-for-making-the-most-out-of-medentry
There are so many reasons to start your UCAT preparation now! Check out this blog by Jeremy, who achieved 98th percentile:
AU https://www.medentry.edu.au/blog/5-reasons-to-start-your-ucat-preparation-now
NZ https://www.medentry.co.nz/blog/5-reasons-to-start-your-ucat-preparation-now
Worried about the UCAT 2025 Abstract Reasoning removal? Don't be. In our new blog we discuss how you should approach this change strategically in your preparation. Read more:
AU https://www.medentry.edu.au/blog/adapting-to-change-removal-of-abstract-reasoning
NZ https://www.medentry.co.nz/blog/adapting-to-change-removal-of-abstract-reasoning
The official UCAT consortium has just announced the removal of the Abstract Reasoning subtest for UCAT ANZ 2025. You can find details on what's changing and how this impacts your preparation in our new blog:
AU https://www.medentry.edu.au/blog/updates-to-ucat-anz-2025
NZ https://www.medentry.co.nz/blog/updates-to-ucat-anz-2025
MedEntry's free trial includes a diagnostic UCAT exam, access to the QBank and skills trainers, a UCAT handbook and more:
AU https://www.medentry.edu.au/blog/free-trial
NZ https://medentry.co.nz/blog/free-trial
MedEntry UCAT Preparation is an organisation committed to helping students enter health science courses such as medicine, dentistry, physio and pharmacy in Australia & NZ