A message for my lovely students.
It’s been a few weeks since my darling dog Lola died in an awful, tragic accident. And despite my hope that I would recover enough to get back to classes quickly in order to support you all it seems this grief has a longer journey. I can’t keep feeling the pressure each week to hope I can hold it together enough to get back to being able to hold space for you all. It’s very clear to me that I need to try and hold that space for myself for a while. My emotions feel like a tidal wave and that’s not a place I can successfully teach from.
I’m going to take a little break and I hope you can all understand that this is me practising what I preach - working at the level that works for me right now and trying to find a deep compassion and kindness for myself while I grieve the loss of my little girl. I’ll post again to update where I’m at as we approach the end of term 2.
I will miss you - keep moving with curiosity and kindness - I appreciate your understanding.
Just a reminder that I’m still not back on deck yet - taking the time I need to grieve until I feel ready # # # thanks for understanding
Apologies for short notice but I won’t be holding classes this week coming 6th may onwards at either Menzies Creek Hall or Sole Frequency. My darling dog Lola has died and I just can’t.
Appreciate your understanding. Will post when resuming.
Little reminder I have no classes this week at either Menzies Creek Hall or at Sole Frequency but back the following week as normal. 🙂
I seriously can’t recommend this highly enough. Claire is a phenomenal teacher and coach and I can’t think of a better, more valuable retreat than this!
And then if you’re in Adelaide… (Adelaide Yoga Flow - Sam and Dan check this out!)
Tina Shettigara - Cosmic Alignment: Yoga Therapy for the Spine - Two-day workshop with Leila Stuart
A workshop for yoga practitioners and yoga teachers
Anyone lucky enough to be anywhere near Coffe Harbour should get themselves along to this workshop with Leila Stuart. She’s one of the most inspiring incredible teachers I’ve ever had the privilege of learning from.
Yoga Workshop- Coffs Harbour with .stuart .
One of my most loved Yoga mentors, Leila, will draw from her forthcoming book Experiential Anatomy: Therapeutic Applications of Embodied Movement and Awareness to teach a 2-Day Weekend Workshop in Coffs Harbour February 17th & 18th.
Please join us for The Cosmic Spine: Yoga Therapy for the Spine.
This workshop is suitable for experienced yoga students, yoga teachers, personal trainers, physiotherapists, massage therapists and movement teachers interested in learning slow, mindful, and accessible healing movements for the spine and neck. You will learn experiential anatomy practices, somatic inquiry and applications of yoga philosophy to enhance your personal practice and teaching.
If this piques your interest, see link to learn more in-depth details about the workshop.
Please register your interest by Sunday, December 10th
I’m so looking forward to getting back to yoga this year! The Christmas break has been lovely, the rest much needed, but I know my body and mind are craving a return to a nourishing practice! How about yours?
We are mixing things up just a little bit this year…
Mondays: Menzies Creek Hall venue. Starting Monday January 22nd
(Many thanks to the committee for subsidising these classes to assist the community in finding healthy habits and making connections in the process!)
9am - 10am Supple and Strong (for the second half of your life!)
This class is a fun way to improve your balance, strength, mobility and functional movement. We challenge ourselves to find new and different ways to move and organise our bodies - getting more comfortable and capable along the way!! Investment is $5 per class, payable in cash each visit. Bring a friend and have some fun!
6.30-7pm Foundations of Movement
This 30 minute class will bring awareness to how your brain currently organises your body’s movement, and what options may be available for you to shift things in search of greater ease, comfort and core stability. We’ll explore our major joints preferences and capacities, unwind from the tension of the day and get a little blood and lymph fluid moving. (It will also be a great combination with the 7.15pm class!) investment is $5, cash paid on arrival.
7.15-8.15pm Somatic Yoga
Are you battling any (or all?!) of the following? Work or family stress and anxiety, sleeplessness, weight gain, perimenopause symptoms, or just mid life “creakiness”?
One of the most important factors we need to consider in any of these situations is to understand the essential balance between our sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system responses, and how much time we spend in each.
Constantly being stuck in sympathetic (or flight/flight response) elevates our cortisol levels - something that contributes to weight gain, sleeplessness, high blood pressure, anxiety, diabetes and digestive problems, to name just a few! This class is a check in for your nervous system and will teach you how to rebalance, and lower cortisol levels, while assisting the brain to find new ways or organising the body’s movement patterns. We will explore the power of the breath as well, and find deep levels of relaxation. Wear warm layers (pjs welcome!) and expect to wind down ready for bed 😉 investment is $10 for this class, payable in cash on arrival.
(Please note, cards can be bought that offer a slight discount for a 10 pack. Please get in touch for information)
Please bring your own mat. If you have a yoga bolster bring that too. We supply blankets but if you have a favourite snuggly one bring it along!
Wednesdays: Sole Frequency in Gembrook
Starting Wednesday January 10th
6pm-7pm Somatic Yoga
Are you battling any (or all?!) of the following? Work or family stress and anxiety, sleeplessness, weight gain, perimenopause symptoms, or just mid life “creakiness”?
One of the most important factors we need to consider in any of these situations is to understand the essential balance between our sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system responses, and how much time we spend in each.
Constantly being stuck in sympathetic (or flight/flight response) elevates our cortisol levels - something that contributes to weight gain, sleeplessness, high blood pressure, anxiety, diabetes and digestive problems, to name just a few! This class is a check in for your nervous system and will teach you how to rebalance, and lower cortisol levels, while assisting the brain to find new ways or organising the body’s movement patterns. We will explore the power of the breath as well, and find deep levels of relaxation. Wear warm layers (pjs welcome!) and expect to wind down ready for bed
Investment - contact the studio for pricing.
Best New Year’s Eve prep ever. When I’m usually adding a huge list of “to do” and “do better” to my already full plate, it’s occurred to me over my last few days of reflection that instead I’m going to start taking things away first. And the first of those to be removed is prioritising others’ expectations of me (and implicit in that, “my worth”) ahead of my own deep true knowing of what’s right for me. A word Glennon uses in this book is “selah “. Pause and reflect, stop and listen. My responses to requests or statements by others are so often driven by deep conditioning (how to keep people happy, how to be “nice”, where is my value) and in the rush I miss my own knowing.
When I DO I start to add things “to do” to my list for the year, I will be starting with some healthy boundaries too. I’ve had to set one or two of those in the last year and it’s been one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do but DAMN I respect myself more for it. Sometimes in encountering behaviour that crosses those boundaries I need “selah” more than ever, so I don’t just fold. Learning to have healthy boundaries in your 50s is a little like a toddler learning to walk. Takes a LOT of practice. But I’m realising the wobbles and falls are just part of the learning, not failure.
Selah is my word for this coming year. Like an internal signpost.
(Big thanks to my lovely Eilish and her beautiful Shiv for the gift of this book)