Leah's Music Lessons

Leah's Music Lessons


I teach music to Homeschoolers in the Peel region. Other days I teach music in schools ‘Fun & Kind’🎶 I returned to teaching in 2022, after a 16 year break.

Bachelor of Education (Music), ECU WA
Certificate of Music (Classical), ECU WAAPA
Registered with WA Teachers Board
Working With Childrens Check is current
Certified Orff Level 2

As well as offering private lessons I am currently working part-time as a Primary School Music Teacher. Over this time I was serving as a Senior Church leader. That season of leadership included coordinating and leading

Operating as usual


Music Education speaks to every part of our humanity. We should all make room for music.

The whole child.

COLOURS WE LOVE (Three Flags Australia) by Donna Dyson Label: Donna Dyson & Friends 27/01/2025

Australia has always been my home. It is a beautiful part of the world with much natural beauty to appreciate. The communities I have shared with have been loving and kind. This is the Australia I know and love. As I continue to teach music on this land, I will continue to sow a heart of gratefulness and kindness with the people I meet along the way.

This beautiful song is one that my school choir sang last year, it provides time to reflect on and appreciate many beautiful aspects of our country, Australia.

COLOURS WE LOVE (Three Flags Australia) by Donna Dyson Label: Donna Dyson & Friends Australia is stunningly beautiful. I featured the colours in our three flags of Aboriginal, TSI and present National Flag to match our nation’s beauty. These...


This Term has filled up fast. There are 2 places left in the Music Makers class on Thursdays at 9.15am. This class focuses on children playing, creating and reading music. I provide percussion instruments and children require their own recorder.

Cost: $116 for 8 lessons
Dates: 13th Feb to 3rd April

Waitlist available for Minis and Foundations classes.

Thank you to the many families who are continuing lessons with me. I look forward to helping your children continue to develop their music ability and appreciation.

Link to Application form:

Photos from Leah's Music Lessons's post 24/01/2025

Professional Development is an ongoing discipline in teaching. In January 2025 I have completed 33 hours of formal Music Teacher PD. These sessions have provided many ideas and techniques that will shape my teaching as well as increased my networking with music teachers around the world.

Every week I am listening to Podcasts or taking online workshops to keep my ideas fresh and skills updated. It is a joy to refine my skills of teaching elemental music as an artistic expression in my community.


Here is a video of photos and snippets of our dance morning. This morning we all practiced moving in time with music, making positive social connections, emotional regulation and cultural awareness. Who knew learning could be so much fun?!? 🤩

Photo permissions: These were requested during the morning, with no one alerting me about withholding permission. If by chance you see an image you would prefer to be removed please message me. I will adjust accordingly if there are any concerns.


Today a Retired Music Teacher has gifted me some resources. Again, I am so grateful for the generous heart of music teachers and know when my time comes I will pass these blessings down. Here is me just after declaring the Melodica ‘Super Cool’.

My husband finds my definition of super cool amusing - but I stand by it and am looking forward to many joyful moments with this instrument 😁🎶


Dancing alone is peaceful, but not as fun as dancing with others. This Thursday I am holding a Folk Dance session for the community. I will teach a few dances, including this Mixer Waltz.

Folk Dancing is great for social connection and music appreciation. This is an all age event, where I would love to see generations sharing a fun musical morning together.

Check the event link for more details.


I have just finished my second music teacher conference for 2025. Music Teachers have a great way of encouraging, inspiring and lifting each other up. More new ideas tucked away to implement as I go forward.

Thanks Australian Society for Music Education WA Chapter (ASME WA) for an educational and enjoyable day of Professional Development. See you at the Choral Day 😊🎶


Save the date: 😊 Folk Dancing for Fun! 😊
Thursday 23rd January
10 - 11am in Greenfields

I am encouraging people of all ages to come share some community dance fun together. We will help each other as we move to music to share some simple dances together. (Need to be able to move independently, or have a helper with them).

Donation entry: Suggested $5 per person, cash at the door. Bring a water bottle, wear loose fitting clothes and comfy shoes for moving easily.

Bringing generations together strengthens community - let’s do it! 🎶🎉


If I hold a once-off
‘All-Age Folk Dancing’
session on a Thursday;
What time would be best?
👍 10am ❤️11am


Music MINIS class is now fully booked! 🎉
I am keeping a waitlist, so if you missed out 😔 you can still fill in the form and I will notify you if anything comes available. 😁

Thanks community for trusting me with sharing your Music Education adventure. 🎶

The only availability in my sessions is now 4 places in Music MAKERS. This is for children ages 8-12yrs who are ready to start the discipline of reading, writing and playing music.


Music FOUNDATIONS sessions are fully booked. If you missed out, please register your interest through the application form to go on the waitlisted.

These places are held until 3 February to confirm with payment. If anyone chooses not to take their offered place then I will contact the next people on the waitlisted.

Current availability in other groups:
Music MINIS - 2 places
Music MAKERS - 6 places

Link to application form:


The art of making music should be joyful and playful. My music lessons value these aspects as key components to music education. Class sizes are small, so if you know anyone wanting to join us then encourage them to register their interest through this form.

13 February to 3 April

Availability as at 10th January:
🎶 Music Makers - 7 places
🎶 Music Minis - 5 places
🎶 Music Foundations - 3 places

* If places are booked out your name will be added to a waitlisted.
* ONGOING FAMILIES - I will email your invoices tomorrow. If you already completed the form then your place is secure 😊.

“To make music is to play and listen”, Estêvão Marques.

Link to application form:

Photos from PINNACLE 2025 - Perth ANCOS Conference's post 07/01/2025

Conference is going well. I am getting lots of new ideas and having an absolute blast. Here’s some photos shared by the organising team (who have done an amazing job putting this conference together). Music teachers are a pretty fun group to share a week with. 🥰🎶


Today was the first day of this National Orff Conference. I get to spend 4 days with over 100 musicians (educators, performers and students) as we learn more about making music together.

My first session was focussed on the brain’s response when learning music, then other sessions had me experiencing some flamenco rhythms, kitchen percussion in drum line style, jazzy improvisation and finishing with International folk dancing.

So much educational fun; lots of laughter as our predictive models of music were challenged in a professional and supportive environment.


I was reminded about this instrument today so I watched some ‘how to’ videos and gave it a go. Has anyone tried one of these?

Personally, I don’t like the feel of it against my teeth but curiosity has me wondering if I can get past that. It’s green fun learning about something new.

I’ll link afew videos in the comment section for you, it’s pretty amazing what some people can do with this instrument!


I am ready for another year of Music Education with local Home Educating families. 🎉🎶

ONGOING families will find a link to the Application Form in your emails. Message me if this has not come through, or if you have any questions.

NEW families - Applications will open for new families on Friday 10th January. I will post a link here on the day.

Thursday Classes Offered are:
9.15am Music MAKERS, 8-12yrs
10.15am Music MINIS, 3-5yrs with a grown-up
11.00am Music FOUNDATIONS, 5-8yrs

I will pop some informations posts up next week to give more insight about the three sessions and the main purpose for each of them.

Learning music stimulates every part of your brain at the same time. It has so many benefits to well-being, so if you have ever wondered about trying music classes I think your answer should be ‘yes’.

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Videos (show all)

Here is a video of photos and snippets of our dance morning. This morning we all practiced moving in time with music, ma...
Dancing alone is peaceful, but not as fun as dancing with others. This Thursday I am holding a Folk Dance session for th...
Happy New Year!! Let’s make lots of musical memories in 2025 😊🎆🎶🌟🎉😁
A Musical Christmas Gift - O Holy Night. This was a one take recording, so it’s not perfect, but it’s real. Also, my son...
Music Makers performed this small ensemble piece at the end of our Term 3 teaching block. The piece is called Ickle Ockl...
Congratulations to Abby on performing so beautifully at her first Piano Recital. Abby began lessons with me just over a ...
We helped teddies bounce like kangaroos today in Music Minis. So many giggles - and not just from the children. #makingm...
MUSIC MAKERS in Term 2 will be learning to read notes and play them on recorders. Children will develop confidence and i...
I am missing singing and playing with my families, so here is a little song game for you to play at home. Happy music ma...





Mandurah, WA