Salzburg Law School on International Criminal Law

Salzburg Law School on International Criminal Law


Salzburg Law School on International Criminal Law, Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law is an advan Otto Triffterer at the University of Salzburg.

The Salzburg Law School on International Criminal Law, Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law (SLS) is an advanced summer course founded by Prof. The academic programme consists of eight working days, including lectures, case-studies, workshops, and ample time for discussions with distinguished lecturers. SLS is designed for post-graduate students in law (LL.M. and Ph.D.), young academics and pract

Timeline photos 31/01/2019

For international procedural law enthusiasts in and around Cambridge on 19/20 February.

Joint-organised Workshop on International Procedural Law: 19 - 20 February 2019 at the Lauterpacht Centre in Cambridge. This event is organized by Dr Joanna Gomula (Lauterpacht Centre) and Professor Stephan Wittich (University of Vienna). To register please contact Dr Gomula. More info:

20th Anniversary Symposium: The Sound of ICL, Salzburg, 18-20 Oct 06/12/2018
The International Military Tribunal for the Far East | Digital Collection 04/12/2018

: 70 years ago, on 4 December 1948, the International Military Tribunal for the Far East started delivering its judgment against major war criminals.,

The International Military Tribunal for the Far East | Digital Collection The International Military Tribunal for the Far East (IMTFE), informally known as the Tokyo War Crimes trial, lasted two and a half years, from April 29, 1946 to November 12, 1948. In contrast, the far better known Nuremberg Trial lasted less than a year. Established to try Japanese officials involv...

Ben Ferencz for Salzburg Law Program 31/10/2018

‪Our Twentieth Anniversary Symposium: The Sound of ICL was a great success. We would like to thank all speakers and participants, SLS faculty, SLS alumni and guests for contributing to a very personal and emotional, yet academically outstanding event.
With everybody enjoying Salzburg, we were not able to report simultaneously. But we will share some memories in due course. Meanwhile, you may enjoy one of our highlights. Our highly esteemed Ben Ferencz, honored us with a personal message closing the Symposium. His words are as impressive, significant and inspirational as always. Listen to them and Never give up!‬

Ben Ferencz for Salzburg Law Program This video is about Ben for Salzburg Law Program

ICJ Commissioner Reed Brody: “Twenty years later, Pinochet’s arrest remains an inspiration” | International Commission of Jurists 16/10/2018

: 20 years ago, on 16 October 1998, former dictator of Chile Augusto Pinochet was arrested in London on a warrant from a Spanish judge. The arrest led to the House of Lords' seminal decision rejecting Pinochet’s claim of immunity.

ICJ Commissioner Reed Brody: “Twenty years later, Pinochet’s arrest remains an inspiration” | International Commission of Jurists ICJ Commissioner Reed Brody: “Twenty years later, Pinochet’s arrest remains an inspiration” September 24, 2018 On October 16, 1998, the former dictator of Chile Augusto Pinochet was arrested in London on a warrant from a Spanish judge. Reed Brody participated in the subsequent legal case. Reed...


All good things must end (or evolve in different formats).
After 20 years, SLS will take a break from its summer sessions. But before that, we will duly celebrate 20 years of the Rome Statute and 20 years of SLS summer sessions at our 'Twentieth Anniversary Symposium: The Sound of ICL’, 18-20 October.
The SLS summer sessions are a remarkable success story. From 1999 to 2018, more than 800 participants from around 120 states took part. SLS was the first summer course on international criminal law founded in the aftermath of the adoption of the Rome Statute. Founded by Prof. Otto Triffterer and continued by Dr. Astrid Reisinger Coracini, it has developed into one of the most renown summer schools in the field. A focussed academic programme each year, outstanding lecturers, high-level discussions and the close interaction between lecturers as well as among participants contributed to SLS’s success and shaped the ‘Salzburg spirit’.
We would like to seize this opportunities to thank our faculty and our alumni for their continued engagement over 20 years and express our hope to see you again in the future. As this will not be the end of SLS but a period to reflect about future research and training projects in ICL, IHL and HRL.

Canada joins multilateral move to send Venezuelan government to International Criminal Court | CBC News 26/09/2018

Interesting development! Reportedly Canada will join Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Paraguay and Peru in referring Venezuela to the ICC. There will be a signing ceremony for the referral on Wednesday morning at United Nations headquarters in New York. Via Danya Chaikel

Canada joins multilateral move to send Venezuelan government to International Criminal Court | CBC News Canada will join five South American nations in signing a formal request for the International Criminal Court to investigate the Venezuelan government of Nicolas Maduro.


Watch today's memorial service for Prof. M. Cherif Bassiouni at The Siracusa International Institute for Criminal Justice and Human Rights live. SLS in deep respect and appreciation.


Use the last day of August to check out chapters and articles compiled by Oxford University Press in observance of World Humanitarian Day on the 19th of August. The discount voucher below is valid until 2019.

Jackson List: The World Outlaws War (1928) 28/08/2018

: 90 years ago, on 27 August 1928, representatives of fifteen nations, meeting in Paris, signed a treaty that outlawed war as an instrument of national policy. They committed themselves to settling disputes by peaceful means.

Jackson List: The World Outlaws War (1928) For the Jackson List: On Monday, August 27, 1928—ninety years ago today—representatives of fifteen nations, meeting in Paris, signed a treaty that outlawed war as an instrument of national policy. …


The Twentieth Anniversary Summer Session of SLS paid tribute to the twentieth anniversary of the adoption of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court - ICC. In her keynote address, Judge Kimberly Prost shared very personal views on surprising developments of the Statute from the drafting process to its practical application. In our final session, we asked participants what they wished the Statute on the occasion of its twentieth anniversary. Here are some of their ideas: The SLS 2018 goody bag includes universality - states parties that respect their obligations under the Statute - reinforced commitments by states parties and national implementation of ICL - money - more cases and more high level accused before the Court - effective national capacity building - an international community that tackles the root causes of core crimes. In addition, the 'creative department' developed a number of ready to use slogans. From the widely applicable 'Keep calm and carry on' and the illustrious 'State(s) Party ON!' to the forceful 'No time for depression, ratify the crime of aggression' and the romanticised 'May the idealistic ideas of today become the realities off tomorrow'. Best wishes & ad multos annos!


We have come full circle. Twenty years ago on 15 August 1999, the participants of the inaugural summer session of SLS arrived in Salzburg, with aspirations of two exciting weeks of ICL ahead. Today, the participants of the twentieth anniversary summer session are leaving, having enjoyed another great SLS experience. For a glimpse, see the SLS 2018 Academic Programme.


The SLS 2018 team wishes all lecturers and participants safe travels! We hope to see you again soon, in Salzburg or elsewhere!


And here they are: SLS 2018 ready to carry on the torch of justice. Thank you for joining us in Salzburg, for your active participation, and for making the Twentieth Anniversary Summer Session of SLS a unique experience.


SLS 2018 ends with the wise words of Ben Ferencz and his personal example of how one person can make a difference. Never give up!


Dr. David Donat Cattin, member of the SLS Faculty for 20 years, makes a passionate plea to take victim protection seriously and to explore all protective measures available under the Rome Statute.


It would be a bold step for the ICC Appeals Chamber to go down the 'customary law avenue' ( But it would best reflect the underlying principles of the Rome Statute and the idea of the ICC exercising the ius puniendi of the international community as a whole. Dr. Astrid Reisinger Coracini discusses arguments on head of state immunity presented to the Court in one of the historic lecture halls of the Universität Salzburg.


Followed by Prof. Gerhard Hafner with a detailed analysis of the conditions for the exercise of jurisdiction over the crime of aggression: Art. 5(2) or Art. 121(5) ICCSt - that is the question.


Aggression day at SLS. Prof Claus Kress discusses the definition of the crime of aggression and shares his rich experience from the drafting process.


2.300 national proceedings against 5.700 persons after World War II are striking evidence that ICL is not an innovation of the 'West' imposed upon the 'East' but that accountability for crimes under international law is intrinsically linked to legal tradition in Asia. A fascinating and comprehensive account of ICL enforcement in Asia by Prof. Suzannah Linton.


Prof. Susan Lamb further develops the topic of prosecutions of atrocities committed in Syria (and Iraq). How can national, territorial as well as extraterritorial, jurisdictions help narrowing the impunity gap? What are their limitations? And how may non-governmental players make a contribution in the collection of evidence?
In a second intervention Prof. Lamb comments on the ILC draft Convention on Crimes against Humanity.


What are the elements of a hybrid court? Franziska Eckelmans provides institutional theories as well as practical examples from the Kosovo Specialist Chambers and the Extraordinary African Chambers.


Dr. Philipp Ambach explains thoughtfully how victim participation shifts the justice focus from retributive to restorative justice.

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