Real French Cooking Made Easy

Real French Cooking Made Easy

Our booklets, by a Paris chef and an Australian writer, make traditional French recipes easy, while retaining the full taste and appearance.

Lemon Drizzle Friands with step-by-step photos | Eat, Little Bird 08/09/2018

Régis Jaubert: connais-tu ces petits friands? On dit qu'ils sont franco-australiens. Sais-tu si c'est vrai ou non? Régis Jaubert: do you know about these friands? It's claimed they are French-Australian. Do you know if this is true?

Lemon Drizzle Friands with step-by-step photos | Eat, Little Bird Recipe for Lemon Drizzle Friands with step-by-step photos, plus tips on where to buy friand tins. Friands are similar to the French financiers and are made with ground almonds and egg whites for a light and fluffy cake.


I frequently see 'crumble' on menus in Paris. This is my version.

Photos from Real French Cooking Made Easy's post 29/03/2018

'Crumble' is a dessert I often see on menus in France. Here is my version (although made in London, this time). I intended to make it with rhubarb but Waitrose had sold out, so I decided to use nectarines and strawberries instead. I've also successfully used various combinations of apples, pears, blackberries, blueberries. I just mix the fruit and put in the baking dish, with perhaps a very light sprinkle of brown sugar. For the crumble topping I use a cup of mixed grains (can be mix of flour, oats, spelt, rye, quinoa, etc.). Sometimes I add ground almonds, dessicated coconut, etc, or even chopped nuts such as hazelnuts to give extra crunch. Add a third of a cup of olive oil, and about 2 tablespoons of soft brown sugar (optional: half a teaspoon each of salt and cinnamon). Mix well until all dry ingredients are moistened and then spread lightly over the fruit. Bake in moderate oven for 30-40 minutes.


It's still quite cold here in Paris, and as I love making soups I've just made Potage velouté de 7 legumes et lentilles, using Romanesco cauli, brocolli, cabbage, courgettes, leek, potato, celery and lentils. The cabbage family is very rich in vitamin C. I seasoned it at the end with ground baies roses (red peppercorns). I varied the method a little from my previous ("trois choux") soup, in that I didn't add fromage frais at the end. With the lentils and the potatoes, it didnt really need it. I did add two desertspoons of cornflour mixed with some of the cooled vegie liquid, and boiled it all up gently again, as I like as creamy a consistency as possible with a veloute style soup.

Photos from Real French Cooking Made Easy's post 22/03/2018

C'est reparti après quelques mois d'interruption ! Régalez vous et donnez nous vos impressions 😉
Regis et Carolyne


This is my "trois choux" potage, that is helping my immune system fight off an upper respiratory infection. I saw a carton of cauli & kale soup in Monoprix and decided to make my own, adding an ordinary cabbage to make it "trois choux" (in French, kale = choux-kale, cauli = choux-fleur while cabbage is plain old choux, hence 3 x choux). I sautéed shallots & garlic, then added a whole chopped cauli, whole bunch of chopped kale, & half a chopped cabbage, and one vegie stock cube, covered with water & simmered for about 30 mins. Once everything was cooked I puréed the lot, adding about 200g of fromage frais (mine was from sheep, but I think any type would do; you could also use light cream), salt and pepper. Everyone said it was delicious. I later discovered these three veg are very high in Vitamin C, a fact that might explain why I was craving them, in this very cold Paris winter.


Bonjour à tous et merci d'être toujours fidèle à nôtre site !

Photos from Real French Cooking Made Easy's post 17/08/2017

Made biscuits this afternoon: gluten-free fruit & nut. We're not normally gluten free, but I think rice flour gives a better texture to home-made biscuits.


Pumpkin & chestnut jam and rhubarb & raspberry compôte - my latest culinary efforts. With the jam, I was trying to replicate the delicious potimarron jam I've eaten in France, but the closest pumpkin I could find to that was the "golden nugget", apparently only available in Australia just before Halloween! So I shall be making another attempt at this jam in October! In my current version I used a few chestnuts to replace the chestnutty flavour of the potimarron. I also included lemon and ginger.

Photos from Real French Cooking Made Easy's post 15/07/2017

I made fennel & apple soup this evening, said to be a favourite of Monet's.

Photos from Real French Cooking Made Easy's post 24/06/2017

A beautiful meal cooked by Régis, co-author of French Main Meals Made Easy: cabillaud with sorrel & cream sauce, followed by individual pavlovas with raspberries and blueberries. Delicious!

Photos from Real French Cooking Made Easy's post 23/05/2017

🍒Et oui C'est bien le temps des cerises avec cette présentation de photos de "Clafoutis aux cerises de notre jardin"
1l de lait chaud avec un trait de vanille dans un mélange de 6oeufs avec 180g de sucre et 170g de farine , dans lequel on ajoute 100g de beurre noisette et un bouchon de Rhum blanc!!
On n'oublie pas de mettre les cerises du jardin , 300g à 400g dans un plat en terre beurré et fariné dans lequel on le remplit avec notre mélange à Clafoutis🍒
Je vous souhaite une excellente dégustation
À vos casseroles et merci de nous suivre sur Facebook 🍒🍒

Timeline photos 22/05/2017

What do you cook when a top chef comes for dinner? I usually try to control my anxiety by making something simple that I've made before: this time it was salmon in provencale sauce with steamed asparagus and quinoa and mixed grains. But you won't find this recioe in our e-booklet French Main Meals Made Easy as it's not a traditional French recipe -- actually, I invented it!

Timeline photos 19/05/2017

A delicious soup made from courge musqué (butternut squash/pumpkin). Instead of using a handheld blender I simply mashed it very thoroughly before adding creme fraiche and a little milk. Also added parsley and chives towards the end of the cooking. The 12-month baby loved it too!

Timeline photos 15/05/2017

Making a deconstructed poule au pot tonight - using chicken thigh pieces instead of a whole poule (boiling fowl) - the original recipe is in our e-booklet


Who can guess what I made for tonight's dinner?

Timeline photos 12/05/2017

Made my very popular chicken and bacon lasagna, which I actually copied from the delicious one made by my lovely niece Clare Hudson last year. My granddaughter especially enjoyed it, though chopped up very small, as she is only 12 months old.

Photos from Real French Cooking Made Easy's post 07/05/2017

Aujourd'hui Barbecue entre amis pour partager cette journée ,un peu maussade , mais quel bonheur de se retrouver autour d'une bonne table avec ses amis proches! Et en attendant les résultats des élections. ...
Bonne soirée 😉

Photos from Real French Cooking Made Easy's post 06/05/2017

Making a vegetable soup this afternoon. Chop shallots and garlic, saute in a little oil, then add chopped leeks, celery, and carrots. Add a diced potato and two zucchini, and cover with water. After half an hour, blend, and add seasoning.


Making one of my favourite recipes - terrine de poisson. I usually make the simpler version, without the leeks, but since I had a leek in the fridge I decided to 'faire le chemisage' and line the terrine dish with strips of leek, after lightly poaching them. It wasn't difficult, and gave the terrine a subtle additional flavour. Served with grilled vegetables from a fabulous local traiteur of Sicilian origin. The terrine recipe is from our digital booklet French Main Meals Made Easy.


French lentils with fennel, leek, and cepes mushrooms, topped with a fillet of cod braised in lemon juice.

Photos from Real French Cooking Made Easy's post 24/04/2017

🎂Anniversaire de Christophe,50 ans cette année "Breton de Plescop"et belle "surprise"autour d'un repas improvisé avec ses amis de toujours !! Amitiés et
Gros Bisous de la part de tous😘🍾

Photos from Real French Cooking Made Easy's post 20/04/2017

Making an Easter-themed "sandwich cake".

Photos from Real French Cooking Made Easy's post 17/04/2017

Un petit dessert léger partagé entre Amis 🎂😘😘🍴

Timeline photos 03/04/2017

Amazing birthday cake made by Regis Jaubert. Can you tell us the recipe, or is it a secret?

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Videos (show all)

I frequently see 'crumble' on menus in Paris. This is my version.
Potage veloute
Who can guess what I made for tonight's dinner? #frenchmainmealsmadeeasy #frenchfood
Making one of my favourite recipes - terrine de poisson. I usually make the simpler version, without the leeks, but sinc...
French lentils with fennel, leek, and cepes mushrooms, topped with a fillet of cod braised in lemon juice. #cookinginfra...
