President Bifford & the Misfit's Campaign

President Bifford & the Misfit's Campaign


Misfits we may be, but we will rewrite history!! πŸΎπŸ’˜ A platform for the education & advocacy of special needs animals!

Operating as usual


Friends, yesterday we said goodbye to our amazing, handsome, kind, stubborn Maxwell πŸ’” we knew when we took him home three years ago that we were on borrowed time and lemme tell you we made the absolute MOST of the time Maxwell was here.

Please keep Maxwell's mama and his siblings in your thoughts as they navigate a new world: one without Maxwell in it.

Many of you have asked how you can honor Maxwell's memory πŸ’• friends if you could donate even a dollar in Maxwell's name to the Handicapped Pets Foundation then his legacy, his love, his life continues to shine on πŸ’“

Godspeed Maxwell. I want to say that angels led you in but we ALL know it was the lambys that helped bring you home 😭 thank you for changing my life is such a menagerie of ways and being my true, genuine ride or die. Because I know you would have kept pushing on even when your body was ready to rest.

01/21/21-07/25/24 πŸ’”


Happy First Day of Summer! 🏝️🌞 Look cool 😎 and stay cool in our new tank tops!

Look snazzy and help a paralyzed animal in need? βœ”οΈ βœ”οΈ

Visit to πŸ‘€ check out our online store!


Thanks to the Handicapped Pets Foundation we were able to give Maxwell some independence and allow him to be a puppy! 🫢🫢

Help support pups like Maxwell and many more friends by visiting us at HPets.Org 🐾 πŸ’•


Slumber pawty with lamby!

Photos from President Bifford & the Misfit's Campaign's post 05/09/2024

In all the years we've had Lucy we always thought she was a mean, saucy little calico.

Come to find out she was misunderstood! And has turned into such a sweet zesty lady!

Us misfits stick together πŸ€˜πŸ’“

Handicapped Pets Foundation with Suzi Langer, President - PetAbility Podcast 05/06/2024

Hey Misfits! Check out our mama talking about her latest cool endeavor with the Handicapped Pets Foundation ! If you didn't get a chance please go give them a like!
Thank you again PetAbility Podcast for having me on your show again! πŸ’—πŸ’—

Handicapped Pets Foundation with Suzi Langer, President - PetAbility Podcast The Handicapped Pets Foundation is a 501c3 nonprofit whose mission is to provide wheelchairs (Walkin' Wheels) for pets in need whose caregivers demonstrate financial hardship. Suzi Langer brings us through her personal story of receiving a wheelch...


Show off your specially abled pets on their holiday πŸŽ‰


Help us celebrate handicapped pets day by showing off your favorite handipets!


And sometimes you need a good glass of rosΓ¨ ... In your finest pug mug πŸ’πŸ«Ά


We interrupt this broadcast to show you our toothless misfit with some few choices words πŸ˜‚


Nothing cleanses the soul like a little "woo woo" bark from πŸ’•

(Like the mess he made with his food in the background with lamby!)

As mom likes to say "I bark in lowercase" 🫠 πŸ’•


In case you all needed a Bart snuggle pic!

My sweet are the absolute best!

Photos from Rebel Rescue Ranch's post 04/29/2024

We had such a blast! Can't wait for next year!!


Happy Monday Misfits! How about a beautiful arrangement of flowers to brighten your day!

I love you all! It's so so wonderful to know there are so many people in the world that genuinely care for the misfits and I! πŸ«‚πŸ«Ά


Friends if you haven't done so yet please go like our friends at Handicapped Pets Foundation 🫢


And then you end your weekend with with him suckling his 🫢🫢

Without this crew I would be so lost - I am thankful for this sweet suckling baby and his siblings each and everyday!

Because I know misfits never say die (such a nerdy goonies reference πŸ˜‚)

In the midst of my chaos lately, they have been the calm that I needed πŸ«‚


And sometimes in sadness all you can do is love some itty bitty kitties!


The weekend fun with my at the The Itty Bitty Kitty Committee Kitten shower 🫢🫢

Sometimes you just need your handipets by your side to try and heal your πŸ’”


And sometimes you just need a day trip with your favorite pug!

Friends thank you again for all of the texts, messages, comments etc.

To put it mildly, our mama is losing her best friend and it's breaking her heart. Worst part is it doesn't seem to matter. Our family is splintered πŸ’”

All of your love and support has been so appreciated and welcomed. It's amazing to know how loved we truly are by so many. πŸ’—πŸ’—


Friends we just need to thank each and every one of you for the outpour of love and support we've received πŸ’—

Currently we are all together and safe πŸ’—

We'll go into better detail at a later time, the misfits and I wanted to thank everyone for reminding us we are loved and have such a support system!


Thank you so much to our amazing friend Laurie Hoppe-Ringer for thinking of us as we start a new chapter in our life! We are so thankful for such wonderful friends πŸ₯°


Since starting this "campaign" in 2020 we have raised SO much awareness, sent tags out to some cool folks and made some amazing friends along the way! It is with a broken heart that we must announce that "all good things must come to an end" and Bifford and the Misfit's will be retiring the campaign!

What does that mean exactly? Well, unfortunately it means that we will be discontinuing the carrier tag program and ending the website but we will still post on facebook and instagram to continue to show off our misfits (though we may not be as active on social media).

It has been such a wild four years of such amazing adventures and we cannot begin to thank you enough for all of the love, support, goodies and well wishes we have received over the years.

Stay weird friends!

Photos from President Bifford & the Misfit's Campaign's post 04/10/2024

Two of the coolest 😎 around πŸ«ΆπŸ’‹πŸ’

Photos from President Bifford & the Misfit's Campaign's post 04/04/2024

SO much love and appreciation to Perfectly Pebbles and Cleo: The Handi-Cat Squad Queens for the beautiful artwork!

We absolutely love our friends πŸ«‚πŸ’πŸ’– thank you for being so wonderful!


no were hurt in the making of this video! you asked .. we answered!

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Videos (show all)

Maxwell loves his mama πŸ’• #PresidentBifford #madmax
Nothing cleanses the soul like a little "woo woo" bark from #maxwell πŸ’• (Like the mess he made with his food in the backg...
And then you end your weekend with #madmax with him suckling his #lamby 🫢🫢 Without this crew I would be so lost - I am t...
no #handicats were hurt in the making of this video! you asked .. we answered! #presidentbifford #bartdawg
#bessie was such a sport for this! 🀣 #handicats #advoCAT
🎢 Lambs to the left of me, lambies to the right... here I am stuck in the middle with you 😘 #madmax #presidentbifford
welp, #presidentbifford claimed the #hunnypot for himself! we call this "handicat success!" #misfitscampaign
#happystpatricksday from #madmax and #presidentbifford and the #misfitscampaign
#friyay serotonin boost from #presidentbifford bro #madmax #misfitscampaign #lilpup
Need a dose of #madmax today? #presidentbifford approves! πŸ₯ΉπŸ«ΆπŸ’•
Can you tell me had one unhappy πŸ’? Bart says leave muh beans alone ma! (volume up please!)  #presidentbifford #bartdawg ...
#presidentbifford giving' those spell binding stares on this sunny Friday! πŸ’πŸ’





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