Another sad day, our dear friend and classmate Kenny Plowman passed away yesterday.
Shelbyville High School Class of 1965
Shelbyville High School Class of 1965
Operating as usual
Suzie’s Robison passed away Monday December 11. Memorial graveside services will be Monday December 18 at 2 pm in Glenwood cemetery. Howe and Yockey Funeral home is in charge of arrangements. Suzie’s full obituary can be viewed on the website.
Our condolences to her family.
I have not posted anything for quite a while, just wanted to say hi to everyone and remind you about our class website. If you have not added your profile and information please do. Register your email address so when something in the class needs attention we are able to get in touch with you.
And also be thinking about class reunion 2025!!! 60 years oh my!!!

Our own David Haney, class of 1965, has been selected as the Parade Grand Marshall! Congratulations Dave!!!
Only 2 weeks before the 75/57, birthday bash, reunion celebration. There is still time to get your reservation in.
Hey classmates! August 20th will be here before you know it!
If you have not sent in your reservations to Sally Lash, please do so asap! Looking forward to a fun weekend, with "old" friends!!!
57 / 75 Class Reunion
How does the 57/75 symmetry grab you?
Since the 55 year class reunion was scrubbed due to Coronavirus concerns, and most all the class is, or will be 75, we are tentativley scheduling a reunion on Saturday, August 20, 2022
Many of you already got a teaser from Carol Cole (who has done most all of the legwork up to this point), so this is to remain on the home page until additional details are posted. The gathering is to be at the Shelbyville VFW, primarily to reduce the logistics of other catered venues. Other tentative activities may include a Saturday golf scramble, a tour of the revamped Chautauqua building, and hopefully a Sunday morning service at the Lake with Dave Haney and Rich Hayes. Other suggestions would be welcome. At this time, reservations are not being taken (will be later), so please e-mail Carol Cole at: [email protected]
OR, text Carol at 217) 827 - 3790
so we can get a tentative crowd size for planning purposes. If you have already done so, thanks!
This is just the preliminary info, so mark your calendars, and stay tuned for further details.
Good news everyone! SHS Class of ‘65
57/75 celebration Saturday august 20, 2022 at the VFW in Shelbyville. Make plans now to attend the 57th class reunion and celebrate our 75th birthdays.
More news to follow as all the plans get ironed out. Dinner will be served by the “possum lodge” boys at the W. YOu don’t need to bring anything as there is a full bar and drinks can be purchased.
PLans are in the making for those who wish to play golf will be able to meet at Eagle Creek golf course for a 9 hole scramble. Hopefully we will be able to tour the newly renovated Chautauqua building!
Also keep in mind David Haney and Richard Hayes will lead us in worship on Sunday August 21st.
Mark your calendars now—-AUGUST 20, 2022 4 PM SHELBYVILLE VFW ON SOUTH CEDAR STREET