Kindergarten and 5th grade graduation celebrations at Image.
Image Elementary School in the Evergreen School District located in Vancouver, WA
Operating as usual
Kindergarten and 5th grade graduation celebrations at Image.
Image 2nd Graders had a special visit from PAL (Police Activities League of SW WA), including a safety talk, reading with officers, and checking out patrol cars! Thank you to PAL, Vancouver Police Department, and Clark County Sheriff's Office for making this a fun day for our Image Eagles. The Police Activities League of SW Washington is a youth development non-profit that partners with law enforcement agencies to build positive relationships between youth and law enforcement in the community through educational programs and recreational opportunities.
Please join us for a perfromance by the Bubble Man on June 13th at 5:30 PM. Pizza will be served after the show. We hope to see you there!!
Spring Image Pride Assembly
Mrs. Marshall's class celebrating Earth Day by cleaning up the neighborhood.🙂
Image Art Night
Please join us for the final 5th grade parent meeting and registration with Mt. St. Helens institute before outdoor school.
When: Thursday, March 21 @ 6:00pm
Where: Join Zoom Meeting
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 857 7829 3295
Passcode: image
We will also have devices available in the Image cafeteria for families who would like to participate at Image or who would like interpreting services.
Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, confer...
Thank you for making our Book Fair amazing and creating memories that will last a lifetime! While our in-person Book Fair has wrapped up, you can still shop online until March 25th, and Image will earn 25% of your purchases. Please note, after the Fair ends on the 25th, your eWallet funds turn into an eGift Card to shop online, or load up your eWallet at the next Book Fair in the Fall of 2024. Questions? Contact the Image PTO at [email protected].
It's Book Fair time, and that new book smell is in the air! Find out more on our school's Fair homepage: www.scholastic.com/bf/imageelementaryschool
Join us Thursday night from 5-7pm at Image's Literacy Night! We will have Scholastic book sets available for raffle.
Image Read Across America Week starts on Monday!
Our Scholastic Book Fair starts on Monday, March 11 - now's the time to create your eWallet! Watch this short video to learn how it works, then visit Image's Fair homepage to set up your account: https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/content/fairs/videos/intro-to-ewallet-fair-files.html www.scholastic.com/bf/imageelementaryschool
Read Across Image Spirit Week
Spirit dress up
Monday: wear a silly outfit
Tuesday: wear your favorite hat
Wednesday: wear something to represent your favorite sport or sports team
Thursday: Wear your favorite color
Friday: Wear cozy clothes
Image Family Literacy Night
Thursday, March 14th, 2024
5:00 – 6:30 pm
Reading, writing, and art activities for students and their families
The Book Fair will be open (5:00-7:00)
Scholastic Book Sets Raffle Baskets ($1 per raffle ticket)
Cookies and Chips
Every person will receive a new to them book
Вечер Грамматики для семей учащихся
школы Имидж
Четверг, 14 марта 2024 г.
17:00 – 18:30
План мероприятия:
Чтение, письмо и творчество для учащихся и их семей
Книжная ярмарка (17:00-19:00).
Розыгрыш лотерейных корзин ($1 за билет)
Печенье и чипсы
Каждый человек получит новую книгу.
Image Noche de Literatura Familiar
Jueves 14 de marzo de 2024
5:00 – 6:30 p.m.
Actividades de lectura, escritura y arte para estudiantes y sus familias.
La Feria del Libro estará abierta (5:00-7:00)
Una rifa para cestas de libros ($1 por boleto para la rifa)
Galletas y patatas fritas
Cada persona recibirá un libro nuevo
Pwinin Famini non Image ren pekin Kaeo Annea
Aruwanu, Maas 14, 2024
Kunok 5:00 - 6:30 nekunion
Annea, mmak pwan chunga an chon sukun me sam me iin
Ewe Nenien Book epwe ssuk (5:00-7:00)
Ppuk seni Scholastic me pasikiten niffang($1 echo tikit)
Mi wor cookies me chips
Epwe wor minefo ppuk epwe kawor ngeni chon fiti.
We are just a few days away from the Spring Scholastic Book Fair! Don't forget to set up your student's eWallet account for cashless, stress-less shopping. Friends and family can even contribute funds! Set one up here: www.scholastic.com/bf/imageelementaryschool You can also preview the Book Fair, shop online, and sign up to volunteer on our Scholastic website.
Image PALS Jamboree. Go Eagles!
Check out the latest Image PTO Newsletter! Lots of important information about upcoming events.
The Scholastic Book Fair is coming in less than 3 weeks! SAVE THE DATE for March 11 - 15 and get ready to empower your reader with book choice. Start exploring together: www.scholastic.com/bf/imageelementaryschool
Heritage High School is hosting a dance for it's feeder elementary schools and would love to have you join them! Please RSVP using the QR code below. Thanks!
We can't do it without you! Please consider volunteering to help at the our Spring Scholastic Book Fair. The story starts with you! If you are a district-cleared volunteer interested in helping at the Book Fair on March 11-15, please sign up at: www.signupgenius.com/go/4090944AEA82AABFC1-47487796-spring or contact the Image PTO at [email protected]
Thank you to everyone who participated in and celebrated with us at Image Multicultural Night!
Today is the last day of our Willamette Valley Pie Co fundraiser! Order forms are due to the blue PTO box in the FCRC by the end of the school day, Monday, along with cash and check funds. Please indicate on the order form if an order is funded by Venmo. Thank you for your support; we are looking forward to using the profits for some great events later this school year!
Image wants to hear from you!
We’re partnering with YouthTruth to hear what families have to say about their school experience. This will help our school understand how to improve! We’re excited to dive into our YouthTruth survey data and incorporate family ideas to improve school. Thank you to all the families who take the survey!
YouthTruth Family Survey YouthTruth Family Survey
Please join us and support the Image Eagles with our fundraiser with Panda Express! Image receives 20% of the sales during the event from orders that use the special code or present the flyer. We appreciate your support of our students!
Winter Sing-Along!
Monday | 09:00 - 17:00 |
Tuesday | 08:00 - 16:00 |
Wednesday | 08:00 - 16:00 |
Thursday | 08:00 - 16:00 |
Friday | 08:00 - 16:00 |